
ICSTI | Programs & Resources

Home Programs & Resources

ICSTI strives to offer a program of virtual and in-person events as well as opportunities to collaborate on projects of interest to both ICSTI members and the scholarly communications stakeholders they serve. ICSTI's events programming is driven primarily by our two event chairs, the Information Trends and Opportunities chairperson and the Technical Activities chairperson.

ICSTI typically offers one major annual conference either virtually or in-person. When in-person, the annual conference is usually co-located with another conference of interest to our members. The annual conference entails workshops or presentations arranged by the ICSTI event chairs which are open to ICSTI members as well as attendees of the co-located conference. Additional ICSTI-members'-only conference sessions are devoted to member-to-member presentations, ICSTI business, and other projects.

ICSTI also offers virtual events, a weekly newsletter summarizing scholarly communications news topics, and opportunities to participate in research and projects designed to explore and innovate on the leading-edge of information science and technology.