Kingdoms of Armorican Celts - Domnonia
- ️P L Kessler
- ️Invalid Date
Domnonia / Domnonée (Armorican Romano-Britons) The north-western corner of today's France was known during the Roman period as Armorica. The tribe of the Veneti had been the most powerful of Armorica's tribes, and that name gradually changed during the Roman occupation to Vannetais. This was how Armorica was initially known to the Britons who began migrating there in the fourth century AD, during a period in which British town life appears to have declined. The low-key migration from Britain into Armorica seems to have picked up noticeably in the mid-fourth century, but it became a flood in the unsettled fifth century. Traditional certainly maintains that the British colony in Armorica was founded before the expedition of Constantine III in 407. People arrived mainly from the south-west of Britain, from Dumnonia and Cornubia, and each group retained its ethnic name (ergo the people in each region knew exactly what they were ethnically or tribally, regardless of who was king over them).
Domnonia (or Domnonée in its later form) may have been settled by Britons of Dumnonia, probably of the royal house, while many other Britons probably entered Armorica from other parts of Britain by going through Dumnonia. According to tradition and early surviving writings, the two kingdoms certainly seem to have shared a connection in their early days. It could be conjectured that Dumnonians fled to Armorica in the face of the initial Roman conquest of Britain in the first century AD, but this seems unlikely. It had only been a century since Armorica itself was conquered and large numbers of Celts had fled in the opposite direction. They would hardly flee one Roman force now simply to hand themselves over to another. Instead, the main migration of Dumnonians seems to have taken place in the face of the post-Roman uncertainties (and sometimes chaos) of the fifth century. Domnonia's location in relation to the other Armorican principalities also supports a settlement by Dumnonians. Four (self-identifying) sub-ethnic groups seem to have moved to Armorica to settle in a geographical order which matched that of their homelands in Britain - from west to east these were Leon, Cornouaille, Domnonia, and Rennes. Poutrocoët was an early medieval pagus in Brittany, and the name itself is Breton in form. Contemporary accounts translate it literally into Latin, showing it as pagus trans silvam, meaning 'country beyond the forest (such as charters held by Redon Abbey). The pagus started out as part of Domnonia, and included a smaller region with the name of Porhoët. It was much larger than the other pagi, and was perhaps just 'a vast region which had escaped the primitive division into pagi' according to Karen Jankulak, after Chédeville and Guillotel). It was sparsely populated and heavily forested, so it is sometimes associated with the legendary medieval forest of Brocéliande and the inland Argoat. This would make sense, as much of inland Brittany was hilly and forested, and sparsely populated. By about AD 1000, Porhoët was a viscounty in its own right. |
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(Information by Peter Kessler, with additional information by Geoffrey Tobin and Edward Dawson, from Brittany: Many Kingdoms or One?, Jean-Michel Pognat, from Province and Empire: Brittany and the Carolingians, Julia M H Smith, part of The Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought series (1992), from The Ethnology of Germany Part 3: The Migration of the Saxons, Henry H Howorth (Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol 7, 1878), from The History of the Franks, Volume II, Gregory of Tours (O M Dalton, Trans, 1967), from The History of Normandy and of England, Francis Palgrave (1864), from La Bretagne des saints et des rois: Ve-Xe siècles, André Chédeville & Hubert Guillotel (1984), from Les anciennes structures rurales de Bretagne d'après le cartulaire de Redon: Le paysage rural et son évolution, Pierre Flatrès (Études rurales No 41, 1971), from The Medieval Cult of St Petroc, Karen Jankulak (2000), from Oral and Written: Saints, Miracles, and Relics in Brittany, c.850-1250, Julia M H Smith (Speculum, Vol 65 No 2, 1990), and from External Links: Encyclopaedia of Earth, and Rick Steve's Europe.) |
fl 407 - 409? |
Gerenton / Gereint |
Possibly second-in-command to Constantine III. |
408 |
Constantine III, usurper Western Roman emperor and ruler of Britain, sends his son, Constans, and General Gerontius to Hispania to defeat the cousins of Roman Emperor Honorius there and secure that province (Gerontius could be the Gerenton mentioned in connection with Domnonia in the Vannetais).
Stilicho's forces in Italy rebel and he is executed. As a result of this and intrigues at the imperial court, plus the fact that Alaric's Visigothic army is roaming Etruria, Honorius is left powerless, and gladly accepts Constantine as co-emperor. |
409 |
The Alani, Suevi and Vandali enter Hispania, disrupting Constantine's hold on his territory. Gerontius rebels against Constantine, and raises Maximus as his own puppet emperor. With Constantine now in serious difficulties in Gaul, further Saxon raids convince the British and Armoricans to rebel and expel Roman officials, thereby breaking ties with Rome which are never renewed.
Catou / Cadwy |
Son. |
Erbin / Urbien ap Gereint |
Son. Confused with Erbin ap Custennin Corneu, of Dumnonia? |
fl c.430s? |
Guitol / Gwidol ap Gradlon |
Son of Gradlon, king of the Bretons. |
fl c.440 |
Deroc / Deroch (I) |
Son. |
fl c.450? |
Marchell |
Usurper and former general. |
Upon the death of Deroc, his son is exiled to Britain when Deroc's former general, Marchell, seizes control of the principality. Riotham eventually returns to kill the usurper and take the throne for himself, but his precise identity is open to a great deal of question. |
fl c.460 |
Riotham? |
Son of Deroc (the Riothamus of AD 469?). |
He could be Riothamus, leader of a 12,000-strong British expedition against the Visigoths in Gaul, in alliance with Soissons, Burgundians and the Western Roman empire. He could be Ambrosius Aurelius of Britain and therefore linked with the refortification of Cadbury Castle. Or he could be a more minor Breton prince.
495 |
Geoffrey Tobin suggests that this 'landing' of 495 be taken literally. The Encyclopaedia of Earth states 'Tidal streams in the eastern English Channel and [around the] Channel Islands area [are] generally anti-clockwise, whilst the western entrance of the Channel has a clockwise tidal circulation [which is] wedded to the Celtic Sea'. Visualising this, one can expect frequent landings in Hampshire from both Brittany and Flanders by skirting the English coast, and return journeys to the Cotentin peninsula then passing along the coasts of Brittany and France. Cerdic may take one of these routes while the Saxons take the other. If the strong states of Domnonia and Dumnonia are one kingdom in the fifth century, and Cerdic is an ambitious noble, perhaps a fractious younger brother of the magistrate or ruler of this region, then this would explain his actions in landing near Southampton (as Bretons later often did) and taking on the loyalist Natanleod (in 508). Having established a beachhead, it would reflect the times for him to forge alliances with rebellious Britons, immigrant Saxons, and hybrid groups who need a seasoned battle leader. |
fl c.500 - 520 |
Riwal Deroc / Ferox |
Son. Nicknamed 'the Obstinate/Arrogant'. |
fl 520 - 530 |
Deroc / Deroch (II) |
Son. |
530 |
Deroc II may sometimes be confused with his namesake predecessor, Deroc (see above), but it is Jonas (Ionas ap Deroch) who succeeds him and not Riotham, son of the first Deroc (sometimes stated as being the case, but perhaps based upon a chronology which differs from the one being used here). The principality is now raised to a kingdom. |
fl 530 - 540 |
Jonas / Ionas / Wiomarch / Widimacl |
Son. Killed by Conomor. m dau of Budig II, king of the Bretons. |
fl 540 - c.550 |
Judual / Iudwal ap Ionas |
Son. Born c.530. Imprisoned by Conomor. |
540s |
Judual is imprisoned by Conomor of Poher so that the latter can seize his kingdom. Conomor's name means 'great dog'. In the Life of St Pol de Leon (St Paul Aurelian) completed in 883, there is a 'King Marc whose other name is Quonomorus' - or Cunomorus - meaning 'hound of the sea'. This may be a confusion between this Conomor, prince of Poher and king of Domnonia and the Cyn-March ap Meirchion of Cornubia, or even the Marcus Conomari of Dumnonia who had ruled in the early fifth century. It is hard to be sure if both Cyn-March and Conomor hold any power in Poher, or if the former is merely present due to the aforementioned confusion.
bef 550 - 560 |
Conomor / Cunomorus 'the Cursed' |
Prince of Poher. Usurper. Killed in battle. |
c.560 |
Conomor is said to have emigrated from Britain into the Vannetais in the first half of the sixth century, and then to have build a castle at Carhaix in Poher. Breton tradition presents Conomor as a local 'bluebeard' who does not spare the life of his last wife. When threatened by his rival Breton warlords and abbots, he seeks help from Childebert, king of the Franks of Paris, but is killed around 560 in a battle against Chlotar, Childebert's more powerful superior. |
fl 560 - 585 |
Judual / Iudwal ap Ionas |
Restored. |
585 - 607 |
Judual / Iudhael ap Iudwal |
Son. Born c.560. |
607 - c.615 |
Haeloc / Hoel / Haelog ap Iudhael |
Son. Hoel III of the Bretons? |
bef 635 - 657 |
Judicaël / St Iudicael ap Iudhael |
Brother. Same as Iudicael, king of the Bretons? |
635 - 657 |
Under Judicaël's reign, Bro Erech seems likely to be united with Domnonia. Judicaël is descended on his great grandmother's side from Waroch of Bro Erech. As it seems highly probably that Judicaël, king of Domnonia, is also Iudicael, king of the Bretons, Domnonia's kings probably continue as high kings of Brittany, and Domnonia effectively becomes the chief state of the colony, their kings listed as kings of the Bretons. |
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