Rain Pryor | Actress, Writer, Producer

  • Actress
  • Writer
  • Producer

Rain Pryor

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Shameless Women (2019)

Rain Pryor is a dynamic speaker, spokesperson, award winning actress, singer, writer, comedian, and, producer. Now, that's quite a few hats to wear, but, they all fit and every one of them reflects her eclectic mix of Judaism and her African American roots. One of Rain's mentors told her, "if you wait for the world to come to you, you will always be waiting 'find what you want to do and go do it!" She is a woman who believes in constantly creating and inspiring others to do their best and wants people to know if you live simply, honor the truth, and follow your passion in life, dreams can come true.

Pryor's work is never done, speaking around the country on themes of multicultural diversity, family, and Judaism, She brings a unique and touching story to her talks.

In addition Rain, is an MS Ambassador. Her commitment to fight for a cure of MS has her hosting and speaking around the world to educate families and friends about MS treatment options and therapies in honor of her father Richard Pryor.

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