
DANFS: Area Campaign Medals & Battle Stars, World War II

Part I. Regulations (G. O. No. 253).
Part II. Instructions for use of Code Numbers assigned operations and engagements Part III.
Part III. List of Authorized Operations and Engagements.

Part I--Regulations

  1. These medals are authorized to commemorate the service performed by personnel of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard who served during the periods and in the areas designated below under the appropriate medals and whose services fulfill the prescribed requirements.

  2. Executive Order No. 9265 which provides that the subject campaign medals be established is quoted:

    Executive Order No. 9265

    By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States and as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, it is hereby ordered that the American, European-African-Middle Eastern, and Asiatic-Pacific campaign medals, including suitable appurtenances, be established, and that the said medals may be awarded, under such regulations as the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy may severally prescribe to members of the land and naval forces of the United States, including the Women's Reserve of the United States Naval Reserve, and to members of the Women's Auxiliary Corps who, during any period between December 7, 1941, inclusive, and a date six months subsequent to the termination of the present war, shall have served outside the continental limits of the United States in any of the respective areas as indicated by the name of the medals, such areas to be more precisely defined in the regulations hereby authorized.

    For purposes of this order, the territory of Alaska shall be considered as outside the continental limits of the United States.

    Franklin D. Roosevelt

    The White House,
         November 6, 1942.

    Executive Order

    Amending Executive Order No. 9265 of November 6, 1942, establishing the American, European-African-Middle Eastern, and Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medals.

    By virtue of the authority vested in me a President of the United States and as Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows:

    1. The European-African Middle Eastern Campaign Medal shall not be awarded for any service rendered subsequent to November 8, 1945.

    2. The American Campaign Medal and the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal shall not be awarded for any service rendered subsequent to March 2, 1946.

    3. Effective October 12, 1945, members and former members of the land and naval forces of the United States, including the Women's Reserve of the United States Naval Reserve, and former members of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps, who served in the continental United States for an aggregate period of one year between December 7, 1941, and March 2, 1946, inclusive, may be awarded the American Campaign Medal under such regulations as the Secretary of War and Secretary of the Navy may severally prescribe.

    4. Executive Order No. 9625 of November 6, 1942, establishing the American, European-African-Middle Eastern and Asiatic-Pacific campaign medals, is amended accordingly.

    Harry S. Truman.

    The White House,
         November 6, 1942.

  3. The geographical definitions of the respective areas are defined as follows:

    American Area

    East boundary.--From the North Pole, south along the 75th meridian west longitude to the 77th parallel north latitude, thence southeast through Davis Strait to the intersection of the 40th parallel north latitude and the 35th meridian west longitude, thence south along that meridian to the 10th parallel north latitude, thence southeast to the intersection of the equator and the 20th meridian west longitude, thence along the 20th meridian west longitude to the South Pole. West boundary--From the North Pole, south along the 141st meridian west longitude to the east boundary of Alaska, thence south and southeast along the Alaskan boundary to the Pacific Ocean, thence south along the 130th meridian to its intersection with the 30th parallel north latitude, thence southeast to the intersection of the equator and the 100th meridian west longitude, thence south along the 100th meridian west longitude to the South Pole.

    European-African-Middle Eastern Area

    East boundary.--From the North Pole, south along the 60th meridian east longitude to its intersection with the e astern border of Iran, thence south along that border to the Gulf of Oman and the intersection of the 60th meridian east longitude, thence south along the 60th meridian east longitude to the South Pole. West boundary--Coincident with the east boundary of the American Area.

    Asiatic-Pacific Area

    East boundary.--Coincident with the west boundary of the American Area. West boundary--Coincident with the east boundary of the European-African-Middle Eastern Area.

  4. Appropriate area campaign medals as defined above are authorized for all personnel of the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard who, during the period from 7 December 1941 to the terminal date designated above for each medal, shall have served in the prescribed area under any one of the following conditions:

    1. Sea Duty.--Attached to and serving on board a vessel of the Navy, or Coast Guard, or upon other vessel to which regularly assigned for duty, in the designated area, or as a member of an organization being transported for duty in an area aboard such vessels, for a period of thirty (30) days. This service need not be continuous nor in the same vessel.

    2. Shore Duty.--Attached to and regularly serving on shore in a designated area for a period of thirty (30) days except in the continental United States where the requirement is one (1) year. Such service need not be continuous nor in the same locality but must be within the designated area.

    3. Any combination of (a) and 9b) above that will aggregate the prescribed time in a designated area.

    4. Patrols.--Service in patrol vessels or aircraft operating in or above ocean waters, provided the individual has been attached to such units for a period of thirty (30) days and has performed regularly required patrols for an accumulated period of thirty (30) days. This provision is applicable even though the base from which such vessels or aircraft operate is within the continental limits of the United States.

    5. Combat.--In all cases wherein a vessel, aircraft, or other unit engages in combat with, attacks, or is attacked by enemy forces, all personnel serving in the vessel, aircraft, or other unit shall immediately become eligible for the appropriate campaign medal without reference to the thirty (30) day provision above. however, the certain presence of enemy forces, especially in the case of an enemy submarine, shall be established before this provision shall apply.

    6. Hazardous Duty.--The engagement in any service in a designated area which, in the opinion of the appropriate Fleet or Frontier Commander or Commandant, United States Marine Corps, is equally as hazardous as combat duty shall render the individuals concerned immediately eligible for the appropriate area medal without reference to any time limitation. This provision shall apply to such operations as mine recovery and disposal, bomb disposal, etc., or equally hazardous operations.

    7. Passengers.--No individual en route in a purely passenger status, i.e., observer, visitor, courier or escort, shall become eligible for any area campaign medal unless he or the means of conveyance on which he is traveling is attacked by or engages in combat with the enemy. In the latter case, he shall immediately become eligible for the appropriate medal upon the occasion of the attack or combat. in this provision passage as a patient in a hospital ship shall be considered as attached to the ship and not in a passenger status.

    8. On and after 1 July 1945, no individual engaged exclusively on temporary or temporary additional duty shall become eligible for an area campaign medal unless the duties performed by him during his stay in the area are considered by the Area Commander to have materially contributed to the progress of the campaign. Prior to 1 July 1945 no individual was entitled to an area campaign medal for temporary or temporary additional duty unless such duty included a period of at least thirty (30) days in a designated area or unless he engaged in combat with or was subject to attack by enemy forces. In the latter case he became eligible immediately upon the occasion of the attack or combat without reference to time limit.

    9. In any case, service which entitled an individual to a star as defined in existing orders shall also entitle him to the ribbon of the area in which the service is rendered.

  5. The Chief of Naval personnel, Commandant, United States Marine Corps and Commandant, United States Coast Guard have issued the necessary orders for appropriate entries to be made in the records of personnel entitled to the area campaign medals, for other required reports and records, and for procedure in case records are lost or destroyed.

  6. Stars authorized for actual combat in operations and engagements, as authorized by the Chief of Naval Operations, will be worn on the ribbon bar and suspension ribbon of the respective Area Campaign medals and will be known as engagement stars. For the purpose of this order the following definitions are applicable:

    1. An "Operation" is a series of connected military actions occupying a specific area and time and may involve many clashes with the enemy.

    2. An "Engagement" is an action with the enemy taking place within a restricted time and area, and of sufficient intensity and significance to justify recognition.

    3. An "Area" is one of the three geographical areas, viz: American Area, European-African-Middle Eastern Area, Asiatic-Pacific Area.

  7. The prerequisite to the wearing of a star on an area service ribbon shall be honorable service in a ship, aircraft unit or shore-based force at the time it participated in actual combat with the enemy. In instances in which the duty performed did not result in actual combat with the enemy but is considered equally hazardous, the CHief of Naval Operations may award an operation or engagement star to the units concerned. Not more that one star will be awarded for a single operation or engagement. Units supporting an engagement or operation, but subject only to the ordinary hazards of war, do not merit an award. (NOTE:--Any ship which has been awarded a Presidential Unit Citation or Navy Unite Commendation for meritorious participation in an action or campaign for which a combat star has been authorized is entitled to that combat start.)

Part II--Instructions for the Use of Code Numbers Assigned Operations and Engagements Part III

  1. The code numbers given to the operations and engagements in Part III are composed of a letter and digit. The letter indicates the Theater of Operation, the digit, the Specific Campaign. "P" is the designating letter for the Asiatic-Pacific area, "E" for the European-African-Middle Eastern area, the "A" for the American area. For example P5 is the code number of the "Pacific Raids--1942."

  2. Frequently an operation or engagement is composed of several actions. Each action listed has been further subdivided by a dash and number in sequence. For example, under the P5 Star five actions are listed, P5-1, P5-2, P5-3, etc. Participation in one or more of these actions entitles an individual to only one Star, the P5.

  3. In addition to the above code numbers there are two special series: the "200" series is given for Convoy, Armed Guard, and Special Operations. For example, in Part III P205 was given to Task Group 30.4 for the period 22 May to 15 June 1944. The "000" series is given for "A" and "B" Antisubmarine Assessments. "E001" is given to a ship for its first "A" or "B" Assessment in European waters, "E002" for the second, etc.

  4. A Star is authorized for each attack on enemy submarines which have been given an "A" or "B" assessment. However, if the date of this assessment falls within the dates for which another Star has been authorized, no additional Star shall be worn for that period. For example, in the case of the U.S.S. Bronstein (DE 189) four Stars have been authorized as follows:

    16 Feb 44 31 Mar 44 E216 (T.G. 21.16)
    1 Mar 44   E001 ("B" assessment)
    1 Mar 44   E002 ("B" assessment)
    16 Mar 44   E002 ("A" assessment)

    However, the personnel on board the Bronstein during this period may wear only three stars, one for each of the "B" assessments (E001 and E002) and one for the "A" assessment (E003), but may not wear one for E216.

  5. In some cases no date for the action is given. For example in the case of Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron (MTBS) 2, the P9 Star is authorized for participation in the "Capture and Defense of Guadalcanal." The over-all date for this operation is 10 August 1942 to 8 February 1943. Personnel who were attached to MTBS 2 during part of that period are not automatically eligible unless they actively participated in the Guadalcanal Area.

  6. Attention is invited to P17-6, P22-13 and P28-7 entries. The "supporting and Consolidation" is not to be interpreted as being all-inclusive, but is to refer only to the dates so specified. For example, under "Naval Gunfire Liaison Officer, 7th Amphibious Force" we note P28-7 is authorized for Wakde Action 5-17-44. To be eligible for this Star, Navy personnel must have been at Wakde on 17 May 1944. This is not to be interpreted as entitling a Naval Gunfire Liaison Officer, who was at Wakde at a time other than 17 May during the period 21 April to 15 November 1944, to wear this Star.

  7. In case of the U.S.S. Block Island only one Star is to be worn for participation in T.G. 21.11 and 21.16.

List of Authorized Operations and Engagements

Operation Date Code
Pearl Harbor--Midway 7 Dec 41 P1
Wake Island (including Johnston Island 15-22 Dec 41) 8-23 Dec 41 P2
Philippine Islands Operation (including Guam and other concurrent Asiatic Fleet operations) 8 Dec 41-6 May 42 P3
Netherlands East Indies engagements
     (Only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:)
23 Jan-27 Feb 42 P4
.....Makassar Strait 23-24 Jan 42 P4-1
.....Badoeng Strait 19-20 Feb 42 P4-2
.....Java Sea 27 Feb 42 P4-3
Pacific Raids--1942
     (Only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:)
.....Marshall-Gilbert raids 1 Feb 42 P5-1
.....Air action off Bougainville 20 Feb 42 P5-2
.....Wake Island raid 24 Feb 42 P5-3
.....Marcus Island raid 4 Mar 42 P5-4
.....Salamaua-Lae raid 10 Mar 42 P5-5
Coral Sea 4-8 May 42 P6
Midway 3-6 Jun 42 P7
Guadalcanal-Tulagi landings (including First Savo) 7-9 Aug 42 P8
Capture and defense of Guadalcanal 10 Aug 42-8 Feb 43 P9
Makin Raid 17-18 Aug 42 P10
Eastern Solomons (Stewart Island) 23-25 Aug 42 P11
Buin-Faisi-Tonolai raid 5 Oct 42 P12
Cape Esperance (Second Savo) 11-12 Oct 42 P13
Santa Cruz Islands 26 Oct 42 P14
Guadalcanal (Third Savo) 12-15 Nov 42 P15
Tassafaronga (Fourth Savo) 30 Nov-1 Dec 42 P16
Eastern New Guinea operation (only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:) 17 Dec 42-24 Jul 44 P17
.....Designated duty in connection with motor torpedo boat operation 17 Dec 42-24 Jul 44 P17-1
.....Lae occupation 4-22 Sep 43 P17-2
.....Finschhafen occupation (Including 1st Marine Division at Finschhafen, Oro Bay, Milne Bay and Goodenough Island) 22 Sep 43-17 Feb 44 P17-3
.....Saidor occupation 2 Jan-1 Mar 44 P17-4
.....Wewak-Aitape operations 14-24 Jul 44 P17-5
.....Supporting and consolidating operations designated by Commander Seventh Fleet 17 Dec 42-24 Jul 44 P17-6
.....Woodlark Island; occupation and consolidation of 30 Jun 42-7 Dec 42 P17-7
Rennel Island 29-30 Jan 43 P18
Consolidation of Solomon Islands 8 Feb 43-15 Mar 45 P19
.....Consolidation of southern Solomons 8 Feb-20 Jun 43 P19-1
.....Consolidation of northern Solomons 27 Oct 43-15 Mar 45 P19-2
Aleutians operation (only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:) 26 Mar-2 Jun 43 P20
.....Komandorski Island 26 Mar 43 P20-1
.....Attu occupation 11 May-2 Jun 43 P20-2
New Georgia Group operation (only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:) 20 Jun-16 Oct 43 P21
.....New Georgia-Rendova-Vangunu occupation 20 Jun-31 Aug 43 P21-1
.....Kula Gulf action 5-6 Jun 43 P21-2
.....Kolombangara action 12-13 Jul 43 P21-3
.....Vela Gulf action 6-7 Aug 43 P21-4
.....Vella Lavella occupation 15 Aug-16 Oct 43 P21-5
.....Action off Vella Lavella 6-7 Oct 43 P21-6
Bismarck Archipelago operation (only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:) 25 Jun 43-1 May 44 P22
.....Designated duty in connection with motor torpedo boat operations 25 Jun 43-1 May 44 P22-1
.....Supporting air actions 15 Dec 43-1 May 44 P22-2
.....Arawe, New Britain 15 Dec 43-1 Mar 44 P22-3
.....Kavieng strike 25 Dec 43 P22-4
.....Cape Gloucester, New Britain 26 Dec 43-1 Mar 44 P22-5
.....Kavieng strike 1 Jan 44 P22-6
.....Kavieng strike 4 Jan 44 P22-7
.....Green Islands landing 15-19 Feb 44 P22-8
.....Bombardments of Kavieng and Rabaul 18 Feb 44 P22-9
.....Antishipping sweeps and bombardments of Kavieng 21-25 Feb 44 P22-10
.....Antishipping sweeps and bombardments of Rabaul and New Ireland 24 Feb-1 Mar 44 P22-11
.....Admiralty Island landings 29 Feb-1 Mar 44 P22-12
.....Supporting and consolidating operations designated by Commander 7th Fleet 25 Jun 43-1 May 44 P22-13
Pacific Raids--1943
     (Only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:)
.....Marcus Island raid 31 Aug 43 P23-1
.....Tarawa Island raid 18 Sep 43 P23-2
.....Wake Island raid 5-6 Oct 43 P23-3
Treasury-Bougainville operation
     (Only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:)
27 Oct-15 Dec 43 P24
.....Supporting air actions 27 Oct-15 Dec 43 P24-1
.....Treasury Island landing 27 Oct-6 Nov 43 P24-2
.....Choiseul Island diversion 28 Oct-4 Nov 43 P24-3
.....Occupation and defense of Cape Torokina 1 Nov-15 Dec 43 P24-4
.....Bombardment of Buka-Bonis 31 Oct-1 Nov 43 P24-5
.....Buka-Bonis strike 1-2 Nov 43 P24-6
.....Bombardment of Shortland area 1 Nov 43 P24-7
.....Battle of Empress Augusta Bay 1-2 Nov 43 P24-8
.....Rabaul strike 5 Nov 43 P24-9
.....Action off Empress Augusta Bay 8-9 Nov 43 P24-10
.....Rabaul strike 11 Nov 43 P24-11
.....Battle off Cape St. George 24-25 Nov 43 P24-12
Gilbert Islands operation 13 Nov-8 Dec 43 P25
Marshall Islands operation
     (Only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:)
26 Nov 43-2 Mar 44 P26
.....Air attacks designated by CinCPac on defended Marshall Islands targets 26 Nov 43-2 Mar 44 P26-1
.....Occupation of Kwajalein and Majuro Atolls 29 Jan-8 Feb 44 P26-2
.....Occupation of Eniwetok Atoll 17 Feb-2 Mar 44 P26-3
.....Attack on Jaluit Atoll 20 Feb 44 P26-4
.....Mille Atoll 18 Mar 44 P26-5
Asiatic-Pacific Raids--1944
     (Only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:)
.....Truk attack 16-17 Feb 44 P27-1
.....Marianas attack 21-22 Feb 44 P27-2
.....Palau, Yap, Ulithi, Woleai raid 30 Mar-1 Apr 44 P27-3
.....Sabang raid 19 Apr 44 P27-4
.....Truk, Satawan, Ponape raid 29 Apr-1 May 44 P27-5
.....Soerabaja raid 17 May 44 P27-6
.....Bombardment of Marcus Island 9 Oct 44 P27-7
Western New Guinea operations
     (Only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:)
21 Apr 44-9 Jan 45 P28
.....Designated duty in connection with motor torpedo boat operations 21 Apr-15 Nov 44 P28-1
.....(Not included)   P28-2
.....Toem-Wakde-Sarmi area operation 17 May-21 Jun 44 P28-3
.....Biak Island operation 27 May-21 Jun 44 P28-4
.....Noemfoor Island operation 2 Jul-23 Jul 44 P28-5
.....Cape Sansapor operation 30 Jul-31 Aug 44 P28-6
.....Supporting and consolidating operations designated by Commander 7th Fleet 11 Sep 44-9 Jan 45 P28-7
.....Morotai Landings 11 Sep 44-9 Jan 45 P28-8
Marianas operation
     (Only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:)
10 Jun-27 Aug 44 P29
.....Neutralization of Japanese Bases in the Bonins, Marianas, and western Pacific 10 Jun-27 Aug 44 P29-1
.....Capture and occupation of Saipan
(See P38 for Tinian)
11 Jun-10 Aug 44 P29-2
.....First Bonins raid 15-16 Jun 44 P29-3
.....Battle of Philippine Sea 19-20 Jun 44 P29-4
.....2d Bonins raid 24 Jun 44 P29-5
.....3d Bonins raid 3-4 Jul 44 P29-6
.....Capture and occupation of Guam 12 Jul-15 Aug 44 P29-7
.....(Not included)   P29-8
.....Palau, Yap, Ulithi raid 25-27 Jul 44 P29-9
.....Fourth Bonins raid 4-5 Aug 44 P29-10
Western Caroline Islands operation
     (Only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:)
.....Raids on Volcano-Bonin Islands and Yap Island 31 Aug-8 Sep 44 P30-1
.....Capture and occupation of southern Palau Islands 6 Sep-14 Oct 44 P30-2
.....Assaults on the Philippine Islands 9-24 Sep 44 P30-3
Leyte operation
     (Only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:)
.....Leyte landings 10 Oct-29 Nov 44 P31-1
.....Battle of Surigao Strait 24-26 Oct 44 P31-2
.....3d Fleet supporting operations Okinawa Attack 10 Oct 44 P31-3
.....Northern Luzon and Formosa attacks 11-14 Oct 44 P31-4
.....Luzon attacks 15, 17-19 Oct 4;
5-6, 13-14, 19-25 Nov 44;
14-16 Dec 44
.....Visayas attacks 20-21 Oct 44;
11 Nov 44
.....Ormoc Bay landings 7-13 Dec 44 P31-7
.....Battle of Samar 24-26 Oct 44 P31-8
.....Battle of Cape Engano 24-26 Oct 44 P31-9
.....Submarine participation 10 Oct-16 Dec 44 P31-10
Luzon operation
     (Only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:)
12 Dec 44-1 Apr 45 P32
.....Mindoro landings 12-18 Dec 44 P32-1
.....Lingayen Gulf landings 4-18 Jan 45 P32-2
.....3d Fleet supporting operations:    
.........Luzon attacks 6-7 Jan 45 P32-3
.........Formosa attacks 3-4, 9, 15, 21 Jan 45 P32-4
.........China Coast attacks 12, 16 Jan 45 P32-5
.........Nansei Shoto attack 22 Jan 45 P32-6
Iwo Jima operation
     (Only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:)
15 Feb-16 Mar 45 P33
.....Assault and occupation of Iwo Jima 15 Feb-16 Mar 45 P33-1
.....5th Fleet raids against Honshu and the Nansei Shoto 15 Feb-16 Mar 45 P33-2
.....Bombardments of Iwo Jima 11 Nov 44-24 Jan 45 P33-3
Okinawa Gunto operation
     (Only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:)
17 Mar-30 Jun 45 P34
.....Assault and occupation of Okinawa Gunto 24 Mar-30 Jun 45 P34-1
.....5th and 3d Fleet raids in support of Okinawa Gunto operation 17 Mar-11 Jun 45 P34-2
3d Fleet operations against Japan 10 Jul-15 Aug 45 P35
Kurile Islands operation
     (Only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:)
1 Feb 44-11 Aug 45 P36
.....Masashi-Wan-Kurabu-Zaki 4 Feb 44 P36-1
.....Matsuwa 13 Jun 44 P36-2
.....Kurabu Zaki 26 Jun 44 P36-3
.....Matsuwa 21 Nov 44 P36-4
.....Suribachi Wan 5 Jan 45 P36-5
.....Kurabu Zaki 18 Feb 45 P36-6
.....Matsuwa 16 Mar 45 P36-7
.....Search in Okhotsk Sea and bombardment of Suribachi 19 May 45 P36-8
.....Matsuwa 11-12 Jun 45 P36-9
.....Attack on enemy convoy west of Kurile Islands 25 Jun 45 P36-10
.....Search in Okhotsk Sea and bombardment of Suribachi Wan 17-19, 22 Jul 45 P36-11
.....Antishipping sweep and bombardments of Matsuwa-Kurabu Zaki and Suribachi 11 Aug 45 P36-12
Borneo operations
     (Only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:)
27 Apr-20 Jul 45 P37
.....Tarakan Island operation 27 Apr-29 May 45 P37-1
.....Brunei Bay operation 7 Jun-15 Jul 45 P37-2
.....Balikpapan operation 15 Jun-20 Jul 45 P37-3
Tinian capture and occupation 24 Jul-1 Aug 44 P38
Consolidation and capture of Southern Philippines 28 Feb-20 Jul 45 P39
.....Palawan Islands landings 28 Feb-10 Mar 45 P39-1
.....Visayan Island landings (including Lubang, Ticao-Burias, Panay, Cebu, Negros, Masbate and Bohol) 1 Mar-20 Apr 45 P39-2
.....Mindanao Island landings (including Zamboanga, Malabang-Parang-Cotabato Davao Gulf-Digos-Santa Cruz-Taloma Bay-Luayon-Cape San Augustin, Macajalar Bay, Sarangani Bay-Balut Island) 8 Mar-20 Jul 45 P39-3
.....Zulu Archipelago landings (including Sanga Sanga, Tawi Tawi, Jolo) 2-20 Apr 45 P39-4
.....Supporting mine sweeping operations (including San Bernadino Straits-Verde Island Passage, Casiguran Sound-Baler Bay, Coron Bay, Balavac Strait) P39-5
Hollandia operation (Aitape Humbolt Bay-Tanahmerah Bay) 21 Apr-1 Jun 44 P40
Manila Bay-Bicol operations
     (Only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:)
29 Jan-16 Apr 45 P41
.....Zambales-Subic Bay 29-31 Jan 45 P41-1
.....Nasugbu 31 Jan-10 Feb 45 P41-2
.....Mariveles-Corregidor 14-28 Feb 45 P41-3
.....Minesweeping of Manila Bay 24 Feb-15 Apr 45 P41-4
.....El Fraile (Fort Drum), Manila Bay 13 Apr 45 P41-5
.....Carabao Island, Manila Bay 16 Apr 45 P41-6
Escort, antisubmarine, armed guard and special operations
     (1 star for participation in each of the following:)
U.S.S. Navajo--Salvage operations 8 Aug 42-3 Feb 43 P201
Action off Vanikoro 17-21 Jul 43 P202
Naval Group China (6 months duty required) 19 Feb 43-4 May 45 P203
(Not included)   P204
Task Group 30.4 22 May-15 Jun 44 P205
Task Group 12.2 5 Jul-9 Aug 44 P206
Minesweeping Operations Pacific
     (Only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:)
23 Jun 45-2 Mar 46 P207
.....Tsugaru Straits (Honshu Area) 7 Sep-18 Oct 45 P207-1
.....Tokyo Bay (Honshu Area) 28 Aug-3 Sep 45 P207-2
.....Nagoya (Honshu Area) 28 Sep-26 Oct 45 P207-3
.....Sendai-Choshi (Honshu) 10 -15 Sep 45 P207-4
.....Wakanoura-Kii (Honshu Area) 11 Sep-2 Oct 45 P207-5
.....Kochi-Shikoku (Honshu Area) 8 Sep-8 Nov 45 P207-6
.....Bungo-Suido (Honshu Area) 22 Sep-31 Oct 45 P207-7
.....Omai-Saki (Honshu Area) 11-31 Dec 45 P207-8
.....Kobe (Honshu Area) 28 Nov 45-9 Mar 46 P207-9
.....Kure-Hiroshima (Honshu Area) 27 Oct 45-26 Feb 46 P207-10
.....Kagoshima (Kyushu-Korea Area) 1-8 Sep 45 P207-11
.....Nagasaki (Kyushu-Korea Area) 10-16 Sep 45 P207-12
.....Sasebo (Kyushu-Korea Area) 9 Sep-17 Oct 45 P207-13
.....Arcadia (Kyushu-Korea Area) 1-7 Sep 45 P207-14
.....Van DIeman STraits (Kyushu-Korea Area) 15 Sep-1 Dec 45 P207-15
.....Kadoura (Kyushu-Korea Area) 24 Oct-29 Nov 45 P207-16
.....Tsushima Straits (Kyushu-Korea Area) 12 Oct 45-14 Apr 46 P207-17
.....Fukuoka (Kyushu-Korea Area) 13 Oct 45-11 Jan 46 P207-18
.....Tachibana Wan (Kyushu-Korea Area) 14 Dec 45-26 Jan 46 P207-19
.....Fusan (Kyushu-Korea Area) 28 Sep 45-29 Jan 46 P207-20
....."Rickshaw" (Kyushu-Korea Area) 19 Oct-1 Dec 45 P207-21
....."Klondike" (East China Sea-Ryukyus Area) 27 Oct-7 nov 45 P207-22
....."Skagway" (East China Sea-Ryukyus Area) 14 Aug-9 Nov 45 P207-23
....."Reno" (East China Sea-Ryukyus Area) 2-28 Nov 45 P207-24
.....(Not included)   P207-25
.....Yulinkan Bay Area 15 Feb-2 mar 46 P207-26
.....East Hainan Area 1-2 Mar 46 P207-27
.....Yangtze River Approaches 22 FEb-2 Mar 46 P207-28
Submarine War Patrols (Pacific)
     (1 star for participation in each war patrol)
7 Dec 41-2 Sep 45 P208
Operation Date Code
North African occupation
     (Only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:)
8 Nov 42-9 Jul 43 E1
.....Algeria-Morocco landings 8-11 Nov 42 E1-1
.....Actions off Casablanca 8 Nov 42 E1-2
.....Tunisian operations 8 Nov 42-9 Jul 43 E1-3
Sicilian occupation 9-15 Jul 43;
28 Jul-17 Aug 43
Salerno landings 9-21 Sep 43 E3
West Coast of Italy operations--1944
     (Only 1 star for participation in 1 or more of the following:)
.....Anzio-Nettuno advanced landings 22 Jan-1 Mar 44 E4-1
.....Bombardments Formia-Anzio area 12 May-4 Jun 44 E4-2
.....Elba and Pianosa landings 17 Jun 44 E4-3
Invasion of Normandy (including bombardment of Cherbourg) 6-25 Jun 44 E5
Northeast Greenland operation 10 Jul-17 Nov 44 E6
Invasion of Southern France 15 Aug-25 Sep 44 E7
Reinforcement of Malta 14-21 Apr 42;
3-16 May 42
Escort, antisubmarine, armed guard and special operations:
     (1 star for participation in each of the following:)

[Note: See Convoy Codes to associate codes with routes]

Russian convoy operations 16 Dec 41-27 Feb 43 E201
Convoy ON-166 20-25 Feb 43 E202
Convoy UC-1 22-24 Feb 43 E203
Convoy SC-121 3-10 Mar 43 E204
Convoy UGS-6 12-18 Mar 43 E205
Convoy HX-233 16-18 Apr 43 E206
Task Group 21.12 20 Apr-20 Jun 43 E207
Task Group 21.11 13 Jun-6 Aug 43 E208
Task Group 21.12 27 Jun-31 Jul 43 E209
Convoy MKS-21 13 Aug 43 E210
Task Group 21.14 25 Sep-9 Nov 43 E211
Convoy KMF-25A 6 Nov 43 E212
Task Group 21.13 11 Nov-29 Dec 43 E213
Task Group 21.14 2 Dec 43-Jan 44 E214
Task Group 21.12 7 Mar-26 Apr 44 E215
Task Group 21.16 16 Feb-31 Mar 44 E216
Convoy UGS-36 1 Apr 44 E217
Convoy UGS-37 11-12 Apr 44 E218
Convoy UGS-38 20 Apr 44 E219
Task Group 21.11 22 Apr-29 May 44 E220
Convoy UGS-40 11 May 44 E221
Task Group 22.3 13 May-19 Jun 44 E222
Norway raid E223
Task Group 22.5 3 Jun-22 Jul 44 E224
Convoy HX-229 16-18 Mar 43 E225
Minesweeping operations in Bay of Cagliari Oct and Nov 43 E226
Convoy KMS-31 11 Nov 43 E227
U.S.S. Buck (DD 420) 8-9 Oct 43 E228
U.S.S. Swerve (AM 121) 9 Jul 44 E229
Operation Date Code
Escort, antisubmarine, armed guard, and special operations:
      1 star for participation in each of the following:)

[Note: See Convoy Codes to associate codes with routes]

Convoy ON-67 21-26 Feb 42 A201
Convoy SC-107 3-8 Nov 42 A202
Task Group 21.13 12 Jul-23 Aug 42 A203
Task Group 21.14 27 Jul-10 Sep 43 A204
Task Group 21.15 24 Mar-11 May 44 A205
Convoy TAG-18 1-6 Nov 42 A206
U.S.S. Frederick C. Davis (DE-136) (antisubmarine operation) 24 Apr 45 A207
U.S.S. Atik (SS Carolyn) A/S operation 27 Mar 42 A208
U.S.S. Asterion (SS Evelyn) A/S operation 22 Mar 42-31 Jan 43 A209