
Evidence for the Implementation of the Final Solution by Christopher R. Browning - Holocaust Denial on Trial

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  • ️Tue Sep 20 2016

https://www.hdot.org/wp-content/themes/osmosis/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 Holocaust Denial on Trial https://www.hdot.org/wp-content/themes/osmosis/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg August 31, 2016 September 20, 2016

1. Qualifications to give historical evidence
II. Purpose of the Expert Opinion Report
III. Implementation of the Final Solution
IV. Documentary Evidence for the Systematic Mass Killing of Jews by Shooting
[Introduction] Documentary Evidence for the Systematic Mass Killing of Jews by Shooting
A. Scale of killing
B. Escalation
C. Camouflage Langauge
D. Implications
V. The Evidence for the Killing of Jews through Gas in Chelmno, Semlin, Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka
A. Documentary Evidence for the emergence of a program to kill the Jews of Europe
B. Documentary Evidence concerning the gassing of Jews at Semlin, Chelmno, and on Soviet occupied territory in gas vans
1. Semlin
2. Chelmno
3. Einsatzgruppen
C. Documentary Evidence concerning the Camps of Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka
D. Eyewitness Testimony concerning Gassing at Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka
First Category
Second Category
Third Category
Fourth category
Fifth category
5.5 Documentary Evidence concerning Aktion or Einsatz (Operation) Reinhard (alternatively spelled Reinhardt)

Bibliographic Information

file description

title statement

title: Evidence for the Implementation of the Final Solution: Electronic Edition

author: Browning, Christopher R.

sponsor: Rabbi Donald A. Tams Institute for Jewish Studies

extent: 67 pages

publication statement : Lewis H. Beck Center for Electronic Collections and Services, Emory University Atlanta, GA 540 Asbury Circle Woodruff Library Atlanta, GA 30322©Emory University. Permission is granted to download, transmit, or otherwise reproduce, distribute or display the contributions to the work claimed by Emory University for non-profit educational purposes, provided this header is included in its entirety. For inquiries about commercial uses, contact either: Institute for Jewish Studies, Emory University, Atlanta GA 30322 or the Lewis H. Beck Center for Electronic Collections and Services, Woodruff Library, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322

2003 http://pid.emory.edu/ark:/25593/13nxx

series statement

title: Holocaust Denial on Trial

Transcribed from the trial documents into HTML by Addison-Wesley, and translated into XML based on the HTML and print editions by the Beck Center staff. Professor Browning provides documentary evidence to trace how the decision to conduct the final solution was reached.

source description

Evidence for the Implementation of the Final Solution Christopher R. Browning London Davenport Lyons Solicitors 1 Old Burlington Street London W1X 2NL [1999]

encoding description

project description :Trial transcripts, expert witness documents and other material used in Irving vs. Penguin Books and Deborah Lipstadt have been encoded in XML using the TEI Guidelines, and made available for scholarly research and educational purposes.

editorial declaration :Obvious errors in spelling or punctuation have not been corrected in any way.

All “smart” quotes have been silently replaced with straight quotes. Block quotes are marked with q or quote elements

The canonical source document is the trial document. In some cases material was added or deleted from the versions of the documents that became the html version, and in other cases, authorial changes were made to the trial documents. These sections are noted with add or addSpan elements for additions or del or delSpan elements for deletions.

Paragraphs including q or quote elements indicate material that is in a block quote. Where the title of a work is italicized, it is marked with a title element, both in the text and in footnotes. Pages are numbered at the top of the page blockquote blockquote italic top center

categorization :

  • Collection: Trial Documents
  • subset: Defense Documents
  • object: Expert Witness document

revision description :

  • 2003. converted from HTML to XML TEI P4
    Beck Center staff encoder
  • 2004. added header with summary statement
    Beck Center staff encoder