
Spain 2021: Squad changes

All the late registrations and player replacements for Spain 2021 will appear here. This article will be updated throughout the championship.

For provisional (pre-tournament) 35-name squad lists check the 'Teams' section of the Spain 2021 mini-site.

*Information correct as of Monday 13 December 2021*

Monday 13 December

RHF (RHF): #78 Irina KORNEEVA (Left back) IN, #76 (Right back) Ekaterina ZELENKOVA OUT

France (FRA): #20 Laura FLIPPES (Right back) IN, #29 Oriane ONDONO (Pivot) OUT 

France (FRA): #33 Orlane KANOR (Left back) IN, #15 Kalidiatou NIAKATE (Left back) OUT

Sunday 12 December

Croatia (CRO): #30 Ivana DEZIC (Left back) IN, #7 Dora KRSNIK (Centre back) OUT

Japan (JPN): #50 Shizuka AKIYAMA (Left back) IN, #17 Clare Francis GRAY (Pivot) OUT

Saturday 11 December

Slovenia (SLO): #3 Manca JURIC (Pivot) IN, #1 Branka ZEC (Goalkeeper) OUT

Friday 10 December

Sweden (SWE): #21 Evelina ERIKSSON (Goalkeeper) IN, #30 Martina THÖRN (Goalkeeper) OUT

Japan (JPN): #17 Clare Francis GRAY (Pivot) IN, #30 Sakura KAMETANI (Goalkeeper) OUT

Wednesday 8 December

Austria (AUT): #18 Kristina DRAMAC (Right back) IN, #23 Klara SCHLEGEL (Right back) OUT

Japan (JPN): #51 Ayaka OHMATSUZAWA (Left back) IN, #17 Clare Francis GRAY (Pivot) OUT

Croatia (CRO): #41 Gabriela GUDELJ (Right back) IN, #30 Ivana DEZIC (Left back) OUT

Croatia (CRO): #40 Tena PETIKA (Left back) IN, #9 Camila MICIJEVIC (Left back) OUT

Tuesday 7 December

Romania (ROU): #37 Alexandra-Diana BADEA (Right wing) IN, #55 Oana-Doina BORS (Right wing) OUT

France (FRA): #18 Orlane AHANDA (Right back) IN, #20 Laura FLIPPES (Right back) OUT

Monday 6 December

Austria (AUT): #76 Sarah DRAGULJIC (Pivot) IN, #57 Josephine HUBER (Pivot) OUT

Japan (JPN): #32 Hikaru MATSUMOTO (Left wing) IN, #51 Ayaka OHMATSUZAWA (Left back) OUT

Slovakia (SVK): #39 Monika PÉNZES (Left wing) IN, #6 Martina POPOVCOVA (Left wing) OUT

Saturday 4 December

Spain (ESP): #99 Mireya GONZALEZ ALVAREZ (Right back) IN, #27 Lara GONZALEZ ORTEGA (Left back) OUT

Player replacement criteria

Each team may replace up to five (5) players at any time (e.g., each team may put in five (5) new players or may put in a player who has already been replaced once). Players may be replaced with players indicated in the provisional list only. 

Player replacements during the World Championship after submitting the definitive list due to positive COVID-19 cases will not be deducted from the total of five replacements each team is entitled to. This is only valid for replacements within 48 hours after the infection of the player concerned has become known. Players may be replaced with players indicated in the provisional list only.

In case a suspended player is replaced by another player, the new player is only eligible to play after the suspension has lapsed.  

*Information correct as of Monday 13 December 2021*

Saturday 7 December

Norway (NOR): #11 Malin AUNE (Right wing)

Austria (AUT): #44 Nora LEITNER (Pivot)

Denmark (DEN) #42 Michala Elsberg MØLLER (Left back)

Late registration criteria

If a team has registered less than the number of players allowed in the definitive list, it may register one (1) additional player from the provisional list during the competition. The late registration should be done on the respective match day at the latest.