Alien Anthology Blu-ray Review - IGN
- ️R.L. Shaffer
- ️Fri Nov 06 2020
Moving beyond the initial premise, James Cameron's Aliens is easily one of the best sequels ever made (it's also my all-time favorite film), taking the original story and expanding upon it in ways most sequels are afraid to do. Stan Winston steps in for H.R. Giger and manages to create his own unforgettable beast – the Alien Queen. And Cameron's days working on Roger Corman productions (like Galaxy of Terror, a film that curiously looks a lot like Aliens) pay off – he's able to take minimalistic sets, a B-movie cast, and only a handful of Alien suits and craft a visually daring, perfectly performed, scary, action-packed sci-fi adventure that, like Alien, sets the bar for the genre.
Sadly, David Fincher was given an impossible task – make a film that's a sequel to two of the greatest genre classics ever made. Instead of moving forward with the story Cameron set up, Fincher and crew took a more nihilistic approach and reinvented the Alien franchise, foolishly bringing the series back to its single-alien roots. But in doing so, they nearly killed the series, too. Fincher's freshmen debut is mesmerizing at times, and plays best as a standalone film. Don't watch the theatrical cut, though. Watch the much better, more spiritual workprint – the version of the film Fincher was working on at the time he tragically quite the production due to "creative conflicts." It's a shame that Alien 3 nearly ruined the franchise, but that doesn't make it a bad movie, just a bad sequel.
Alien Resurrection is the bad movie. Simply put, Jean-Pierre Jeunet was the absolute wrong choice for this film. His award-winning quirky French visual sensibilities didn't mesh well with Joss Whedon's meat-and-potatoes script, which resulted in a film riddled with eerie metaphors, strange unlikeable characters, odd cinematography and an alien with boobs. Sigourney Weaver gives it her all. So does most of the supporting cast, save for a miscast Winona Ryder. But there's simply too much to detest about this film. That said, it's fun to look out for the crystal-clear Poseidon Adventure homages and to look at the film as a precursor to Whedon's own Firefly series, right down to the "for hire" space drifters and the western motifs that follow.
Each film in this six-disc Blu-ray box set receives a gorgeous HD transfer. The first two films get 4K restorations while the latter films each get HD remasters. All four films are remastered in DTS-HD 5.1 as well, and they each sound magnificent, even the older films in the series.
Alien looks the most polished of the bunch – almost like a brand new film. The print is inkier, bolder and cleaner than ever before. It's simply mesmerizing to watch. Aliens has always sort of looked grimy or overly soft. Those issues have been washed away here, with this crisper, more defined restoration that draws out the film's wonderful cinematography, lighting and set design. While heavy grain is still present throughout, this is undoubtedly the best this film has ever looked. And we can thank our lucky stars the studio didn't blow the print out the airlock with DNR (digital noise reduction).
Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection look pretty great as well, but a touch softer than the other two films. Alien 3 benefits from a stark visual design, but the film's golden palette doesn't always yield a pristine HD transfer. As an added audio bonus, the workprint of Alien 3 boasts completely redubbed audio (with the original cast) for a few formally rough, unfinished scenes. Alien Resurrection has always had this grimy, greenish hue to it (allegedly the film was dipped in oil to achieve this look), and that presentation, while sometimes ugly, soft and worn-out, has been wonderfully ported over to BD. But, as such, it's the least impressive looking film of the bunch.
Next, we've got the set's queen-sized extras (a good 30+ hours of bonus material). Honestly, there are so many here, there's simply no way to cover them all in this review. Not only does each film host the original theatrical cut, but extended cuts as well. Each disc features at least one commentary track (there are two for Alien), isolated 5.1 versions of the film scores for each film, deleted/extended scenes and Fox's excellent MU-TH-UR mode, which keeps track of your progress through the set, and suggests supplemental options for you to explore.
Discs five and six host a cache of extras akin to the egg nest in Alien. Disc five delivers the original documentaries produced for the nine-disc box set released a few years ago (presented in SD). But that's not all – disc producers have added "enhancement pods," which are essentially deleted scenes, making these documentaries even more expansive, impressive and informative than ever before. Also, the documentary for Alien 3 is expanded even further, formally blocked by Fox lawyers. Now audiences can finally hear the whole story behind Fincher's troubled production.
Disc six features an amazing archive of features, most of which have been ported over from the previous nine-disc set. We're treated to numerous, positively stunning galleries – from production stills, to concept art, posters, cast portraits, notes, sketches and so much more. There's also test footage, deleted/alternate/extended scenes, additional featurettes, EPK materials, classic making-of documentaries, trailers, TV spots, and again, so much more. Frankly, you'll probably be sick of this franchise by the time you're finished going through all that's here.
Finally, the disc's menus are the single most fluid, easy-to-use BD menus I've seen yet. They move and flow like a real computer interface, something along the lines of MU-TH-UR from the first film, and integrate with MU-TH-UR mode perfectly. It's just brilliant. The case for the set is equally as brilliant. The glossy metallic cardboard case houses a digibook with foamcore pages that keep the discs. There are also full color photos here, descriptions of each movie, and a note from Scott who drops hints of a newer, deadlier monster in his upcoming Alien prequel. The only goof here is that one of the photos for Alien Resurrection (a full two-page photo, no less) is upside down.
Now, I know there are a lot of fans out there who really hate Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection. But it's time to stop acting like a "Newborn" and put those differences aside and explore all that this six-disc box set has to offer. You might find yourself loving the later sequels as standalone pictures after traipsing through the hours of documentaries, commentaries and featurettes that redeem them. And if not, you'll at least understand what went wrong. The Alien Anthology box set is a dream. I can't imagine a Blu-ray box set getting much better than this.