The Next Karate Kid (1994) - Parents guide - IMDb
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Ned Grabs Julie by the shirt she yells at him to stop a few times, then a teacher comes in and makes Ned stop.
Mr Miyagi barges in on Julie while she is changing, no nudity is shown, it shows he is embarrassed he didn't mean to barge in.
No Sex, or Nudity. At all.
A bully aggressively touches a girl and teases her throughout.
Some martial arts fighting with fairly mild results.
A mean dog snarls at a girl but the old man calms him down. The gas station men then get upset and trying fighting the old man and one of them gets his arm twisted and then whacked with a pipe very hard.
Bullies bungie jump at a school dance, one of them hurts his arm.
Uses of goddamnit, bullshit, bastard, and others.
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A bully accuses a girl of smoking at school and even backs it up with a pack of cigarettes.
The presence of the bullies are very threatening, menacing, and creepy.
10+ Mild Violence and Lanuage. PG.
Teen girl squabbles, but levels off as the film goes on.
A girl narrowly avoids being run over by a car. She's fine physically but emotionally shaken up.
Four bullies trap a girl in a school late one night (after the girl snuck into school). One of knocks some pots and pans down hoping to scare her out. Later she does escape but the police go with the bullies story and the girl is suspended for a couple weeks.
The main bully and girl fight. One mild intense scene there.
The old man and leader fight.