Please search the image and resource galleries at the bottom of the page for images, articles, documents and publications detailing the Coast Guard's involvement in Vietnam.
The U. S. Coast Guard in Vietnam
As America’s role in the Vietnam conflict escalated, President Lyndon B. Johnson committed the Coast Guard for deployment to war-torn Southeast Asia. 82-foot Point-class patrol boats proved to be both adaptable and capable in the conduct of interdiction and combat missions. Five high endurance cutters (WHEC), primarily assigned to the Gulf of Thailand, supported a variety of combat missions. The Coast Guard also provided port security , Explosives Loading Detachments, installation and maintenance of aids-to-navigation, established LORAN stations in both Vietnam and Thailand, and conducted search and rescue missions. Some eight thousand Coast Guardsmen served in Vietnam, supporting both combat and traditional service missions.
The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration
The Vietnam War Commemoration (VWC) leads the national initiative to thank and honor Vietnam War Veterans and their families in cities and towns across America. Major league sports teams, corporations, and the branches of the military participate as commemorative partners to finally welcome home our Vietnam veterans.
More than 8.7 million Americans served on active duty during the Vietnam period (Nov 1, 1955 to May 15, 1975). According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, we are losing an estimated 500 Vietnam veterans every day.
Approximately 8,000 Coast Guardsmen served in Vietnam – but our legacy does not stop there. The Coast Guard seeks to lead the way and individually present Vietnam Veterans with the Vietnam Veteran Lapel Pin to provide a lasting memento of the nation’s thanks. All units are encouraged to collaborate with their communities, colleagues, families and veterans groups to plan and host events to present the pins with dignity to as many Vietnam Veterans as possible, and recognize the selfless service of this remarkable generation of unsung patriots.
US Vietnam War Commemorationwill be held on the National Mall 11-13 MAY 2023. For more information, please click on the links below:
Upcoming Events:
Date | Host | Location |
May 11-13, 2023 |
National Mall, Washington, D.C. |
Past Events:
Date | Host | Location | Photos |
May 18, 2018 | Sector North Bend | Coos Bay, OR | View Photos |
March 29, 2018 | Coast Guard Yard | Baltimore, MD | View Photos |
February 3, 2018 | CG Auxiliary FLOTILLA 25-11 Middle Potomac | Fredericksburg, VA | View Photos |
November 9, 2017 | CG Headquarters | Washington, DC | View Photos |