Mirage (2008) - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV and Video Games


Mirazh poster.jpeg


Country RUS.jpg Russia
Directed by Tigran Keosayan
Release Date 2008
Language Russian
Studio Art-Bazar Studio
Distributor Central Partnership
Main Cast
Character Actor
Lera Chernyshova Alyona Khmelnitskaya
Andrei aka "The Catcher" Dmitriy Maryanov
Misha Aleksey Chadov
Zhenya Aleksey Bardukov
Tanya Natalya Naumova
Ulyana Antonina Komissarova
Jamal Rustam Urazaev

Mirage is a Russian 2008 action movie directed by Tigran Keosayan. A business lady Lera Chernyshova (Alyona Khmelnitskaya) becomes a witness of a murder, commited by a high-rank politician (Viktor Verzhbitskiy). Being afraid for her life, she runs to some Middle East country. But there Lera together with two more Russian girls, Tanya (Natalya Naumova) and Ulyana (Antonina Komissarova), is kidnapped by local nomads who are engaged in slave, weapons and drug trade. The three girls manage to escape and hide in ruins in desert where they meet two Russian tourists, Misha (Aleksey Chadov) and Zhenya (Aleksey Bardukov), who got lost in desert. Meanwhile the politician hires a bounty hunter known as "The Catcher" (Dmitriy Maryanov) in order to find Lera and bring her home.

The following weapons were used in the film Mirage:


Walther P99

Jamal (Rustam Urazaev), the leader of nomads, carries a two-tone pistol that appears to be a Walther P99. As in most modern Russian movies, it is most likely a blank firing or airsoft replica.

Walther P99 with QPQ finished (stainless steel) slide - 9x19mm

Jamal holds a pistol in night scene.

A close view of the grip.

Brixia Arms Model 92 Army

The Catcher (Dmitriy Maryanov) carries a pistol in holster. He never draws his gun so only a grip can be seen. The shape of the grip resembles Beretta 92FS but the logo on the grip allows to identify the pistol as Brixia Arms Model 92 Army, the blank firing replica, manufactured by Brixia Arms.

Brixia Arms Model 92 Army - 8mm blank

A close view of the grip. Note Brixia Arms logo.

Unidentified pistol

In Lera's flashback the politician (Viktor Verzhbitskiy) holds an unknown suppressed pistol.

The politician holds his pistol in flashback.

Submachine Guns


In the final scene Jamal (Rustam Urazaev) holds an Uzi but doesn't use it in action.

IMI Uzi with buttstock collapsed - 9x19mm

Heckler & Koch UMP45 (airsoft)

What appears to be a Heckler & Koch UMP45 (supposedly an airsoft replica) is seen in hands of a nomad during the climactic battle.

Heckler & Koch UMP45 - .45 ACP

A man at the background holds an UMP. The straight magazine matches .45 version.

An owner of UMP is thrown from the rooftop by an explosion.

Thompson M1A1

A Thompson M1A1 is seen in hands of a nomad.

M1A1 Thompson with 30-round magazine - .45 ACP

A man in the middle holds a Thompson.

Noted rear sight guard allows to identify the Thompson as M1A1.

Assault Rifles


AKS-74 assault rifles (mostly with synthetic furniture but some with wooden) are used or at least hold by all of the main characters. Numerous nomads also carry AKS-74s.

AKS-74 with plum furniture - 5.45x39mm

Jamal's man carries an AKS on sling.

The Catcher discharges two AKS-74s and throws them on the ground.

A close view of AKS with wooden furniture.


Several nomads are armed with AK-74M assault rifles.

A nomad carries an AK-74M on his back.


AK-105s are also seen in hands of nomads.

Jamal's bodyguard at the right holds an AK-105.

An AK-105 is seen at the left.

A mounted nomad in the middle holds an AK-105.

Machine Guns


A PKM machine gun is seen in weapons cache. It is used at first by Akhmed (Aleksey Dmitriev), Jamal's second-in-command. The Catcher (Dmitriy Maryanov) fires PKM during the climactic battle. In the final scene PKMs are also fired from police helicopters.

Mortally wounded Akhmed mans the PKM.

The Catcher readies for battle.

The Catcher mows down attacking horsed nomads.

A barrel of the PKM is seen when a policeman fires from the helicopter.

Other Weapons

F-1 Hand Grenade

The Catcher finds a lot of F-1 hand grenades in weapon cache. He uses most of them as booby traps and also throws one grenade during the battle. One nomade uses an F-1 during the climactic battle.

F-1 High-Explosive Fragmentation hand grenade

Numerous F-1s are found in weapon cache.

The Catcher makes a booby trap.

The trap in a second before the explosion.

A mounted nomad readies to throw a grenade.


An RPG-26 is used by a nomad in the climactic battle.

Another view of the weapon.