Discuss: Capital Gains Tax

Yes, and all income should be taxed at the same rate

Yes, on stocks and bonds but not real estate

Consumption and use taxes are preferred to taxes on productive capital/savings.

Yes, but only after a certain amount such as $1 million. Middle class Americans who's savings are tired up in stocks via 401(k)s should have not their retirement taxed to oblivion but the ultra wealthy should pay a high capital gains tax.

We should ensure fairness, support the needs of the "least of these," and encourage the wealthy to use their resources in ways that benefit the wider community. This could involve a nuanced perspective that acknowledges the importance of supporting both the vulnerable in society and the health of the economy as a whole, perhaps suggesting that those with more resources have a greater responsibility to contribute to the welfare of all.

No and lower them and lower taxes on stock earnings

 @9B7J95Gfrom Pennsylvania  answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but only stocks and real estate

i do not understand this question

All capital gains should be taxed

Yes, but only For a certain amount of money, And on certain people. Particularly on those who are wealthy, billionaires and millionaires, but not people who do not fall into either of those categories. And to clarify, when I say millionaires, I mean, people who make 10 millions to hundreds a millions of dollars.

Yes. Tax unearned income as much as if not more than earned income

Capital gains should be taxed separately from traditional income, however, it needs to be increased proportional to an individuals investment.

 @935M6NN from New Hampshire  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, and abolish the stock market.

No lower them and lower taxes on stock earnings

 @94RC5DV from Massachusetts  answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, and make it a variable rate akin to the income tax rate so that the richest people pay the highest rate

Yes. But proportionately lower income taxes so they are the same.

 @9757M5Zfrom Northern Mariana Islands  answered…2yrs2Y

Abolish capital gains taxes for lower and middle class, raise for upper class and day traders.

yes, following the tax income brackets

No, but all income should be taxed at the same rate and we need to abolish pre-tax deductions so people and corporations cannot shelter their income without paying taxes

yes, for large firms that manage large amounts of money, but not for individual consumers

Yes, but lower income taxes

I am satisfied with the current rate

Yes, but real estate sale should not be taxed if the person selling the real estate is not doing it as a business.

Yes, but only on real estate for investors who buy up affordable housing and property for the purpose of renting.

Yes, on stocks and bonds but not real estate. They should be raised to the tax rate of all other jobs however longer term investments should have less and less taxation on them.

No, but loans borrowed against ownership of stocks, bonds, and real estate should be taxed, either on the loan officer or the borrower.

It depends on the amount of money gained through stocks and real estate, over a certain threshold should pay more taxes

no, we should abolish all these taxes and only reserve them for the largest shareholders and on massive investment firms such as blackrock and financial institutions, for these the tax rates should be set at least at 40% and higher.

 @B34HB8P from Massachusetts  answered…4wks4W

Taxation or donations to the community should never be forced, however if you want to participate in the global community you MUST contribute.

Enact land reform, nationalize large-scale real estate/construction/development companies, eliminate speculation on land/housing/real estate, and establish state, municipal, cooperative ownership of all land and resources, with contractual usage rights for families, individuals, and enterprises.

No, but nationalize stocks and provide 20% to 40% progressively of it to the poor, working poor, working and middle class. The poor, working poor, working middle class and high middle class can own stocks tax free.

Yes, but only if the money is put towards paying off national debt, the welfare and education of the citizens, and creating a better healthcare system

 @B2SZWC9 from California  answered…1mo1MO

All companies and pieces of companies should be owned and managed by the workers through workers' councils based on their industry profession and thus a tax or sale of a piece of company is redundant and impossible.

End capital gains taxes on the poor, working poor, working, middle and high middle classes. Raise to 99% on the rich.

I don’t care but the person should be able to get out of it if it’s too high but if they can’t then instead of attacking or rebelling against the government people should make suggestions about it.

A primary owner occupied home sale should be excluded from taxation. Investment real estate profit should be heavily taxed if it is flipped within 5 years. Unrealized stock gains should not be taxed. Day traders and those cashing in could be taxed at the current income bracket rate.

Do not increase taxes on stocks and bonds but replace the property tax with a real estate transfer tax.

only for those whose real estate is not a primary residence (and only real estate) and those making a large profit on sale of stocks/bonds

No, and make capital gains and carried interest exempt income tax from returns in Private Equity funds investing in emerging technologies and AgTech

Yes, on stocks and bonds, but the taxes for real estate should be maintained, until average Net profits for real estate exceeds over a particular percentage from the previous tax year.

The Govt needs to operate within a controlled environment they are considered a runaway , both sides. Out of control! We the people means nothing anymore. It’s about AGENDA!

 @9ZVXHZY  from Massachusetts  answered…4mos4MO

It’s more nuanced than that - if the asset was purchased, a lower tax rate is appropriate - if its received as part of a compensation package, it should be taxed at the normal income tax rate

 @9ZSYB5W from California  answered…4mos4MO

Depends on the amount of the income gained through the sale of stocks, etc. a $1M gain should not be taxed at the same rate as a $1B gain

 @9ZJTY5Y from New Jersey  answered…4mos4MO

Yes, but only after a certain amount like $1,000,000. The wealthiest should have a higher tax burden on capital gains, and the middle class shouldn't be squeezed as much.

I don't really have the proper knowledge for an opinion on stocks and bonds. However, for real estate, my answer is yes.

eliminate the tax rate on stock bonds and real estate sales for people making less than 200 thousand per year/

Yes, but on a tiered system like income tax brackets are tiered. The normal person invested in the stock market as part of their retirement plan should not be burdened by extra tax. However, those who make millions of dollars each year in the stock market should be taxed at higher rate.

Yes, but not by a lot, and only for individuals with net worths/total investment/gains income that that exceed a threshold

 @9YDWCY7 from Wisconsin  answered…4mos4MO

yes, but for only people whom are using it as a business for example someone who sells 2x realestate no but someone who sells 50x relestate in a year yes

No I’m sticks in bonds or but yes on real estate specifically used as investment and not used for personal dwelling

 @9XR3D72  from South Carolina  answered…5mos5MO

Yes, only on Real Estate to discourage large companies from owning massive apartment buildings. I also believe Real Estate should not be nearly as profitable.

No, the government should focus on ending tax evasion and loopholes for both individuals and corporations.

Yes but only in cases where the sale of assets is the sellers primary source of income eg hedge fund managers

Real estate and property sale should be capped for profit. Profit margin should contribute to reparations for black and native Americans whose ancestors were affected by or contributed to the lands being sold.

You need to take into account the amount of capital. No taxes for small investors, and a progressive tax rate for large investors.

No, but regulate limits on such investments and tax profit on real estate investments involving housing.

Tax short term capital gains at the individual's income tax rate but phase out capital gains taxes over over assets held 5 years to 0%.

No! I'm all for targeting the excess of the ultra-wealthy and mega corporations, but targeting successful investments is exactly the wrong way to do it.

No, but make a tiered system for the frequency of the sale. More frequent, higher tax rate. This will protect the average American who buys/sells real estate and stocks in addition to their day-to-day income.

It should be illegal to own more than 1 housing unit per person, and anyone trying to make a profit off of housing should be jailed for 25 years minimum. The stock market should be taxed like any other income.

real estate = regular income; add an ultra-short term capital gains tax to deter high-speed and ultra-high speed trading and market manipulation, otherwise leave capital gains tax alone.

 @9WR5K45 from North Carolina  answered…5mos5MO

Tax rates on the sale of these items should follow a bracket system. If you earn more you pay a scaling tax rate.

Stock buybacks should be illegal and the capital gains taxes only actually affect those that can afford to invest at high levels. The average investor most likely wouldn’t be too affected.

 @9WM98LY from California  answered…5mos5MO

These should be taxed lower than standard income but it should be a sliding scale according increasing as total income increases.

No, there should be a flat tax rate on all income earned whether through labor or investments. Furthermore all income should be taxed one time only on gains.

Profits should be counted as income and taxed at the going rate. For real estate, homeowners can deduct the cost of maintenance and improvements since those also factor into the total cost they paid for their home/business.

Capital gains tax should only be done after point of sale to USD or tenable currency, which should include any exchange of assets for goods to prevent loopholes. Holdings should never be taxed unless those holdings are being spent or used as collateral for loans.

 @9W5P7CD from South Carolina  answered…5mos5MO

No, all income should be taxed at the same rate but increasing the capital gains tax will limit investment in our economy

No, reduce capital gains tax for individual investors and remove retirement account penalties on early withdrawals

it should prolly be taxed based on what your income bracket is instead of a flat percent, that way the wealthiest people pay their fair share of income tax and not just capital gains tax..

As a part of making the tax system simpler, the government should make all rates the same, regardless of how the income was earned. It is unjust that a whole industry of lawyers and accountants have made a whole economy based on the tax code.

 @9VW4YGV from New Jersey  answered…5mos5MO

Eliminate the current tax structure and implement a reasonable flat tax rate on all earned income. If an individual or entity reinvests profits within 90 days that income should be tax exempt. (ex. A home owner sells their home and uses the proceeds to purchase a new residence.)

Yes, and the increase should apply only to assets that cross an ultra-wealthy threshold, not middle-class Americans.

Yes, and all income should be taxed at the same rate. Real estate only on sale and not projected year-over-year value increases.

No, the Capital Gains tax (on financial securities, real estate, fine art, etc) should be identical to the Value Added Tax rate.

Yes, but have a cap for level of income. Some middle class could earn profit from real estate, but not enough to put into higher tax bracket. A lower tax may incentivize a middle income person to risk investment that could better their situation.

Increase taxes on ownership of Real Estate of more than three properties per person or personally owned company.