
ICSTI | Event Chairs

Information Trends and Opportunities Chair

Margret PLANK, German National Library of Science and Technology (TiB), Germany

The information trends and opportunities chair organizes events focused on strategic developments regarding open science and open Innovation. The chair conducts trend and horizon scanning for ICSTI members and hosts or organizes annual workshops that provide a broad overview of the most recent initiatives and developments in scientific and technical information, including topics like scholarly communication, open data, open science training, open scholarship in practice, and new formats of participation in science.

Technical Activities Chair

Brian HITSON, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), USA

The technical activities chair organizes events exploring leading-edge technology, tools, and other technical topics of interest to the scientific and technical information community. The chair hosts, organizes or solicits workshops, papers, and presentations by industry leaders and ICSTI members in approaches related to STI management, analysis, discovery, and dissemination, particularly in advancement of open science.