Irish gay culture parades its pride

Surprised to find himself leading Dublin's Gay Pride parade this weekend was a happily married lorry driver from Clondalkin.

Mr Martin Perry drove a float featuring dancing sailors, soldiers, angels and a nurse at the event, which attracted 3,000 supporters to the city-centre on Saturday.

"I'm straight as a board, like. We're just doing it for the crack. Everyone to their own, I say," he said.

A cowboy with pierced nipples infuriated jeering youths by blowing kisses at them, but there was very little trouble. Gardai described it as a "lively affair" with no arrests. "Sure who'd hassle us when we're so big and strong and butch?" joked Mr Darragh Doherty, of the Irish organisation.

Drag queens travelling in a horse and trap jiggled their "breasts" at giggling bystanders on - where else? - Dame Street, while a devil wearing fluffy mules threw sweets and lollipops.

One parader wore a T-shirt with a pink triangle and the words "It happens in the best of families". Cheering on their son, Geoff (21), were Barry and May McGrath, from Tallaght. "It's brilliant, the atmosphere is great. It's great the people don't have to hide in the closet any more. He's our son and that's it," said Mr McGrath.