Honorary Board » Internet Infidels
- ️Tue Nov 26 2024
Honorary / Emeritus board members are a vital part of the board of directors because they bring a wealth of knowledge and experience. They can participate in meetings, they are non-voting members.
- Graham Oppy, Monash University
- Jan Narveson, University of Waterloo
- Ramendra Nath, Patna University
- Taslima Nasrin, Author, poet, physician, refugee under fatwa
United Kingdom
- Susan Blackmore, University of Plymouth
- Richard Dawkins, Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science, emeritus fellow of New College, Oxford
- David Papineau, King’s College, London
- Elizabeth Anderson, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Natalie Angier, Pulitzer Prize winning science writer for The New York Times
- Louise Antony, University of Massachusetts Amherst
- Ronald Aronson, Wayne State University
- Francis B. Assaf, University of Georgia
- Dan Barker, Freedom From Religion Foundation
- Jacques Berlinerblau, Georgetown University
- Sean Carroll, California Institute of Technology
- Matt Cherry, John Burton Advocates for Youth
- Tom Clark, Center for Naturalism
- Austin Dacey, formerly of the Center for Inquiry
- Daniel C. Dennett, Tufts University
- Ted Drange, West Virginia University
- Taner Edis, Truman State University
- Fred Edwords, American Humanist Association
- Tim Gorski, North Texas Church of Freethought
- Alan Hale, Earthrise Institute
- Richard Hanley, University of Delaware
- Sam Harris, author of The End of Faith
- R. Joseph Hoffmann, American University of Central Asia
- Doug Jesseph, University of South Florida
- Penn Jillette, Entertainer, author, magician
- Wendy Kaminer, The American Prospect and The Atlantic Monthly
- David Lester, Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
- Tim Madigan, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, New York
- Colin McGinn, formerly of Miami University
- Delos B. McKown, Auburn University
- Michael Newdow, Physician, lawyer, plaintiff challenging “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance
- Keith M. Parsons, University of Houston, Clear Lake
- Massimo Pigliucci, City University of New York – City College
- Steven Pinker, Harvard University
- Robert M. Price, Center for Inquiry Institute
- Ellery Schempp, initiator of the 1963 Supreme Court case, Abington v. Schempp, objecting to Bible-reading ‘devotions’ in the public schools.
- Michael Shermer, Skeptics Society
- Julia Sweeney, Actress, comedienne, author
- Edward Tabash, Constitutional and civil rights attorney
- Corey Washington, Michigan State University
- Erik J. Wielenberg, DePauw University
- Frank R. Zindler, American Atheists
Deceased Supporters
- Greg Erwin, Humanist Association of Canada
- Antony Flew, Reading
- Paul Kurtz, Council for Secular Humanism
- Adolf Grünbaum, University of Pittsburgh
- Michael Martin, Boston University
- Molleen Matsumura, Church-State Activist
- Robin Murray-O’Hair, American Atheists
- Kai Nielsen, University of Calgary
- Niall Shanks, Wichita State University
- J. J. C. Smart, Monash University
- Quentin Smith, Western Michigan University
- Warren Allen Smith, author of Who’s Who in Hell and Celebrities in Hell
- Vic Stenger, University of Hawaii and the University of Colorado
- Farrell Till, Skeptical Review