First Snow - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games

First Snow


Cinema Poster

Country Flag of the United States.jpg USA
Directed by Mark Fergus
Release Date 2006
Studio El Camino Pictures
Distributor Yari Film Group Releasing
Main Cast
Character Actor
Jimmy Starks Guy Pearce
Dierdre Piper Perabo
Vacaro J.K. Simmons
Ed William Fichtner
Vincent McClure Shea Whigham

The following firearms were used in the film First Snow:

Colt Detective Special

Jimmy Starks (Guy Pearce) buys a Colt Detective Special revolver with black combat grips for protection, after starting to become paranoid.

Colt Detective Special with black combat grips - .38 Special

Starks inspects the Colt. Note the Colt -style cylinder latch.

Starks holds the freshly-loaded revolver.

Starks holds the Colt after being spooked.

Smith & Wesson Model 19

Vincent (Shea Whigham) keeps a Smith & Wesson Model 19 under his mattress in his apartment. When Jimmy Starks (Guy Pearce) goes to Vincent's apartment, he finds and handles the gun. Vincent uses the revolver in the climax.

Smith & Wesson Model 19 Combat Magnum - .357 Magnum

Starks holds Vincent's gun after discovering it.

Starks block Vincent's entry, while still holding his Smith.

In a dream sequence Vincent puts his Model 19 on Jimmy's head.

Vincent holds his Model 19 during the climax.

Vincent holds the gun on both his and Jimmy's head.