REVIEW: Pro Wrestling EVE - Slayers In Spandex 2 — Grapple Theory
- ️Grapple Theory Reviewer
- ️Tue Feb 08 2022
Credit: Pro Wrestling EVE
Pro Wrestling EVE: Slayers In Spandex 2
Signature Brew, London
Saturday, February 5
Reviewer: Dave Sewell (@davesewell04)
We were back at the Signature Brewery for this show and after working 60 hours the week leading up to it it was a work event I was looking forward to and met the rest of the wrestling gang I hang out with at Blackhorse Road station.
We made our way to the venue and stood in our normal spot in front of the big screen at the back of the venue. The host once again was the fantastic Lolo Brow and after the usual introductions we had our first match…
Nina Samuels vs Chantal Jordan
Credit: Pro Wrestling EVE
We had a pre-match Nina speech about how fickle the fans were, giving her the rightful welcome back but then cheering for her opponent just two minutes later.
She said she had a problem fighting a bad girl so will be restarting the ‘Nina Samuels Little Girl Challenge’ (which I caught the ref having to quickly explain the rules for to Lolo.
Onto the match and Nina was in control for about 65% precent of it but Chantal gave her more than enough to worry about.
Nina’s flurry of big moves in the match led to the finish, one flying dropkick into the back while Chantal was hung in the ropes and a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.
The end came when Chantal’s back gave our while going for a move leaving Nina to hit the Primadonna for the win.
Kamille Hansen vs Mercedez Blaze
This contest saw EVE veteran Blaze take on the debuting Hansen.
Mercedez started this one like a house on fire, hitting a shotgun dropkick straight away. Kamille had a solid enough debut, coming back at Blaze with some tremendously powerful shots.
But it was the more experienced Blaze who picked up the victory with a Tower of London following a Hammerlock DDT.
This was a nice match to establish Mercedez as a top contender moving forward and gave Kamille her first taste of an EVE event.
Debbie Keitel vs Ava
Credit: Pro Wrestling EVE
Now, we all know how much Ava likes a pre-match promo to remind us all of how wonderful she is. This time though she decided to take on Keitel in a promo battle.
The pair traded barbs on the mic back and forth before the match began, it was entertaining. To be fair, Ava fared a bit better than I thought she would in a battle of words with the Irish star - although Debbie had the line of the night telling Ava, ‘You’re like how I like my coffee, tall and bitter’.
This was a good way to start the contest and both women’s characteristics and expressions throughout were spot on. Eventually this wound down and we got into the actual match.
Ava has some very athletic moves which she implemented to good use and Debbie hit some nice power moves and great running knees.
At one point Ava had Debbie in an abdominal stretch whilst grabbing the ropes, she got caught and was close to a DQ.
Debbie nearly lost after being caught out by a roll-up while going for a swig of coffee but eventually hit the Midnight Expresso to once again bring Ava’s relatively short unbeaten run against people called Debbie to an end.
Alexxis Falcon vs B3cca
Credit: Pro Wrestling EVE
The leader of the Scrunchie Squad hit UK soils and a lot was anticipated for her EVE debut. Leading up to this show I watched a few of her matches on YouTube and was very impressed by her ability.
She didn’t disappoint in this contest either! Alexxis got a great reaction as the mouthy heel that the crowd just loves to hate - although I’m hopeful I can one day cheer her as a face.
B3cca likes her high flying moves and got tremendous height while jumping off the turnbuckle. However, it was this high flying nature that cost her as Alexxis caught her with a huge German Suplex from the second rope, followed by a Falcon’s Fury for the win.
Emersyn Jayne vs Jetta - Pro Wrestling EVE Championship
Credit: Pro Wrestling EVE
The first match between these two back in December was largely technical, with plenty of reversals and counters. Compared to that, this contest was chalk and cheese.
Jetta hit a Codebreaker and Sliced Bread straight away before Emersyn hit back with a German Suplex.
Other highlights included Jetta hitting her own version of the Stratusfaction and Jayne nearly knocking her opponent’s head off with an epic Shining Wizard.
As the match drew to a close it looked like Emersyn was going to pass out in the Jetta Lock but she somehow managed to get to the ropes.
The Princess Diana of Pro Wrestling was then on the wrong end of a powerbomb, the way Emersyn has won her last three matches, but managed to kick out - to the shock of the crowd.
Jetta eventually ended the contest with a cheeky roll up and became the NEW EVE CHAMPION.
I’m happy Jetta gets to be the champ again. For as good as Emersyn in, in fact she’s one of the absolute best, I feel like she doesn’t speak enough and so doesn’t really have any connection with the crowd.
Whereas Jetta regularly has the crowd eating out of the palm of her hand.
The Uprising vs Emilia McKenzie and Chantal Jordan - EVE Tag Team Titles
Credit: Pro Wrestling EVE
You can always rely on The Uprising to give and take it from the crowd at EVE shows - and us fans are normally the ones on the end of a tongue lashing by the end of the night.
At The 229 Skye barred me from EVE but she did kindly allow me to come back in - just so she could tell me to ‘f*** off’ again.
With the unfortunate injury to Charli Evans - get better soon Charli - we needed a partner for NXT UK star Emilia. This turned out to be Chantal Jordan, pulling double duty just like she did at EVE’s last show.
This really was an extended beat down on Chatal, with any hint of a comeback quickly snuffed out by the Uprising.
A nice double superkick led to the hot tag and Emilia was in the match, she Germaned Rhia and then Skye before hitting Rhia with a neckbreaker, the pin was broken up at two.
The bad guys gained a bit more control in the match and would eventually pick up the win. Emilia hit Rhia with a huge spear before the legal Skye caught her with the Smitson Effect for a huge three count.
Once Charli was announced as not being on the show the title change felt inevitable, but we hope she’ll be back soon to try and win them back with Emilia.
After the match the big screen lit up and American tag team Hex (Marti Belle and Allysin Kay) appeared. They congratulated The Uprising on their win and challenged them to a match in March where both the EVE tag titles AND NWA tag titles will be on the line! Holy shit!
Hyan vs Lana Austin
Credit: Pro Wrestling EVE
For her big return to EVE, Hyan was the heel version of herself and picked up a methodical win against Mancunian Lana.
Both women looked strong throughout, unsurprising given their experience levels. Hyan hit a move I’d never seen before in my life, it was a figure four leg lock but she twists, elevates and grabs other body parts too.
All this came before she hit the Grand Slam for the win.
Post match saw Ivy come out and attack Lana, leading on from their encounter at the last EVE weekender, but she was quickly sent packing, leading to…
Ivy vs Rita Slayworth
Credit: Pro Wrestling EVE
This match was originally meant to see the Queen on Monsters take on Debbie Dahmer but Debbie had to pull out through injury - get well soon Debbie!
So it was time for another debut in the form of Slayworth. She even offered Ivy some home baked treats - which went as well as you’d expect.
This was a decent showing from Rita, who hit a nice 619 and crossbody, but also took three bone jarring gut wrench suplexes, leading to a Boston Crab and eventual defeat.
Alex Windsor vs Laura Di Matteo - EVE International Championship
Credit: Pro Wrestling EVE
If you had predicted beforehand that this contest would be the match of the night then you’d be 100% correct! Both wrestlers brought their A-Game to this one.
Alex showcased her strength while LDM put on a performance of sheer guts and will. If I was to list every single highlight from this match I’d be here all night, so I’ll just skip to the end and encourage you to watch the full match online.
LDM went from a dropkick off the top and somehow got caught by Alex who hit her with not one but two powerbombs - one…two…kick-out!
Windsor then applied an exceptionally painful looking sharpshooter but Laura used all of her fighting spirit to get ONE FINGER on the rope.
Another powerbomb but this time LDM reversed it into a Tombstone Piledriver to pick up the win and become the NEW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION!
After the show we spoke to some of the wrestlers and I got another bollocking off Skye. I only bought the very first new Alex Windsor print, much to the chagrin of my friend Adam who is a huge fan of hers.
This was a really good show with all the matches making sense and none of them falling below par. It was nice to hear Chantal Jordan finally getting some cheers, as the crowd had been a bit quieter during her previous show appearances.
I think EVE have got a settled pattern going, with people finding their positions on the roster and a venue that now feels more like home. It may never match the Res Gal but the crowd and atmosphere has definitely picked up.
Match of the night was Laura Di Matteo vs Alex Windsor, without a shadow of a doubt.