Hellraiser (1987) - Quotes - IMDb
- Kirsty Cotton: [Kirsty, in tears] Who are you?
- Lead Cenobite: Explorers, in the further regions of experience. Demons to some, angels to others.
- Lead Cenobite: I want to hear him confess, himself. Then maybe... maybe.
- Female Cenobite: But if you cheat us...
- Lead Cenobite: We'll tear your soul apart!
- [Pinhead appears from the shadows behind Kirsty]
- Lead Cenobite: We have such sights to show you!
- [Kirsty meets the Cenobites for the first time]
- Lead Cenobite: The box, you opened it, we came.
- Kirsty Cotton: [Kirsty screams] It's just a puzzle box!
- Lead Cenobite: Oh no, it is a means to summon us.
- [Frank sees Kristy while constrained in chains]
- Frank (wearing Larry's skin): Jesus wept.
- [chuckling]
- [last lines]
- Asian Merchant: [the Asian Merchant sits across the table with the puzzle box] What's your pleasure, sir?
- [Kirsty begs for the Cenobites to leave her alone]
- Kirsty Cotton: [Kirsty cries] Please! Go! Go away and leave me alone!
- Lead Cenobite: Oh, no tears, please. It's a waste of good suffering!
- [in a flashback, we see Frank open the box and be tortured by the Cenobites]
- Frank the Monster: [voice-over] I thought I'd gone to the limits. I hadn't. The Cenobites gave me an experience beyond limits. Pain and pleasure, indivisible.
- [Kirsty finds the skinless Frank in the attic]
- Frank Cotton: Kirsty, It's Frank. It's Uncle Frank.
- Kirsty Cotton: No!
- Frank Cotton: You remember.
- Kirsty Cotton: No!
- Frank Cotton: Come to Daddy.
- Kirsty Cotton: [Frank grabs onto Kirsty's waist] Get the fuck off of me!
- Frank Cotton: [Frank closes the door to them in the attic] You've grown. You're beautiful.
- [Kirsty kneels down over her father's skinned body]
- Kirsty Cotton: Oh, my God! Daddy. Daddy!
- Frank (wearing Larry's skin): No, don't mourn him. He was dead long before we ever touched him.
- Kirsty Cotton: [screaming] Bastard!
- Frank (wearing Larry's skin): Oh, hush now. Everything's all right. Frank's here.
- Kirsty Cotton: [screams] Bastard!
- [the Cenobites find Frank in the attic]
- Lead Cenobite: FRANK!
- Frank (wearing Larry's skin): No!
- Female Cenobite: We had to hear it from your own lips.
- [the Asian Merchant sells Frank the puzzle box]
- Asian Merchant: Take it. It's yours.
- Asian Merchant: [Frank takes the box and walks off] It always was.
- Lead Cenobite: [to Kirsty] This isn't for your eyes!
- Frank (wearing Larry's skin): [Frank looks at Kirsty] You set me up, bitch!
- [Frank asks to touch Julia with his skinless body]
- Frank the Monster: Come here. Come here, damn you, I want to touch you.
- Frank the Monster: [Frank smiles] Come to Daddy.
- [the moving man asks Julia for a beer]
- Moving Man 2: You got any beer?
- Julia: There's some in the fridge.
- Larry: Oh, well. Why don't I get it? I've got nothing better to do.
- [Larry sarcastically drops the mattress he was carrying]
- [Frank looks to Kirsty with half of Larry's face scratched open]
- Frank (wearing Larry's skin): [Frank clicks his switchblade open] So much for the cat and mouse shit.
- [Kirsty opens the puzzle box to send the Cenobites back to hell]
- Lead Cenobite: No! Don't do that!
- Kirsty Cotton: GO TO HELL!
- [first lines]
- Asian Merchant: [the Asian Merchant greets Frank] What's your pleasure, Mr. Cotton?
- Frank Cotton: The box.
- [Kirsty shows up at the homestead when the moving men are there]
- Kirsty Cotton: Excuse me.
- Moving Man 2: My lucky day.
- Kirsty Cotton: Hi.
- Moving Man 2: Do you want to buy a bed?
- Kirsty Cotton: Not much.
- [Kirsty sees the size of the old homestead]
- Kirsty Cotton: This is a big house.
- Larry: You like?
- Kirsty Cotton: [Kirsty glances around] Yeah. Me likes.
- Larry: Well, I'll give the grand tour if we ever get this god-damn bed moved.
- Moving Man 2: That your daughter?
- Larry: Uh-huh.
- Moving Man 2: [about Julia] Got her mother's looks.
- Larry: Her mother's dead.
- Moving Man 2: [the moving man goes quiet] Oh.
- [Kirsty looks upon Pinhead standing in the shadows]
- Kirsty Cotton: Oh, shit!
- [Kirsty realizes that Frank is wearing her father's skin]
- Frank (wearing Larry's skin): Stay with us. We can all be happy here.
- Kirsty Cotton: No...
- Frank (wearing Larry's skin): Come to daddy.
- Kirsty Cotton: [Kirsty gasps] Oh, my God.
- Frank (wearing Larry's skin): Come... to daddy!
- [the phone rings downstairs in the homestead]
- Larry: What the hell's that?
- [Kirsty calls her father Larry]
- Larry: Who is this?
- Kirsty Cotton: Dad.
- Larry: Kirsty!
- Kirsty Cotton: I got through.
- Larry: Barely, where are you?
- [in a flashback, Julia relives the first time she met Frank, who is coming in from the rain]
- Frank Cotton: Can I come in? Can I come in?
- [Julia remains silent]
- Frank Cotton: You're Julia, right?
- Julia: That's right. Who are you?
- Frank Cotton: I'm Frank. I'm brother Frank.
- Julia: [Julia smiles with delight] Oh, yes.
- Frank Cotton: I, uh... I came for the wedding. Well, can I come in or not?
- [in a flashback, Julia sees her first kiss with Frank]
- Frank Cotton: What should we drink to? Wedded bliss?
- Julia: I'm very happy.
- Frank Cotton: Oh, sure you are. Are you going to let me kiss the bride?
- [in a flashback, Julia and Frank finish having sex]
- Frank Cotton: It's never enough.
- Julia: [begging him not to leave her] Please. I'll do anything you want. Anything.
- Kirsty Cotton: [as Kirsty struggles with the Chatterer Cenobite] It was a mistake! I didn't... I didn't mean to open it! It was a mistake! You can... Ah! GO TO HELL!
- Female Cenobite: We can't. Not alone.
- Lead Cenobite: You solved the box. We came. Now you must come with us. Taste our pleasures.
- [Larry tells Kirsty to be gentle with Julia during their current move]
- Kirsty Cotton: Is Julia here?
- Larry: She's upstairs. Look, be gentle with her, okay? She hates moving.
- Kirsty Cotton: Surprise.
- Larry: Kirsty.
- Kirsty Cotton: Okay, all right. I'll be nice. You get on with the grunt work.
- [in a flashback, Julia relives the first time she and Frank have sex]
- Julia: What about Larry?
- Frank Cotton: [Frank clicks out his switchblade] Forget him.
- [Steve pours Kirsty a glass of wine]
- Kirsty Cotton: Okay. Okay, stop. I'm not gonna be able to stand up.
- Steve: [flirtatiously] So lie down.
- [Julia has a drink by herself to pick up a man]
- 1st Victim: How much fun is it?
- Julia: What?
- 1st Victim: Drinking alone?
- Julia: Not much.
- [Julia takes a drink]
- [Julia leads her 1st victim into her home]
- 1st Victim: You know, it's funny. I... I feel like I've known you for years. You know?
- 1st Victim: [he tries kissing Julia, who is reluctant] What's the matter? What? This is what you brought me here for, isn't it? Well, isn't it?
- Julia: I suppose so, yes.
- 1st Victim: So what's your problem? Let's get on with it.
- 1st Victim: [Julia pushes the man back from her, angering him] You're not gonna change your fucking mind, are you?
- 1st Victim: [quietly] I'm sorry.
- Julia: Let's go upstairs.
- [Julia leads her 3rd victim through her home]
- 3rd Victim: I, uh... I get lonely sometimes.
- Julia: [Julia looks up towards the attic] Everybody does.
- Kirsty Cotton: Wait! Wait! Please, please wait!
- Lead Cenobite: No time for argument.
- Kirsty Cotton: You've done this before, right?
- Lead Cenobite: Many, many times.
- Kirsty Cotton: To... to a man called Frank Cotton?
- Female Cenobite: Oh, yes.
- Kirsty Cotton: He escaped you!
- Lead Cenobite: Nobody escapes us!
- Kirsty Cotton: He did! I've seen him, I've seen him! He's alive!
- Lead Cenobite: Supposing he had escaped us, what has that to do with you?
- Kirsty Cotton: I... I can... I can lead you to him! And you... you can take him back instead of me!
- Female Cenobite: Perhaps we prefer you!
- Frank (wearing Larry's skin): Where are you, beautiful? Come out, come out, wherever you are!
- [Larry tells his dinner guests about the hospital visit for his hand]
- Larry: I'm not kidding. This Doctor's poking around with all of the delicacy and compassion of Josef Mengele. And I'm warning him, "Listen, I'm gonna pass out!" And he said, "Oh, no, of course you're not, old boy. Of course you're not." Next thing you know, I'm on the floor and he's standing there like he's the one who needs help!
- Bill: Probably was afraid you were gonna sue him.
- Larry: I should do it! Bill, I should - you know all about that stuff. I'll call you tomorrow. We'll sue his ass!
- [the skinless Frank shows Julia the box]
- Frank the Monster: You promised me an explanation.
- Frank the Monster: [Frank holds up the box] This is it.
- Julia: Let me see!
- Frank the Monster: No, don't touch it! It's dangerous. It opens doors.
- Julia: What kind of doors?
- Frank the Monster: The doors to the pleasures of Heaven or Hell. I didn't care which.
- [the female Cenobite follows Kirsty up the stairs]
- Female Cenobite: [running her blade over the wall] Not leaving us so soon, are you?
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