Erotik im Beruf - Was jeder Personalchef gern verschweigt (1971) ⭐ 4.3 | Drama
German director Ernst Hofbauer, along with his sometimes collaborator Walter Boos and producer Wolf Hartwig, created the 70's "sex-report" films, fake docudramas about the exploits of sexy schoolgirls and horny housewives (all played by the same group of German and Scandinavian actresses who weren't particularly believable as either). Well, here Hofbauer tackles the subject of "sex at the office", and while this will never make it as one of those sexual-harassment-in-the-workplace training videos, it's certainly a lot more fun. The frame story involves a male boss who is caught en flagrante with a female underling by the the cleaning staff. Although the actress (Karin Field from "The Mad Butcher") looks nearly 30, her character is actually 18, yet (in the confused English audio version) also "underage". So while the legal magistrates decide the man's fate, two reporters decide to go out and "research" other stories about illicit office sex.
Most of the stories are beyond ridiculous, but they're sometimes pretty sexy. One poor guy is the sole male supervisor in an office of sex-mad foreign women. An Italian girl and a Greek girl get in a catfight over him (and one of them uses an interesting move where she pulls down her opponent's panties and spanks her). Anyway, to the victor eventually goes the spoils. Then a female fashion boss, who usually contents herself with lesbian couplings (and triplings), falls in love with an (apparently) straight man. It all goes awry, and she attempts suicide, but winds up happily in the arms of her fat male psychologist (lucky her). Still, this story is more entertaining than "The Devil Wears Prada". Then there's an actual BELIEVABLE story of a boss sexually harassing a young female employee (how'd that one get in here?). Then a "perverted" husband and wife sexually abuse a foreign maid, but turnabout is fair play as the husband receives a bare-ass whipping from two burly foreign garbage men?! And the goofy-looking "sex-report" regular Michael Schreiner also shows up at one point--once again, he has hooked with an improbably attractive fraulein, but once again it all goes horribly wrong. . .
The women are typically attractive, but the story-telling is quite a bit lazier than usual. There's also a hilarious amount of self-promotion here with posters from Hofbauer's more well-known "schuldmachen-report" films often seen in the background. Those are generally better than this one, but if you're really into office sex, this just might be for you.