
Irving Lavin

  • ️Wed Aug 02 2023

Bibliography and Publications Online

Albert: https://albert.ias.edu/20.500.12111/6523


  • Bernini and the Crossing of Saint Peter's  (Monographs on Archaeology and the Fine Arts sponsored by the Archaeological Institute of America and the College Art Association of America, XVII), New York, 1968
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 62-185
  • Bernini and the Unity of the Visual Arts, Oxford University Press, The Pierpont Morgan Library, 2 vols., New York and London, 1980
    • Italian translation: Bernini e l'unitá delle arti visive, Rome, 1980
  • Bernin et l'art de la satire sociale (Essais et Conférences, Collège de France), Paris, 1987
  • Past-Present. Essays on Historicism in Art from Donatello to Picasso, Berkeley, CA, 1993
    • Second, enlarged edition in Italian: Passato e presente nella storia dell’arte, Turin, 1994
  • Picassos Stiere oder die Kunstgeschichte von hinten, Berlin, 1995
    • Second, enlarged edition, Berlin, 2007
  • Bernini e il salvatore. La “buona morte” nella Roma del seicento, Rome, 1998
  • Bernini e l’immagine del principe cristiano ideale, (Appendice documentaria a cura di Giorgia Mancini), Modena, 1998
  • Santa Maria del Fiore. Il duomo di Firenze e la Vergine incinta, Rome, 1999
  • [With Marilyn Aronberg Lavin] Liturgia d'amore. Immagini dal Canto dei Cantici nell'arte di Cimabue, Michelangelo, e Rembrandt, Modena, 1999
    • Revised edition in English: The Liturgy of Love: Images from the Song of Songs in the Art of Cimabue, Michelangelo, and Rembrandt, [The Franklyn D. Murphy Lectures XIV], Lawrence, KA, 2001
  • Caravaggio e La Tour. La luce occulta di Dio, Rome, 2000
  • [With Marilyn Aronberg Lavin] Rembrandt. La sposa ebrea, Modena, 2006
  • “Tenemos que dejar a nuestros hijos la ciudad tal como la hemos encontrado” “We must leave the city to our children exactly as we found it”, Barcelona, 2006
  • Visible Spirit. The Art of Gianlorenzo Bernini, 3 vols., London, 2007-12
  • L’arte della storia dell’arte, Milan, 2008
  • Bernini at St. Peter’s. The Pilgrimage, London, 2012 (Visible Spirit vol. III)
  • The Art of Commemoration in the Renaissance (The Slade Lectures), ed. Marilyn Aronberg Lavin. New York: Italica Press (Art History, History, Cultural Studies, Italian Renaissance Studies), 2020. (1: Memory and the Sense of Self: On the Role of Memory in Psychological Theory from Antiquity to Giambattista Vico; 2: On the Sources and Meaning of the Renaissance Portrait Bust; 3: On Illusion and Allusion in Italian Sixteenth-Century Portrait Busts; 4: Great Men Past and Present; 5: Equestrian Monuments: The Indomitable Horseman; 6: Collective Commemoration and the Family Chapel). 208 pp, bibliography, index; 152 black-and-white and color illustrations.
  • More than Meets the Eye: Irony, Paradox, & Metaphor in the History of Art, The Mellon Lectures, ed. M. A. Lavin (New York: Italica Press), 2022. (1: The Story of “O” from Giotto to Einstein; 2: Michelangelo’s Image of Julius II; 3: Caravaggio’s Rest on the Flight into Egypt; 4: Caravaggio’s View from the Back: the Cerasi Chapel, Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome; 5: Claude Mellan’s Holy Face: Ostendatque Etium Quae Occultat; 6: Going for Baroque).  318 pp., 296 ills., mostly color.
  • Editor [with John Plummer], Studies in Late Medieval and Renaissance Painting in Honor of Millard Meiss, New York, 1977
  • Editor [with seminar students], Drawings by Gianlorenzo Bernini from the Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig, Exhibition Catalogue, Princeton, 1981
  • Editor, Gianlorenzo Bernini. New Aspects of his Art and Thought. A Commemorative Volume, University Park, PA, and London, 1985
  • Editor [with William Tronzo], Studies on Art and Archeology in Honor of Ernst Kitzinger on his Seventy-Fifth Birthday, (Dumbarton Oaks Papers, XLI), Washington, D.C., 1987
  • Editor, World Art. Themes of Unity in Diversity (Acts of the Twenty-Sixth International Congress of the History of Art), 3 vols., University Park, PA, and London, 1989
  • Editor, Erwin Panofsky. Three Essays on Style, Cambridge, MA, and London, 1995
    • Italian translation: Erwin Panofsky. Tre saggi sullo stile. Il barocco, il cinema, la Rolls-Royce, Milan, 1996; Milan, 2011
    • French translation: Erwin Panofsky. Trois essais sur le style, Mayenne, 1996
    • Spanish translation: Erwin Panofsky. Sobre el estilo: Tres ensayos inéditos, Barcelona, 2000
  • Editor, Meaning in the Visual Arts: Views from the Outside. A Centennial in Commemoration of Erwin Panofsky (1892-1968), Princeton, 1995


Convenor [with Henry A. Millon], Creativity: The Sketch in the Arts and Sciences, May 23-25, 2001The National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., and Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton.

Articles, Reviews, etc.

  1. "Cephalus and Procris. Transformations of an Ovidian Myth," Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, XVII, 1954, 260-87
  2. "Cephalus and Procris. Underground Transformations," Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, XVII, 1954, 366-72
  3. "Pietro da Cortona and the Frame," Art Quarterly, XIX, 1956, 55-9
  4. Review of Rudolf Wittkower, Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The Sculptor of the Roman Baroque, London, 1955, in The Art Bulletin, XXXVIII, 1956, 255-60
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin,Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 1-14
  5. "Decorazioni barocche in San Silvestro in Capite a Roma," Bollettino d'arte, XLII, 1957, 44-9
    • Original English version "The Baroque Decorations in San Silvestro in Capite, Rome," 1955
  6. "An Observation on 'Medievalism' in Early Sixteenth Century Style," Gazette des Beaux-Arts, L, 1957, 113-8
  7. "The Sources of Donatello's Pulpits in San Lorenzo. Revival and Freedom of Choice in the Early Renaissance," The Art Bulletin, XLI, 1959, 19-38
  8. [With Cyril Mango] Review of David Talbot Rice, ed., The Great Palace of the Byzantine Emperors, Edinburgh, 1958, in The Art Bulletin, XLII, 1960, 67-73
  9. "Abstraction in Modern Painting. A Comparison," Metropolitan Museum Bulletin, XIX, 1961, 166-71
    • Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, Milan, 2008, 104-11
  10. "The House of the Lord, Aspects of the Role of Palace Triclinia in the Architecture of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages," The Art Bulletin, XLIV, 1962, 1-27
  11. "The Hunting Mosaics of Antioch and Their Sources. A Study of Compositional Principles in the Development of Early Mediaeval Style," Dumbarton Oaks Papers, XVII, 1963, 179-286
  12. "Die Mosaikfussböden in Arsameia am Nymphaios," in Friedrich Karl Dorner, ed., Arsameia am Nymphaios. Die Ausgrabungen ...von 1953-56, (Istanbuler Forschungen, XXIII), Berlin, 1963, 191-6
    • Original English version:"The Mosaic Pavements at Arsameia on the Nymphaios."
  13. "Lettres de Parme (1618, 1627-28), et débuts du théâtre baroque," in Jean Jacquot, ed., Le Lieu théâtral à la Renaissance, Paris, 1964, 105-58
    • Reprinted, slightly expanded, in English: “On the Unity of the Arts and the Early Baroque Opera House,” in Barbara Wisch and Susan Scott Munshower, eds., “All the world's a stage...” Art and Pageantry in the Renaissance and Baroque [Papers in Art History from the Pennsylvania State University, VI], University Park, PA, 1990, Part 2, 518-79
    • Abbreviated in Perspecta. The Yale Architecture Journal, XXVI, 1990, 1-20
  14. Review of Cesare D'Onofrio, ed., Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Fontana di Trevi. Commedia inedita, Rome, 1963, in The Art Bulletin, XLVI, 1964, 568-73
    • Reprinted with revisions as “Bernini and the Theater,” in Lavin, Bernini and the Unity of the Visual Arts, 1980, 146-58
    • Italian translation in Lavin, Bernini e l'unità delle arti visive, 1980, 158-70
    • Revised and reprinted as "Bernini and the Theater," in Lavin,Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 15-32
  15. "The Campidoglio and Sixteenth-Century Stage Design," in Essays in Honor of Walter Friedlaender (Marsyas, Suppl. II), New York, 1965, 114-8
  16. Review of Alois Maria Nagler, Theatre Festivals of the Medici 1539-1637, New Haven and London, 1964 in Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, XXIV, 1965, 327-8
  17. Review of John Pope-Hennessy, Italian High Renaissance and Baroque Sculpture, London, 1963, in The Art Bulletin, XLVII, 1965, 378-83
  18. "Michelangelo's Saint Peter's Pietà. The Virgin's Left Hand and Other New Photographs," The Art Bulletin, XLVIII, 1966, 103-4
  19. "An Ancient Statue of the Empress Helen Reidentified (?)," The Art Bulletin, XLIX, 1967, 58
  20. "Bozzetti and Modelli. Notes on Sculptural Procedure from the Early Renaissance through Bernini," in Stil und Überlieferung in der Kunst des Abendlandes. Akten des 21. internationalen Kongresses für Kunstgeschichte in Bonn 1964, Berlin, 1967, III, 93-104
    • Russian translation in Sergěi Olegovich Androsov, ed., Pages of History in Western European Sculpture, St. Petersburg, 1993, 62-81
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 33-61
  21. "The Ceiling Frescoes in Trier and Illusionism in Constantinian Painting," Dumbarton Oaks Papers, XXI, 1967, 97-113
  22. "Five Youthful Sculptures by Gianlorenzo Bernini and a Revised Chronology of his Early Works," The Art Bulletin, L, 1968, 223-48
    • Revised and reprinted as "Five New Youthful Sculptures by Gianlorenzo Bernini and a Revised Chronology of his Early Works," in Lavin, Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 186-286
  23. [With the collaboration of Marilyn Aronberg Lavin] "Duquesnoy's Nano di Créqui and Two Busts by Francesco Mochi," The Art Bulletin, LII, 1970, 132-49
    • Excerpt published in Italian in Francesco Mochi, 1580-1654, Florence, 1981, 17-8
  24. "On the Sources and Meaning of the Renaissance Portrait Bust," Art Quarterly, XXXIII, 1970, 207-26
    • Reprinted with additions, in Sarah Blake McHam, ed., Looking at Italian Renaissance Sculpture, New York, 1998, 60-78
  25. [With the collaboration of Marilyn Aronberg Lavin] "Pietro da Cortona Documents from the Barberini Archive," The Burlington Magazine, CXII, 1970, 446-51
  26. "Bernini's Death," The Art Bulletin, LIV, 1972, 158-86
    • Partially reprinted in George C. Bauer, Bernini in Perspective, Englewood Cliffs, 1976, 111-26
    • Italian translation in Le immagini del SS.mo Salvatore. Fabbriche e sculture per l'Ospizio Apostolico dei Poveri Invalidi, exhib. cat., Rome, 1988, 229-57, and in Lavin, Bernini e il salvatore, 1998, 15-54
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 287-353
  27. "Afterthoughts on 'Bernini's Death'," The Art Bulletin, LV, 1973, 429-36
    • Italian translation in Bruno Contardi, ed., Le immagini del SS.mo Salvatore. Fabbriche e sculture per l'Ospizio Apostolico dei Poveri Invalidi, exhib. cat., Rome, 1988, 258-64
    • Italian translation in Lavin, Bernini e il salvatore, 1988, 55-61
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 354-70
  28. Letter to the Editor on a review by Howard Hibbard of Bernini and the Crossing of St. Peter's, in The Art Bulletin, LV, 1973, 475-6
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin,Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 371-75
  29. "Divine Inspiration in Caravaggio's Two St. Matthews," The Art Bulletin, LVI, 1974, 59-81
    • Italian translation in Lavin, Passato e presente, 1994, 125-69
  30. "Addenda to 'Divine Inspiration'," The Art Bulletin, LVI, 1974, 590-1
    • Italian translation in Lavin, Passato e presente, 1994, 160-9
  31. "On Illusion and Allusion in Italian Sixteenth-Century Portrait Busts," Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, CXIX, 1975, 353-62
  32. Letter to the editor on an article by Juergen Schulz, "Michelangelo's Unfinished Works," The Art Bulletin, LVIII, 1976, 148
  33. "The Sculptor's 'Last Will and Testament'," Allen Memorial Art Museum Bulletin, XXXV, 1977-8, 4-39
  34. "Calculated Spontaneity. Bernini and the Terracotta Sketch," Apollo, CVII, 1978, 398-405
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 376-92
  35. "On the Pedestal of Bernini's Bust of the Savior," The Art Bulletin, LX, 1978, 547
    • Italian translation in Bruno Contardi, ed., Le immagini del SS.mo Salvatore. Fabbriche e sculture per l'Ospizio Apostolico dei Poveri Invalidi, exhib. cat., Rome, 1988, 265f.
    • Italian translation in Lavin, Bernini e il salvatore, 1998, 63-4
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 393-6
  36. "A Further Note on the Ancestry of Caravaggio's First Saint Matthew," The Art Bulletin, LXII, 1980, 113-4
    • Italian translation in Lavin, Passato e presente, 1994, 161-9
  37. "Bernini and the Art of Social Satire," in Lavin [with seminar students], Drawings by Gianlorenzo Bernini, 1981, 26-54, 336-7, 349-56
    • Italian translation in Marcello Fagiolo and Gianfranco Spagnesi, eds., Immagini del barocco. Bernini e la cultura del seicento, Florence, 1982, 93-116
    • Reprinted in History of European Ideas, IV, 1983, 365-420
    • French translation in Lavin, Bernin et l'art de la satire sociale, 1987
    • Reprinted here with added introduction as listed below, No. 53, "High and Low", 1990
  38. "When Vatican Art Goes on the Road," Letter to the editor, New York Times, Sunday, December 12, 1982, 18E
  39. "Words in Memory of Horst Woldemar Janson," College Art Association Newsletter, VII, no. 7, 1982, Supplement, 3f.
  40. "The Art of Art History," ARTnews, LXXXII, 1983, 96-101
    • Reprinted in World Futures, XL, 1994, 13-25
    • Spanish translation in Juana Gutiérrez Haces, ed., Los discursos sobre el arte: XV Coloquio Internacional de Historia del Arte, México D.F., 1995, 19-34
    • Reprinted in Leonardo, XXIX, 1996, 29-34
    • Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, 2008, 8-15
  41. "Bernini's Memorial Plaque for Carlo Barberini," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, XLII, no. 1, 1983, 6-10
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 469-79
  42. "Bernini's Baldachin: Considering a Reconsideration," Römisches Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte, XXI, 1984, 405-14
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 480-95
  43. "Bernini's Bust of Cardinal Montalto," Idea, III, 1984, 87-95
    • Also published in The Burlington Magazine, CXXVII, 1985, 32-8
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 496-508
  44. "Bernini's Cosmic Eagle," in Lavin, ed., Gianlorenzo Bernini. New Aspects of His Art and Thought, 1985, 209-14
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 509-23
  45. "Iconography," in Laura Corti and Marilyn Schmitt, eds., Automatic Processing of Art History Data and Documents. Pisa. Scuola Normale Superiore. September 24-27, 1984. Proceedings, Florence, 1985, 321-31
    • Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, 2008, 150-5
  46. "Obituary. Howard Hibbard 1928-84," Burlington Magazine, CXXVII, 1985, 305
  47. "Le Bernin et son Image du Roi-Soleil," in “Il se rendit en Italie.” Etudes offertes à André Chastel, Rome, 1987, 441-78
    • Revised and expanded Italian translation in Marcello Fagiolo and Maria Luisa Madonna, eds., Il barocco romano e l'Europa, Rome, 1992, 3-58
    • English version: “Bernini’s Image of the Sun King,” in Lavin, Past-Present, 1993, 139-202
    • Italian translation in Lavin, Passato e presente, 1994, 223-305
    • Revised and reprinted English version: “Bernini’s Image of the Sun King,” in Lavin, Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 524-643
  48. "Bernini and Antiquity - The Baroque Paradox. A Poetical View," in Herbert Beck and Sabine Schulze, eds., Antikenrezeption im Hochbarock, Berlin, 1989, 9-36
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, II, London, 2009, 645-80
  49. "Donatello's Kanzeln in San Lorenzo und das Wiederaufleben frühchristlicher Gebräuche: ein Nachwort," in Monika Cämmerer, ed., Donatello - Studien, (Italienische Forschungen, Ser. 3, XVI), Munich, 1989, 155-69
    • Revised and expanded English version: “Donatello’s Bronze Pulpits in San Lorenzo and the Early Christian Revival” in Lavin, Past-Present, 1993, 1-28
    • Italian translation in Lavin, Passato e presente, 1994, 3-44
  50. Group discussion published in The Relationship between Art and Architecture. Summary of a Workshop sponsored by the Frederick R. Weisman Art Foundation. 21-22 January, 1989, Santa Monica, CA, 1990
  51. "David's Sling and Michelangelo's Bow: a Sign of Freedom," in L'Art et les révolutions. Conférences plénières. XXVIIe congrès international d'histoire de l'art, Strasbourg, 1990, 105-46
    • Reprinted in Matthias Winner, ed., Der Künstler über sich in seinem Werk. Internationales Symposium der Bibliotheca Hertziana Rom 1989, Weinheim, 1992, 161-90
    • Revised and expanded version in Lavin, Past-Present, 1993, 29-62
    • Italian translation in Lavin, Passato e presente, 1994, 45-83
    • Reprinted in William E. Wallace, ed., Michelangelo. Selected Scholarship in English, 5 vols., New York and London, 1995, I, 363-402
  52. "A Fragment," in Paul Suttman. The Master-Pieces. 1981-1991, New York, 1991, 3
    • Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, 2008, 142-3
  53. "High and Low Before their Time: Bernini and the Art of Social Satire," in Kirk Varnedoe and Adam Gopnik, eds., Modern Art and Popular Culture. Readings in High & Low, New York, 1990, 18–50
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, I, London, 2007, 397-468
  54. " 'Bologna è una grande intrecciatura di eresie': il Nettuno di Giambologna al crocevia," in Giovanna Perini, ed., Il luogo ed il ruolo della città di Bologna tra Europa continentale e mediterranea. Atti del colloquio C.I.H.A. 1990, Bologna, 1992, 7-30
    • Revised and expanded English version: “Giambologna’s Neptune at the Crossroads,” in Lavin, Past-Present, 1993, 63-83
    • Italian translation in Lavin, Passato e presente, 1994, 93-124
  55. "Fischer von Erlach, Tiepolo, and the Unity of the Visual Arts," in Henry A. Millon and Susan Scott Munshower, eds., An Architectural Progress in the Renaissance and Baroque. Sojourns In and Out of Italy. Essays in Architectural History Presented to Hellmut Hager on his Sixty-Sixth Birthday (Papers in Art History from the Pennsylvania State University, VIII), University Park, PA, 1992, Part 2, 498-525
    • German translation in Barock. Regional-International. Kunsthistorisches Jahrbuch Graz, XXVI, Graz, 1993, 251-74
  56. "Iconography as a Humanistic Discipline (Iconography at the Crossroads)," in Brendan Cassidy, ed., Iconography at the Crossroads. Papers from the Colloquium Sponsored by the Index of Christian Art, Princeton University, 23-24 March, 1990, Princeton, 1992, 33-42
    • German translation in Andreas Beyer, ed., Die Lesbarkeit der Kunst. Zur Geistes-Gegenwart der Ikonologie, Berlin, 1992, 10-22
    • Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, Milan, 2008, 156-67
  57. "Memoria e senso di sé. Sul ruolo della memoria nella teoria della psicologia dall'antichità a Giambattista Vico," in Lina Bolzoni and Pietro Corsi, eds., La cultura della memoria, Bologna, 1992, 291-317
    • English version: "Memory and the Sense of Self. On the role of Memory in Psychological Theory from Antiquity to Giambattista Vico," 1992 (unpublished)
  58. "Panofsky's History of Art," in From the Past to the Future through the Present. Conversations with Historians at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, 1992, 21-5
    • Reprinted in Lavin, ed., Meaning in the Visual Arts, 1995, 3-8
  59. "Bernini's Portraits of No-Body," in Augusto Gentili, et al., eds. Il ritratto e la memoria. Materiali 3, Rome, 1993, 161-94
    • Revised and expanded version in Lavin, Past-Present, 1993, 101-38
    • Italian translation in Lavin, Passato e presente, 1994, 193-232
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, II, London, 2009, 681-747
  60. "Caravaggio's Calling of St. Matthew: The Identity of the Protagonist," in Lavin, Past-Present, 1993, 84-99
  61. "Panofskys Humor," in Erwin Panofsky, Die ideologischen Vorläufer des Rolls-Royce Kühlers & Stil und Medium im Film. Mit Beiträgen von Irving Lavin und William S. Heckscher, Frankfurt-New York, 1993, 9-15
    • Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, 2008, 168-83
    • Original English version Panofsky's Humor, 1993
  62. "Picasso's Bull(s): Art History in Reverse," Art in America, LXXXI, 1993, 76-93, 121-3
    • Revised and expanded version in Lavin, Past-Present, 1993, 203-62
    • Italian translation in Lavin, Passato e presente, 1994, 325-406
    • German translation in Lavin, Picassos Stiere, 1995
    • Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, 2008, 62-100
    • Spanish translation in Francisco Jarauta, ed., Las ideas del arte de Altamira a Picasso (Cuadernos de la Fundación M. Botín), Santander, 2009, 15-78
    • Revised and enlarged version as “Picasso's Lithograph(s) ‘The Bull(s)’ and the History of Art in Reverse (with a Postscript on Picasso’s Bulls in American Retrospect: John Cage, Jasper Johns and Roy Lichtenstein),” in English, French and Spanish, on-line in Ojo, No. 10 May 2010: http://www.picasso.fr/us/picasso_page_article.php?tmpl=article&lid=/let…
    • Revised, upgraded and enlarged English version, “Picasso's Lithograph(s) ‘The Bull(s)’ and the History of Art in Reverse (with a Postscript on Picasso’s Bulls in American Retrospect: John Cage, Jasper Johns and Roy Lichtenstein),” October 2015 (unpublished)
  63. "Pisanello and the Invention of the Renaissance Medal," in Joachim Poeschke, ed., Italienische Frührenaissance und nordeuropäisches Mittelalter. Kunst der frühen Neuzeit im europäischen Zusammenhang, Munich, 1993, 67-84
  64. "Caravaggio rivoluzionario o l’impossibilità di vedere," Quadri & Sculture, III, No. 15, July-August 1995, 25-9
    • Italian translation of expanded version in Lavin, Caravaggio e La Tour, 2000, 5-34
    • Expanded English version: “Caravaggio Revolutionary or the Impossibility of Seeing,”in Klaus Bergdolt and Giorgio Bonsanti, eds., Opere e giorni. Studi su mille anni di arte europea dedicati a Max Seidel, Venice, 2001, 625-44
    • French translation in Paulette Choné, et al., L'Âge d'or du nocturne, Paris, 2001, 139-82, 236-41
  65. "Erwin Panofsky, Jan van Eyck, Philip Pearlstein," in Lavin, Meaning in the Visual Arts, 1995, x-xiii
    • Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, 2008, 184-7
    • Reprinted in The Institute Letter, Spring 2010, 3
  66. Introduction to Lavin, ed., (Erwin Panofsky. Three Essays on Style), 1995, 1-14
    • Italian translation in Lavin, ed., Erwin Panofsky. Tre saggi sullo stile, 1996, 9-19
    • French translation in Lavin, ed., Erwin Panofsky. Trois essais sur le style, 1996, 11-25
    • Spanish translation in Lavin, ed., Erwin Panofsky. Sobre el estilo, 2000, 11-33
    • Revised English version"Humor and Style in Panofsky's History of Art," unpublished, 2014
  67. "Why Baroque," in Lisa G. Corrin, ed., Going for Baroque. 18 Contemporary Artists Fascinated with the Baroque and Rococo, Baltimore, 1995, 5-8
    • Excerpt from revised and expanded version: “Decantarse por el Barroco [Frank Gehry y los paños plegados postmodernos]: Going for Baroque [Frank Gehry and the Post-Modern Drapery Fold],” El Croquis, No. 117, 2003, 40-7
    • Revised and expanded version: “Going for Baroque: Observations on the post-modern fold,” in Sebastian Schütze ed. Estetica barocca. Atti del convegno internationale tenutosi a Roma dal 6 al 9 marzo 2002, Rome, 2004, 423-52
    • Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, 2008, 16-35
  68. "The Crisis of 'Art History' in Art History and Its Theories," The Art Bulletin, LXXVIII, 1996, 13-15
    • Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, 2008, 200-5
  69. "The Problem of the Choir of Florence Cathedral," in Sotto il cielo della cupola. Il coro di Santa Maria del Fiore dal rinascimento al 2000, Milan, 1997, 142-50
    • Italian translation of revised and expanded version in Lavin, Santa Maria del Fiore, 1999, 15-33
    • Revised and expanded English version in Timothy Verdon and Annalisa Innocenti, eds. La cattedrale come spazio sacro. Saggi sul duomo di Firenze. Atti del VII centenario del Duomo di Firenze, II, 2, Florence, 2001, 397-420
    • Updated English version. 2016 (unpublished)
  70. "The Roma Alessandrina of Richard Krautheimer," in Julian Kliemann, ed., In Memoriam Richard Krautheimer, Rome, 1997, 107-17
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, II, London, 2009, 748-56
  71. "Bernini’s Bust of the Medusa: An Awful Pun," in Sible De Blaauw, et al., eds., Docere delectare movere. Affetti, devozione e retorica nel linguaggio artistico del primo barocco romano, Rome, 1998, 155-74
    • Enlarged version published in Italian and English,in Elena Bianca di Gioia, ed., La Medusa di Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Studi e restauri, Rome, 2007, 57-130
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, II, London, 2009, 789-848
  72. "Il problema dei senzatetto nella Roma del Seicento," in Lavin, Bernini e il salvatore, 1998, 81-94
    • Published in English as “Bernini’s Bust of the Savior and the Problem of the Homeless in Seventeenth-Century Rome,” Italian Quarterly, XXXVII, 2000, 209-51
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, II, London, 2009, 849-916
  73. "Ex Uno Lapide: The Renaissance Sculptor’s Tour de Force," in Matthias Winner, et al., eds., Il cortile delle statue. Der Statuenhof des Belvedere im Vatikan, Mainz, 1998, 191-210
  74. "American Panofsky," Migrating Histories of Art: Self-Translations of a Discipline, eds. M.T. Costa and C. Hönes 2018, 91-97, 202-03
  75. "Il busto di Francesco I d’Este di Bernini. ‘Impresa quasi impossibile’," in Jadranka Bentini, Sovrane passioni. Le raccolte d’arte della Ducale Galleria Estense, exhib. cat., Milan, 1998, 86-99
    • Also published in Lavin. Bernini e l’immagine, 1998, 15-33
    • English version: " 'Impresa quasi impossibile': The Making of Bernini's Bust of Francesco I d'Este," in Lavin, Visible Spirit, II, London, 2009, 757-88
  76. "Bernini e l’immagine del principe cristiano ideale," in Lavin, Bernini e l’immagine, 1998, 34-52
    • English version: “Bernini’s Image of the Ideal Christian Monarch,”in John W. O'Malley, et al., eds., The Jesuits: Cultures, the Sciences, and the Arts, 1540-1773, Toronto, 1999, 442-79
    • Spanish translation in Figuras e imágenes del barroco. Estudios sobre el barroco español y sobre la obra de Alonso Cano, Madrid, 1999, 27-44
    • Revised English version: “Bernini’s Image of the Ideal Christian Monarch,” in Lavin, Visible Spirit, II, London, 2009, 917-54
  77. "Bernini’s Bumbling Barberini Bees," in Joseph Imorde, et al., eds., Barocke Inszenierung, Zurich, 1999, 50-71
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, II, London, 2009, 955-1017
  78. "The Body Artist," in Joanna Frueh, et al., eds., Picturing the Modern Amazon, New York, 1999, 7-8
    • Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, Milan, 2008, 144-7
  79. "La cristologia di Santa Maria del Fiore," in Lavin, Santa Maria del Fiore, Rome, 1999, 35-57
    • English version: "Santa Maria del Fiore: Image of the Pregnant Madonna. The Christology of Florence Cathedral,"in Timothy Verdon and Annalisa Innocenti, eds., La cattedrale e la città. Saggi sul duomo di Firenze. Atti del VII centenario del Duomo di Firenze, I, 2, Florence, 2001, 669-92
    • Updated English version. 2016 (unpublished)
  80. "Michelangelo: La Madonna Medici, figlio e sposo," in Lavin [with Marilyn Aronberg Lavin] Liturgia d'amore, Modena, 1999, 141-213
    • Revised English version: “Michelangelo’s Medici Madonna: Spouse and Son,”in Lavin [with Marilyn Aronberg Lavin], The Liturgy of Love, Lawrence, KA, 2001, 49-83
  81. Remarks in Celebration of the Centenary of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, in Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz. Einhundertjähriges Jubiläum 1897-1997. Jahresbericht, Florence, 1999, 8-9
  82. [With Marilyn Aronberg Lavin], "Rembrandt: ‘La sposa ebrea’, sorella e moglie," in Lavin [with Marilyn Aronberg Lavin] Liturgia d'amore, Modena, 1999, 215-44
    • Revised English version: "Rembrandt's Jewish Bride: Sister and Spouse,"in Lavin [with Marilyn Aronberg Lavin], The Liturgy of Love, Lawrence, KA, 2001, 85-104
    • Reprinted in Karl Möseneder and Gosbert Schüssler, eds. “Bedeutung in den Bildern.” Festschrift für Jörg Traeger zum 60. Geburtstag, Regensburg, 2002, 147-86
    • English version updated and corrected, unpublished, 2013
  83. "Bernini in San Pietro," in Antonio Pinelli, ed., La basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano, 4 vols., Modena, 2000, Saggi, 177-236
    • Revised and expanded English version: "Bernini at Saint Peter's: singularis in singulis, in omnibus unicus,"in William Tronzo, ed., St. Peter's in the Vatican, Cambridge and New York, 2005, 111-243
    • Greatly revised and expanded as Lavin, Bernini at St. Peter’s. The Pilgrimage, London, 2012
  84. "Georges de La Tour. The Tears of St. Peter and the 'Occult' Light of Penitence," in Max Seidel, ed., L'Europa e l'arte italiana, Venice, 2000, 352-75
    • Italian translation in Lavin, Caravaggio e La Tour, Rome, 2000, 39-70
    • French translation in Paulette Choné, et al., L'Âge d'or du nocturne, Paris, 2001, 183-228, 241-8
  85. "Storm King: The Genius of the Place," in Earth, Sky, and Sculpture. Storm King Art Center, Mountainville, NY, 2000, 52-64
    • Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, Milan, 2008, 126-31
  86. "Bernini-Bozzetti: One More, One Less. A Berninesque Sculptor in Mid-Eighteenth Century France," in Hannah Baader, et al., eds., Ars et scriptura. Festschrift für Rudolf Preimesberger zum 65. Geburtstag, Berlin, 2001, 143-56
    • Reprinted in Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Atti dei convegni lincei 170. Convegno internazionale La cultura letteraria italiana e l’identità europea [Roma, 6-8 aprile 2000], Rome, 2001, 245-84
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, II, London, 2009, 1018-45
  87. "‘Bozzetto Style’: The Renaissance Sculptor’s Handiwork," presented in Irving Lavin and Henry A. Millon, eds., Creativity: The Sketch in the Arts and Sciences, A Conference Sponsored Jointly by the School of Historical Studies, Institute for Advanced Study, and the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art, May 23-25, 2001, unpublished
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, II, London, 2009, 1174-1233
  88. "Les filles d’Avignon. Picassos schöpferische Summe von Zerstörungen," in Steingrim Laursen and Ostrud Westheider, eds., Picasso und die Mythen, exhib. cat., Hamburg, 2002, 42-55
    • Revised and enlarged French version:“Les Filles d’Avignon de Théodore Aubanel et la ‘somme de destructions’de Picasso," in Picasso Cubiste, exhib. cat., Paris, 2007, 55-69
    • English edition: Cubist Picasso, Paris, 2007, 55-69
    • Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, Milan, 2008, 42-61
    • Published separately in French in the Collection Entre-Vues des Editions Universitaires d’Avignon, Avignon, 2009
  89. "The Angel and the City. Baccio Bandinelli’s Project for the Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome," in Peta Motture, ed., Large Bronzes in the Renaissance (National Gallery of Art. Studies in the History of Art 64), Washington, 2003, 308-29
  90. Letter to the Editor. "Michelangelo’s Florentine Pietà," The Art Bulletin, LXXXV, 2003, 813
  91. "La mort de Bernin: visions de rédemption," in Alain Tapié, ed., Baroque vision jésuite. De Tintoret à Rubens, exhib. cat., Paris, 2003, 105-19
    • Revised English version: "Bernini's Death: Visions of Redemption," in Lavin, Visible Spirit, II, London, 2009, 1046-86
  92. "The Story of O from Giotto to Einstein (Excerpt)," Bildwelten des Wissens. Kunsthistorisches Jahrbuch für Bildkritik, I, 2, 2003, 37-43
    • Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, Milan, 2008, 36-41
    • Updated English version (unpublished), 2014
  93. "Bernini giovane," in Olivier Bonfait and Anna Coliva, eds., Bernini dai Borghese ai Barberini. La cultura a Roma intorno agli anni venti (Atti del convegno, Rome, February 17-19, 1999), Rome, 2004, 134-48
    • Revised English version: “The Young Bernini,”in Studi sul Barocco romano. Scritti in onore di Maurizio Fagiolo dell’Arco, Milan, 2004, 39-56
    • Revised English Version: "The Young Bernini" in Lavin, Visible Spirit, II, London, 2009, 1127-73
  94. "The Rome of Alexander VII. Bernini and the Reverse of the Medal," in Fernando Checa Cremades, Arte barroco e ideal clásico. Aspectos del arte cortesano de la segunda mitad del siglo XVII, Madrid, 2004, 131-41
    • “La Roma de Alejandro VII: Bernini y el reverso de la medalla,”in Francisco Jarauta, ed., De la ciudad Antigua a la cosmópolis, Santander, 2008, 71-95
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, II, London, 2009, 1087-1126
  95. "Reason and Unreason at Olynthus," in Hélène Morlier, ed., La mosaïque gréco-romaine IX, 2 vols., Rome, 2005, II, 933-40
  96. "Il dono regale. Bernini e i suoi ritratti di sovrani," Lettere italiane, LVII, 2006, 535-57
    • Revised English version: "The Regal Gift: Bernini and his Portraits of Royal Subjects," in Lavin, Visible Spirit, II, London, 2009, 1234-66
  97. "Il Volto Santo di Claude Mellan: ostendatque etiam quae occultet," in Christoph L. Frommel and Gerhard Wolf, eds., L'immagine di Cristo dall'acheropita alla mano d'artista: Dal tardo medioevo all'età barocca, Studi e testi 432, Vatican City, 2006, 449-91
    • French translationin Christian Mouchel and Colette Nativel, eds., République des Letters, République des Arts. Mélanges offerts à Marc Fumaroli, de l’Académie Française, Geneva, 2008, 385-414
    • English version "Claude Mellan's Holy Face," 2012
  98. "Michelangelo, Mosè e il ‘papa guerriero’," in Aldo Galli, et al., eds., Il ritratto nell'Europa del Cinquecento. Arte, letteratura, società, convegno internazionale di studi (Florence, Istituto Nazionale di Studi sul rinascimento, 7-9 novembre 2002), Florence, 2007, 199-215
    • English version: 'Michelangelo, Moses, and the 'Warrior Pope'," 2004
  99. "‘We must leave the city to our children exactly as we found it’," in Philine Helas, et al., eds., Bild/Geschichte. Festschrift für Horst Bredekamp, Berlin, 2007, 491-8
    • Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, Milan, 2008, 188-95
    • Italian translation in Storie di artisti. Storie di libri. L’Editore che inseguiva la Bellezza. Scritti in onore di Franco Cosimo Panini, Modena and Rome, 2008, 241-7
    • Reprinted as "Italia Mia," 2013, 181-184
    • Updated English version (unpublished), 2014
  100. "Urbanitas Urbana. The Pope, the Artist, and the Genius of the Place," in Lorenza Mochi Onori, et al., eds., I Barbernini e la cultura europea del seicento, Rome, 2007, 15-30
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, II, London, 2009, 1267-1335
  101. "Modern Art and Kirk Varnedoe’s Books," Institute for Advanced Study Newsletter, Winter, 2007, 9
  102. "The Baldacchino. Borromini vs Bernini: Did Borromini forget himself?," in Georg Satzinger and Sebastian Schütze, eds., St. Peter in Rom 1506–2006, Akten der internationalen Tagung 22.–25.02.2006 in Bonn, Munich, 2008, 275-300
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, Visible Spirit, II, London, 2009, 1336-84
  103. "WHIMSY: An Allegory of Urbane Urban Patronage, from Rome to Montreal," (Revised and expanded version of essay first presented at a symposium in celebration of Phyllis Lambert’s Eightieth Birthday, January 24, 1927, at the Institute of Fine Arts, New York University, October 20, 2007, organized by Sylvia Lavin), published in Log: Observations on Architecture and the City, 15, 2009, 75-87
    • Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, Milan, 2008, 132-41
    • “WHIMSY: An Allegory of Urbane Urban Patronage, from Rome to Montreal”, 2013
  104. "Frank Stella Talks Too Much," National Arts Club Artists Award, Medal of Honor, to Frank Stella, National Arts Club, January 24, 2001
    • Italian translation in "Frank Stella parla troppo," in Lavin, L'arte della storia dell'arte, Milan, 2008, 112-5
  105. "Frank Stella: Ut pictura poesis" presented at a Symposium at the University of Jena, Germany, March 24, 2001, in conjunction with an exhibition of Stella’s Heinrich von Kleist series; see Franz-Joachim Verspohl, et al., eds. Heinrich von Kleist by Frank Stella: Werkverzeichnis der Heinrich von Kleist-Serie, Jena and Cologne, 2001; a companion volume was devoted to Stella’s writings, "The Writings of Frank Stella. Die Schriften Frank Stellas"
    • Italian translation in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, Milan, 2008, 116-25
  106. "Storia dell’arte 'all’italiana'," in D’Onofrio, Mario, ed., Adolfo Venturi e la Storia dell’arte oggi, Modena, 2008, 415-7
    • Revised and reprinted in Lavin, L’arte della storia dell’arte, Milan, 2008, 196-9
    • English version: Art History "Italian Style", 2012
  107. "Marc Fumaroli’s Rhetoric of Art History," address delivered at the presentation of the volume République des Letters, République des Arts. Mélanges offerts à Marc Fumaroli, de l’Académie Française, edited by Christian Mouchel and Colette Nativel, Geneva, 2008, Fondation Singer-Polignac, Paris, October 10, 2008
  108. "Footsteps on the Way to Redemption. The Pedestals of Bernini’s Baldacchino in St. Peter’s," in Giovanni Morello, ed., La basilica di San Pietro. Fortuna e immagine, Rome, 2012, 245-313
    • Reprinted in extenso in Lavin, Bernini at St. Peters. The Pilgrimage (Visible Spirit III), London, 2012, 41-130
  109. "Argan's Rhetoric and the History of Style (Retorica e Barocco)," in Claudio Gamba, ed., Giulio Carlo Argan : intellettuale e storico dell'arte, Milan, 2012, 256-263
  110. "Divine Grace and the Remedy of the Imperfect: Michelangelo's Signature on the St. Peter's Pietà," in Nicole Hegener, ed., Künstlersignaturen von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart/Artists' Signatures from Antiquity to Present, Petersberg, 2013, 114-151
    • Updated version in artibus et historiae, no. 68, 2013, 277-328
  111. "Bonaventure, Bessarion and the Franciscan Coat of Arms," in Xavier Seubert, and Oleg Bychkov, eds., Beyond the Text: Franciscan Art and the Construction of Religion, New York, 2013, 228-31
  112. "'Italia Mia'. Argan, Modena, and an unexpected project by Frank O. Gehry," Arte e politica. Studi per Antonio Pinelli, Florence, 2013
    • Updated English version (unpublished), 2014
  113. "FOG MAGUS: The Most Complicated Building Ever Built," in Frédéric Migayrou, ed., Frank Gehry. The Fondation Louis Vuitton, Paris, 2014, 102-111
    • Revised, enlarged and updated version, 2015 (unpublished)
  114. "Il Sangue di Cristo riscoperto," in Bernardini, Maria Grazia and Marco Bussagli, eds., Barroco a Roma, La meraviglia delle arti, Milan, 2015, 179-183
    • Updated English version: "Bernini's Sangue di Cristo Rediscovered," 2015 (unpublished)
  115. "What is Baroque," in Enrico Parlato, ed., Curiosa itinera. Scritti per Daniela Gallavotti Cavallero, Rome, 2015, 307-309
  116. "Socrates Modern," in I Filosofi antichi nell'arte italiana del seicento: stile, iconografia, contesti, Stefano Albi and Francesco Lofano, eds., Rome, 2017, 9-14
  117. "Bernini and the Figura serpentinata: a drawing recently given to the Princeton Art Museum by Charles Scribner III in honor of Irving Lavin," in Pablo Jarauta and Pedro Medina, eds. Francisco Jarauta en las fronteras de Babel, Madrid, 2017, 235-252
  118. "Caravaggio Magister and the Beatles," About Art Online, 2018
  119. [with Marilyn Aronberg Lavin] "Bernini's Bust of Prospero Farinacci," Artibus et historiae, no. 77, 2018, 255-290
  120. The Silence of Bernini’s David,” Artibus et Historiae, no. 79, 2019, pp. 1-21.
  121. With Marilyn Aronberg Lavin, “The ‘Palestrina Pietà: Gatherings on the History of ‘a Statue Begun by Michelangleo’”, Artibus et Historiae, No. 82, 2020, pp. 249-265
  122. Bernini’s Barcaccia in the Piazza di Spagna. An Art-Political No Man’s Land,” Artibus et Historiae 84, 2021, pp. 221-235
  123. Pliny’s History of Materials and its Readers: From «ex uno lapide» to Bernini’s figura serpentinata”, in Anna Anguissola and Andreas Grüner, eds., The Nature of Art: Pliny the Elder on Materials, Belgium, 2020, pp. 331-333, 360-361

Occasional Papers

  • "Art History in Context," Introduction, Comité International d'Histoire de l'Art, Meeting, Copenhagen, October 13, 1975
  • "Art versus Artifact," Introduction and Summary, Symposium, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, September, 28 1985
  • "Caravaggio's Roman Madonnas," presented in a symposium held in conjunction with "The Age of Caravaggio" exhibition, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, April 1, 1985
  • "A Celebratory Colloquium," to honor Irving Lavin on his 60th Birthday. Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, December 11-12, 1987
  • "Changing my Mind," Introduction, Annual Meeting, College Art Association, Philadelphia, February 19, 1983
  • "The Gehry Move," Introduction to a speech, "Thinking Out Loud," by Frank O. Gehry, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, March 16, 2011
  • "Introduction of Lina Bolzoni," Plenary Speaker, XXXIX International Congress of the History of Art, Memory and Oblivion, Amsterdam, September 2, 1996
  • "Introduction of Richard Krautheimer," lecture Richard Krautheimer, San Lorenzo in Damaso an Excavation Report - Plus, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, December 5, 1988
  • "Leonardo's Watery Chaos," Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, April 21, 1993, (first presented in a dialog with the physicist Tullio Regge, as the sixth episode in a television series "Dietro lo Specchio," broadcast by RAI 2, in Turin, Italy, October 21, 1981)
  • "On the Primitive in African Art," in History and Change, Arts Council, African Studies Association, Annual Meeting, College Art Association, Boston, February 12, 1987
  • "Opening Remarks," L'art et les révolutions. XXVIIe Congrès international d'histoire de l'art, Strasbourg, September 1-7, 1989
  • "The Palace of the Mind," Introduction and Conclusion, Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historians, Montreal, April 24, 1989
  • "What is Baroque?," Annual Meeting, College Arts Association, New York, February 15, 1986