
Population > General Information > About Hongseong >

  • ️Hongseong
Population - Administrative Agency, Number of Population, Distribution Ratio, Sex Ratio, Number of households, Number of people per household
Administrative Agency Number of Population Distribution Ratio Sex Ratio Number of households Number of people per household
Sum Male Female Region Male Female
Hongseong eup 38,292 18,979 19,313 38.33 19.00 19.33 98.27 17,800 2.15
Gwangcheon eup 8,509 4,169 4,340 8.52 4.17 4.34 96.06 4,466 1.91
Hongbuk myeon 28,562 14,300 14,262 28.59 14.31 14.27 100.27 11,084 2.58
Gumma myeon 3,504 1,782 1,722 3.51 1.78 1.72 103.48 1,854 1.89
Hongdong myeon 3,456 1,748 1,708 3.46 1.75 1.71 102.34 1,655 2.09
Janggok myeon 2,942 1,419 1,523 2.94 1.42 1.52 93.17 1,600 1.84
Eunha myeon 2,308 1,166 1,142 2.31 1.17 1.14 102.10 1,239 1.86
Gyeolseong myeon 2,111 1,028 1,083 2.11 1.03 1.08 94.92 1,163 1.82
Seobu myeon 3,260 1,609 1,651 3.26 1.61 1.65 97.46 1,682 1.94
Galsan myeon 3,517 1,753 1,764 3.52 1.75 1.77 99.38 1,905 1.85
Guhang myeon 3,448 1,736 1,712 3.45 1.74 1.71 101.40 1,879 1.84
Sum 99,909 49,689 50,220 100.00 49.73 50.27 98.94 46,327 2.16