Greetings > About Hongseong >
- ️Hongseong
It is a pleasure to introduce Hongseong.
Mayor of Hongseong-Gun
As Mayor, I'd like to extend my warmest welcome to everyone, visiting the website of Hongseong-gun.
Take a look around to learn about the past, present and potential future of Hongseong, and communicate with us and other netizens.
Those of us working for Hongseong-gun are always looking forward to hearing from you, so please don't hesitate to leave us your comments and feedback.
We'll answer all of your questions with sincerity, and reflect your feedback in our policies and systems.
We are devoted to building a county that serves and communicates with its residents and exudes a friendly vibe to its visitors, so please keep an eye on Hongseong-gun.
Thank you.