Commando - SWTOR Guide - IGN
- ️Thu Feb 16 2012
Commandos are masters of heavy ranged weaponry. For those that want to run into battle with guns blazing and overwhelm their opponents with sheer firepower, the Commando is the best there is.
Commando Skills
The following is a list of publically confirmed skills. More will be added as information becomes public.
Skill Builder
Build out your Commando's skill tree with IGN's skill builder tool and share your favorite builds with a simple link.
Assault Specialist
Skill Name | Usage | Description |
Adrenaline Fueled | Passive | Critical hits have a 6% chance to reduce the active cooldown on Adrenaline Rush and Reserve Powercell by 3 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds. 2 ranks. |
Assault Plastique | Instant | Throws a moldable plastic explosive that sticks to the target and detonates after several seconds. Standard and weak enemies enter a sate of panic while the explosive is active. The explosion deal 304 kinetic damage when it detonates. Standard and weak targets are knocked back from the blast. Shares a 15 second cooldown with Sticky Grenade. |
Assault Trooper | Passive | Increases the critical bonus damage of Plasma Cell, High Impact Bolt, Incendiary Round and Assault Plastique by 15%. 2 ranks. |
Burnout | Passive | Increases tech critical chance by 1% and increases the damage dealt by periodic elemental effects by 10% on targets below 30% max health. 3 ranks. |
Chain Reaction | Passive | Recharges an energy cell when you land a critical hit with a Tech attack |
Degauss | Passive | Reactive Shield has a 50% chance to remove all movement-impairing effects when activated. 2 ranks. |
High Friction Bolts | Passive | High Impact Bolts ignore 15% of the target's armor. In addition if High Impact Bolts hits a buring target, it has a 10% chance to generate 1 energy cell and refresh the duration of your Plasma Cell's burn effect if present. |
Incendiary Round | Instant | Launches and incendiary projectile, setting the target abalze for 60 elemental damage and an additional 45 elemental damage over 12 second. |
Ionic Accelerator | Passive | Charged Bolts has a 6% chance and Full Auto has a 3% chance to finish the cooldown on High Impact Bolt and make the next High Impact Bolt free. 3 ranks. |
Nightvision Scope | Passive | Increases stealth detection by 1, melee and ranged defense by 1% and reduces the cooldown of Stealth Scan by 2.5 seconds. 2 ranks. |
Parallactic Combat Stims | Passive | you have a 6% chance to recharge 1 energy cell when stunned, immobilized, knocked down or otherwise incapacitated. 2 ranks. |
Rapid Recharge | Passive | Reduces the cooldown of Recharge Cells by 15 seconds. 2 ranks. |
Rain of Fire | Passive | Hammer Shot, Charged Bolts, High Impact Bolt, Full Auto and Hail of Bolts deal 3% additional damage to burning targets. 3 ranks. |
Reflexive Shield | Passive | When you take damage, you have a 50% chance to reduce the active cooldown of Reactive Shield by 1.5 seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every 1.5 seconds. 2 ranks. |
Soldier's Endurance | Passive | Increases Endurance by 3%. 3 ranks. |
Sticky Grenade | Instant | Throw a grenade that will detonate after several seconds. Can also deal splash damage to secondary targets. |
Superheated Plasma | Passive | Increases the damage dealt by Plasma Cell by 10% and increases its chance to be triggered by 2%. 3 ranks. |
Sweltering Heat | Passive | Plasma Cell has a 3% chance when it applies its effects to reduce the movement speed of the target by 50% for 6 seconds. 2 ranks. |
Target Lock | Passive | Increases ranged and tech accuracy by 1%. 3 ranks. |
Weapon Calibrations | Passive | Increases alacrity by 2%. 2 ranks. |
Skill Name | Usage | Description |
Advanced Tech | Passive | Increases healing received by 1% and all healing done by 1%. 2 ranks. |
Cell Charger | Passive | While Armor-piercing Cell is active, critical hits with rounds and Full Auto have a 10% chance to generate 1 energy cell. This effect cannot occur more than once every 3 seconds. 2 ranks. |
Charged Barrel | Passive | Charged rounds increase the damage of your next Hammer shot by 10% for six seconds. |
Charged Barrier | Passive | Charged Bolts and Grav Round have a 3% chance to build a Charged Barrier that reduces damage taken by 2% for 1 second. Stacks up to 5 times. 2 ranks. |
Concussive Force | Passive | Stockstrike has a 4% chance to knock the target back several meters. In addition, Concussion Charge's knockback effect is stronger and pushes enemies 2 meters further away. 2 ranks. |
Cover Fire | Passive | Full Auto has a 6% chance to slow the target's movement speed by 50% for 2 seconds. 2 ranks. |
Curtain of Fire | Passive | Charged Bolts and Grav Round have a 3% chance to finish the cooldown on Full Auto and increase the damage dealt by the next Full Auto by 25%. This effect cannot occur more than once every 6 seconds. 3 ranks. |
Deadly Cannon | Passive | Increases the critical bonus damage of Full Auto and Demolition Round by 15%. 2 ranks. |
Demolition Round | Instant | Fires a demolition round that explodes on contact, dealing 236 - 250 kinetic damage. This damage is increased by 5% per gravity vortex on the target. |
Grav Round | Instant | Create a Gravity Vortex projectile that deals kinetic damage |
Gravity Surge | Passive | Grav round now applies an additional gravity vortex. |
Havoc Rounds | Passive | Increases the damage dealt by all rounds and Charged Bolts by 3% and increases the healing dealt by Kolta Bomb by 10%. 2 ranks. |
Heavy Trooper | Passive | Increases Endurance by 1% and all healing received by 3%. 2 ranks. |
Ironsights | Passive | Increases Aim by 3%. 3 ranks. |
Kolto Recharge | Passive | Recharge Cells regenerate 7% of your maximum health over 10 seconds. |
Muzzle Fluting | Passive | Reduces the cost of Charged Bolts and Grav Rounds by 1. |
Rotary Cannon | Passive | Increases the damage dealt by Full Auto by 33%. |
Reserve Round | Passive | Reduces the cooldown of Concussive Round by 7.5 seconds and Reserve Powercell by 15 seconds. |
Special Munitions | Passive | Increases the effect of your cells while they are active. Plasma Cell: Inreases tech critical chance by 3%. Armor Piercing Cell: Reduces the cost of High Impact Bolt by 1. Combat Support Cell: Increases tech critical hit chance by 3%. |
Steadied Aim | Passive | Reduces the pushback suffered while activating Charged Bolts, Concussive Round, Grav Round and Full Auto by 25%. 3 ranks. |
Tenacious Defense | Passive | Reduces the cooldown of Concussion Charge by 5 seconds and Tenacity by 15 seconds. 2 ranks. |
Combat Medic
Skill Name | Usage | Description |
Armor Screen | Passive | Preventative Medicine now also provides 10% armor while active. |
Bacta Infusion | Instant | Instantly heals a friend target for 246 - 279. |
Cell Capacitor | Passive | Recharge Cells now immediately recharges 3% additional cells. 2 ranks. |
Combat Shield | Passive | Reactive Shield now further decreases ability activation pushback by 30% and makes you immune to interrupts. |
Efficient Conversions | Passive | Reduces the cost of Concussion Charge, Concussive Round and Cryo Grenade by 1. |
Field Medicine | Passive | Increases the healing done by Medical Probe and Advanced Medical Probe by 3%. In addition, Medical Probe builds 3 charges of Combat Support Cell. 2 ranks. |
Field Training | Passive | Increases ranged and tech critical chance by 2%. 3 ranks. |
Field Triage | Passive | Advanced Medical Probe has a 2% chance to reduce the cost of your Medical Probe by 2. 3 ranks. |
First Responder | Passive | Critical results with damage and healing abilities have a 5% chance to grant First Responder, increasing alacrity by 5% for 1 second. |
Kolto Bomb | Instant | Lobs a kolto bomb at the target area, exploding on impact. Heals up to 3 allies within 8 meters of the targeted area for 56. |
Kolto Residue | Passive | Kolto Bomb has a 5% chance to leave Kolto Residue on affected targets, increasing all healing received by 5% for 5 seconds. |
Med Zone | Passive | Increases all healing received by 10% while Reactive Shield is active. 2 ranks. |
Potent Medicine | Passive | Increases the critical healing bonus of all heals by 3%. 5 ranks. |
Preventative Medicine | Passive | Advanced Medical Probe has a 5% chance to apply Preventative Medicine to the target, healing for an additional 5 over 1 second. 2 ranks. |
Psych Aid | Passive | Reduces teh cost of Field Aid by 1. In addition, Field Aid now removes negative mental effects. |
Quick Thinking | Passive | Reduces the activation time of Medical Probe by 0.25 seconds and reduces the cooldown of Advanced Medical Probe by 1.5 seconds. 2 ranks. |
Steady Hands | Passive | Reduces the pushback suffered while activating healing abilities by 35% and reduces the threat generated by healing abilities by 5%. 2 ranks. |
Supercharge Cells | Instant | Coverts 30 charges of Combat Support Cell to supercharge your blaster, restoring 2 energy cells and increasing all damage and healing dealt by 10% for 1 second. While active, the following abilities gain Supercharge effects: Charged Bolts: Cost reduced by 2, Full Auto: Cost reduced by 1: Advanced Medical Probe: Cooldown reduced by 100%, Kolto Bomb: Places a shield on all targets, reducing damage taken by 10% for 15 seconds. |
Trauma Probe | Instant | Deploys a trauma probe with 10 charges that lasts 5 minutes. When the target is damaged, Trauma Probe loses 1 charge and heals the target for x. This effect cannot occur more than once every 3 seconds. Only one trauma probe can be deployed at a time. |
Treated Wound Dressings | Passive | Reduces all damage taken by 2% while Combat Support Cell is active. 2 ranks. |