How to Write a General Operating Grant Proposal in 2025
Operational grants for nonprofits can be a lifeline, providing the general financial support required to pay staff, cover supplies, and to simply keep the doors open.
If you’ve never written a proposal for a general operating grant, we are here to show you how.
In this article, we are going to share:
- What general operating support is
- Why general operating grants are so important
- How to write a successful general operating grant proposal
- Real life examples of operational grant proposals for you to learn from
Let’s get started!
What Is General Operating Support?
General operating support refers to unrestricted funding given to nonprofits to support day-to-day activities or ongoing expenses central to their operations.
For example, general operating costs could include:
- Administrative salaires
- Office supplies
- Building utilities
- Technology maintenance
- Rent
- Professional development
- And so much more!
Unlike program or project-specific grants, general operating grants typically have looser restrictions on how the grant funding may be used. This often provides nonprofits with the support they need to keep their doors open and operate efficiently. The steps to writing a general operating support grant are similar to those for program/project grants:
- Find general operating support grants relevant to your mission
- Start the application with your summary statement
- Explain your organization’s background; give some context
- Describe your organization’s capacity and team structure
- Provide an overview of your financial history
- Write your statement of need
- Create goals and objectives related to the funding available
- Include expected outcomes
- Add evaluation and sustainability details
- Provide a project budget
We’ll explore these steps in further detail below, but first let’s go over the importance of operational grants for nonprofits!
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Why Are Operational Grants for Nonprofits Important?
General operating grants are desperately sought after by nonprofits.
Here’s why:
- Operational Autonomy: With the flexibility that comes from general operating funds, nonprofits have more freedom to direct dollars to where they are needed most. Programmatic or restricted grants are often required to be spent in very specific ways. While this kind of funding is useful for delivering a project laid out in the grant application, it can limit nonprofits in their approach to innovation and ability to respond to crises or urgent issues that arise in their field.
- Stability and Continuity: General operating grants also ensure that a nonprofit has the type of funding needed to sustain its operations more long-term. Operational grants for nonprofits provide organizations with the freedom to pay for basic operating costs that can help sustain their day-to-day work.
- Ensuring Mission Fulfillment:. Mission drift occurs when a nonprofit begins to abandon its objectives and purpose outlined in its mission statement. This can sometimes happen because organizations chase funding and begin to subtly alter their operations to fit the stipulations of funders. General operating grants are a way to avoid mission drift by investing in an existing framework and strategy, ensuring the organization can stay on track.
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Operational grants for nonprofits generally follow a very standard structure regardless of the funder or opportunity.
While some funders may ask for supplementary information or other questions specific to their funding objectives and goals, most general operating grant proposals will involve these key steps:
Step 1: Start With Your Summary Statement
The first step to writing a successful general operating grant proposal is to create a short summary or cover letter that piques the reader’s interest and immediately establishes the relevance of your nonprofit to the funder's mission.
Remember that a grantmaker's goal is to fund nonprofits that are most strongly aligned with their strategic goals and objectives.
Connecting your own nonprofit’s work to the overall mission of the funding agency and explaining how your organization aligns with their overall goals will help draw the funder in and provide reasoning to why your organization is worthy of the award.
You also need to be sure to include all relevant administrative information in your summary statement, including who to contact from your organization and how.
Step 2: Explain Your Organizational Background
In a nutshell, the organizational background section of a general operating grant proposal requires you to briefly summarize your organization’s purpose, history, vision, and mission.
Other items that should be addressed in your organizational background are:
- A list of current programs and services
- Key achievements in recent years
- Short-term goals and objectives
- Long-term goals and objectives
- Strategic plan, if relevant
To strengthen the organizational background section you can mention any societal or economic trends that impact your nonprofit organization and its work, the current state of the industry, as well as business partners or ecosystems that boost your capabilities.
Including descriptive details of your nonprofit that illustrate your organization’s ability to achieve objectives and execute a successful strategic plan will help bolster this section of the grant proposal.
Step 3: Describe Your Organizational Capacity
When developing a general operating grant proposal, keep in mind that funders will want you to provide evidence that your organization is capable of carrying out its mission and effectively managing a general operating grant.
You can illustrate this by describing your organization’s capacity, including:
- Staff structure
- Evidence of similar past successes
- Key partnerships that help you achieve success
Clearly demonstrate operational effectiveness by describing a consistent history of delivering quality services cost-effectively. Then, include a description of your internal infrastructure, which includes the total number of employees and volunteers.
Most nonprofits have an organizational chart that you can reference when accurately outlining your organization’s structure and highlighting key personnel who will carry out the work. Including a list of past achievements will also highlight your nonprofit’s impact on your community and the population you serve.
Step 4: State Your Financial History
When it comes to general operating support grant proposals, funders want to support nonprofits with a strong history of fiscal management.
Some of the information you should consider including in your proposal include:
- Most recent organizational audit
- Most recent organizational budget
- List of top funders
- The organization’s Form 990
- The organization's 501c3
You can visit Instrumentl’s blog for more guidance and insight on common financial requirements for grant proposals and what kind of financial information grantmakers look for when reviewing general operating proposals.
Step 5: Write Your Statement of Need
A statement of need communicates what challenges and problems your organization is seeking to address and highlights how an award from the funder will help you overcome these issues.
Establish a need by describing the current situation of your nonprofit’s operations to help the members of the review panel get up to speed on the driving need behind your general operating grant proposal. You can highlight need by:
- Referring to recent studies, articles, or data that illustrate why the need exists
- Explaining why your organization is primed to respond
Consider including a narrative about how the grant will impact your day-to-day operations and link it to your stated objective. For general operating grants, you need to clearly communicate to the funder how a general contribution to your organization will address the stated need or problem you mentioned previously.
Step 6: Create Goals and Objectives
As previously mentioned, a general operating grant’s goals will be broader than the goals of a specific project grant.
Project grants provide specific outcomes and outputs that reflect the discrete objectives of the program. General operating grants on the other hand will focus on, well, general goals.
However, this doesn’t mean you can’t include these more general goals and objectives in your proposal as well! When creating the narrative, think about your organization’s mission and how you aim to achieve it. Include these goals in your proposal and clearly explain how the grant will help you achieve them.
Pro Tip: If you need help writing SMART objective statements for your grants, check out our free workshop covering this topic with Dr. Bev Browning.
Step 7: Include the Expected Outcomes
Most outcomes associated with general operating grants will be more holistic and speak to the overall work of your nonprofit organization.
Consider how your nonprofit’s individual program areas sum up to broader outputs and outcomes for your organization’s work. You should also summarize the impact of the expected outcomes that, collectively, will advance your mission.
Another great way to further highlight your impact and inspire funders is by including a participant story in your proposal. While data is impactful, stories that complement that data from the lives of those you serve can help inspire funders even more.
Take, for example, this participant story from the YMCA of the North.
They utilize a quote from a former camp counselor highlighting their experience and how that positive impact led to them becoming a supporter later in life. Quotes and stories like this can help make your proposal more competitive by sharing a memorable anecdote that the review boards will remember.
Step 8: Add Evaluation and Sustainability Procedures
In addition to providing goals and outcomes, you will also want to describe how they will be tracked, analyzed, and evaluated.
Make sure to describe the methods and tools that will be used to measure the impact of the grant funding and the difference it made.
Additionally, be sure to provide a few sentences that show the sustainability of your nonprofit. Make it clear that the grant funds, if provided, are not going to a sinking ship but instead are filling a few leaking holes that will strengthen operations to maximum capacity for many years to come.
Reassure reviewers of your history of solid financials and provide confidence in your overall strategy and sustainability.
Step 9: Provide a Budget
Finally, you will need to include a proposed grant budget.
Unlike a project grant, general operating grants speak to the entire organization’s body of work. You will submit your organizational budget which includes a consolidated overview of the entire entity’s finances including all programs, projects, and initiatives.
Most organizational budgets will include consolidated expenses for:
- Personnel
- Utilities
- Administrative costs
- Maintenance
- Equipment
- Insurance
- Loans
- Any other costs associated with the cumulative operations of the organization
Revenue will total all income across the organization, instead of breaking it down by specific funding or grant. Revenue reported in an organizational budget typically includes:
- Grants and contracts
- Individual contributions
- Interest
- Program fees
- Any other income associated with the cumulative operations of the organization
Like project grants, a general operating grant budget will look different from organization to organization. Check out Instrumentl’s blog for more information and resources on developing a general operating budget.
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Examples of General Operating Support Grant Proposals
Sometimes it’s difficult to create something you haven’t seen. Here are some great examples of completed general operating support grant proposals that can help you get started with your own:
- Example of General Operating Grant for $40,000 for Chicago-area violence prevention and intervention nonprofit to the VNA Foundation
- Example of General Operating Grant for $50,000 for Children and Youth Guidance nonprofit to the VNA Foundation
- General Operating Grant sample budget narrative for $80,000 to the Rose Community Foundation, including matching funds for salary and evaluation funds
- General Operating Grant example budget narrative for $100,000 Strong in the Americas for salary, travel, consultants, rent and utilities for computer lab building, and supplies
Although you’ll make your general operating application your own, these proposals are great to reference throughout the process!
Examples of Available Operational Grants for Nonprofits
Now that you know more about general operating funding, how can you unlock those dollars for your organization?
Here are several examples of active grant applications for operational support:
- Oak Foundation Grant: General operating grants for environmental nonprofits.
- Clif Family Foundation Operational Support: General operating grants for nonprofits focused on food access.
- Global Impact Cash Grants: General operating grants for nonprofits delivering innovative social change.
You can discover thousands of other operational grants for nonprofits in Instrumentl’s searchable database!
5 Tips for Writing a General Operating Grant Proposal
Grant writing for general operating expenses is similar to applying for project-specific funding, with a few differences.
Follow these tips and you’ll be set up for success!
Tip 1: Don’t Recreate the Wheel
Whether you’re new or a veteran nonprofit professional, we all know that time and capacity are precious. That’s why it’s important to work efficiently on grant applications.
Borrowing wording from previous projects is a great way to streamline the general operating application process. When applying for general operating support, use existing written materials from your nonprofit’s marketing plan, annual reports, previous grant submissions, and shareholder meetings to draft your proposal.
Of course, you’ll still have to tailor each proposal to the specific funder you are working with. Consider the specific funder’s own mission and highlight those values and priorities in your proposal.
Pro Tip: Instrumentl’s AI Apply tool is a great resource for developing applications efficiently. Instead of spending hours rewriting things you’ve likely already drafted in the past, lean on AI!
“I had a really good draft in five minutes. That's not an exaggeration. I was clocking it”. – Benita Brisco, Development Manager and Instrumentl AI user
Working smarter means you can apply to and win more grants in less time. What nonprofit professional doesn’t want that?
Tip 2: Focus on Sustainability
General operating grants are key to the longevity and long-term success of nonprofit organizations.
To illustrate the impact of a general operating grant, you should provide evidence on how the grant will help your organization achieve financial stability.
Explain the impact flexible funds will have on your organization’s ability to address the emerging needs of participants or how general operating funds allow you to nimbly adapt to crises or emergencies.
You should also focus on your plans to sustain the organization’s operations outside of the grant you’re applying for.
“Show your path to non-dependency on them, or any single funding source. Let them see that in parallel with carrying out the program they're funding, you'll be building funding programs and relationships that will wean you off their grant and diversify your revenue.” – Matt Hugg, CEO of Nonprofit.Courses
Do you have other key funders who provide general operating support? Highlight this to draw attention to the fact that the funder will be joining others in their investment. Do you have a fundraising plan in place? Explain what your fundraising plan or strategy is and how you employ that to support your nonprofit’s operations.
Tip 3: Highlight Urgency
Operational grants for nonprofits are incredibly competitive.
A great strategy for setting yourself apart from other organizations that are vying for general operating dollars is to underline the urgent need for funding for your organization.
Be sure to communicate clearly to the funder that the grant is critical to address urgent issues impacting your community that require a rapid response.
Tip 4: Tell a Compelling Story
A great grant proposal is only as good as its narrative.
To win general operating dollars you need to inspire funders with the story of your nonprofit organization.
While general operating dollars may not go directly to a specific program area or project, they still allow your nonprofit to more effectively carry out its mission—ultimately impacting the lives of those you serve.
“Funders want to understand your broader objectives and how their support will contribute to these goals”. – Rachel Grusin, Grant Writer for the Legal Aid Society of San Diego
Crafting a compelling story will help draw reviewers in and connect them to the work and mission of your nonprofit.
Tip 5: Contribute to the Funder’s Mission
Remember that the grantmaker's goal is to fund nonprofits that strongly align with their own mission.
Do not apply for any and every general operating grant you come across. Remember, diligent research is your friend. Be sure to review the funder’s mission, values, priorities, and geographic focus to ensure that your nonprofit is a good fit.
Once you have done the work to identify an appropriate opportunity, be sure to incorporate evidence on the alignment between your mission and work and how it will contribute to the funder’s objectives.
Pro Tip: Instrumentl can provide you with valuable funder insights to find the best grant opportunities that meet your nonprofit’s needs. Sign up today!
Template for General Operating Grant Proposal
Drafting successful operational grants for nonprofits may seem like a daunting task. General operating grants are competitive and require a skilled grant writer to win these sought–after awards.
Luckily, you do not have to pursue these general operating grants on your own!
Instrumentl is there to guide you through the process and provide you with key insights and sector expertise. In addition to grants search and management capabilities, proposal templates like this one can also help you craft your application.
Wrapping Things Up: How to Write General Operating Grant Proposals
By now, you should understand why general operating grants are so sought after by nonprofits, and how you can find, apply, and win them. They provide flexibility, financial stability, and allow your organization to allocate funds where they are most needed.
A successful general operating grant application will allow your nonprofit to have the support it needs to make a difference in the community you serve. Just remember these important steps:
- Include a summary statement and explain your organization’s background; give some context to the work you do
- Describe your organization’s capacity and team structure
- Provide an overview of your financial history
- Write your statement of need
- Create goals, objectives, and outcomes related to the funding available
- Provide a budget, evaluation plan, and sustainability details
And finally, lean on Instrumentl to guide you through the entire process!If you’re a grant writer, or you’d like to give your grant writer the best tools for bringing grant prospecting, tracking, and management to one place, try Instrumentl for 14-days free.
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Instrumentl is the all-in-one grant management tool for nonprofits and consultants who want to find and win more grants without the stress of juggling grant work through disparate tools and sticky notes.
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