Discuss: Corporate Tax
Increase for large multinational corporations but lower for small businesses
Keep current rates but eliminate deductions and loop holes
Maintain the current rate
Remove taxes on corporations and tax shareholder dividends instead
Lower for small businesses, raise for big businesses, eliminate deductions, and loop holes
@95DR529from North Carolina answered…3yrs3Y
Lower for both large multinational corporations and small businesses.
Lower as long as the money the company gets in tax backs gets used in the economy to create more jobs
@99R93ZZ from Massachusetts answered…2yrs2Y
There should be an increase depending on the corporations current economic health.
The United States should eliminate the loopholes and deductions that allow companies to send their labor force or their facilities overseas to foreign countries, To take advantage of the cheap labor and lack of workers rights. And there should be an increase in corporate taxes here in the United States, but not by much, by 4% at the least and 8% at the most. And we should offer tax deductions For corporations that employ a large number of veterans Or pay decent wages to their workers so they can maintain a minimum standard living in the area they are in.
Raise and if they try to leave make them stay by force
Raise significantly for large corporations but lower for small businesses, and also eliminate loopholes and deductions.
Privately Owned Corporations Should Not Exist
Lower, for Small businesses but keep multinational corporations at the same level and eliminate loopholes and some deductions and also eliminate older and less important regulations.
@8NRB5WP from Connecticut answered…4yrs4Y
Eliminate loopholes for all businesses and individuals Increase rates for big corporations Decrease for small business
Abolish all federal taxes.
Replace all taxes with a land value tax.
Raise for large multinational corporations but lower for small businesses along with eliminating deductions and loop holes
@8FK3FMF from California answered…4yrs4Y
"Lower on small and midsize businesses, and raise on big and large corporations, and tax shareholder dividends and on stock buybacks." (Submitted stance by user)
Taxes should be proportional to income/profits. Close the tax loop-holes for the uber rich while giving incentives for creating jobs and investing in the local communities. The country needs a tax reform to give lower income people a much needed break and introduce a reasonable and fair amount of tax to people based on their earnings/income with the richest taxed at a higher weight.
Eliminate corporate taxes as they are really taxes on the people, since corporations will raise prices and/or lower wages and benefits to compensate.
Lower, except in the event they relocate jobs outside the US in which they should be punished.
This depends on the type of corporation.
Lower, but eliminate loopholes, & punish those who relocate outside of the country.
Raise but offer tax cuts and incentives for job and wage growth
Ban multinational corporations, and raise slightly for in country corporations
Eliminate corporate tax, income tax, raise sales tax in accordance to responsible spending plans from government.
Abolish all taxes and the IRS
Raise, and get rid of deductions and loopholes.
@B3VGV2T from California answered…7 days7D
The question of raising or lowering the U.S. corporate tax rate is a complex one, with arguments on both sides. Some proponents of a lower rate argue it would stimulate economic growth and investment, while those in favor of a higher rate contend it could increase government revenue and make the tax system more progressive.
Arguments for Lowering the Corporate Tax Rate:
Stimulates Investment and Growth:
Lowering the corporate tax rate could make the U.S. a more attractive place for companies to invest, potentially leading to job creation and economic growth.
Global Competitiveness:
A… Read more lower corporate tax rate can make U.S. businesses more competitive on the global market, as they could attract investment and retain profits in the U.S.
Pro-Growth Policies:
Proponents argue that lowering the corporate tax rate aligns with pro-growth policies, as it reduces the cost of doing business and incentivizes investment in the U.S.
Arguments for Raising the Corporate Tax Rate:
Increased Revenue:
Raising the corporate tax rate could generate additional revenue for the government, which could be used to fund public services or reduce the national debt.
Tax System Fairness:
Some argue that corporations have become increasingly profitable and should contribute a larger share of taxes to support society.
Addressing Inequality:
Raising corporate taxes could help address income inequality, as the revenue could be used to fund programs that benefit low- and middle-income individuals.
Current Situation:
The current corporate tax rate in the U.S. is 21%, a reduction from the pre-2017 rate of 35% after the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 Tax Foundation states, and is set to revert to the previous rates of 35% in 2026 unless there is an action from Congress.
The Biden administration has proposed raising the corporate tax rate to 28%, while some Republicans have advocated for further lowering it.
Both raising and lowering the corporate tax rate have potential economic impacts, and the best approach depends on the sp
@B3VH4MW from California answered…7 days7D
it varies at times so businesses benefit society and some benefit small towns but sometimes it can make it harder for these benifical businesses if they are choked by tax costs
Raise but like it was before Reagan, encouraging companies to instead pay employees or invest back into their own companies.
lower for small business, higher for large multinationals not mainly based in us, eliminate deducitonsa and loopholes
@B3QWXWS from North Carolina answered…2wks2W
The corporate tax rate should be raised. There should, however, be incentives for job creation, but they should be directly tied to the number of jobs created.
Lower, and implement a 15% Destination Based Cash Flow Tax, with 200% deductions for R&D costs, 150% deduction on US based CapEx (with 70% of goods and labor US sourced), 150% deduction on workforce development investment, and 100% deductions on healthcare premium and out of pocket cost support, childcare support, retirement contributions, HSA contributions, and US sourced labor and materials
Adjust taxes so it brings manufacturing back to the United States. Eliminate the loopholes corporations use.
Raise rates for large multinational corporations by 4 to 8% and eliminate deductions and loop holes. Lower rates for small businesses.
Raise it for big corporations, although leave small businesses unaffected, as well as eliminate deductions and loopholes
Remove taxes on corporations since that liability is just passed on to the consumer. Stockholder dividends are already taxed.
Raise, taxes on big corporations to 99%. Only lower their taxes if they raise wages RADICALLY and LOWER their prices RADICALLY and hire as many workers as extremely possible. They must also provide all basic and excellent benefits in all forms to all their workers (such as eternal paid family leave, excellent healthcare, they must be in a union if the worker wants to, 100% green, child allowance, childcare, Christmas bonus, 3-5 month vacation, workers safety and radical no matter what sick leave, 2 hour breaks, the best pension ever and lower working hours as much as extremely possible and ALL BENEFITS. Taxes can be from 40% to 70% in that context and we pay their administrative costs. Small and medium business tax free but they must also do these thing, we pay their administration fees.
@B3B7T57 from California answered…3wks3W
Tax more, however prevent them from raising prices to an unreasonable sum or prevent them from partaking in loopholes
The tax rate on larger corporations should be based on the amount of employees. The more employees the corporation has the less taxes they should pay in, in an effort to increase hiring and create more jobs.
Should Ireland prime minister shared holds in stand by are alert for larger small business and words issued by Australia prime minister impacted by new ownership loops
@B34HB8P from Massachusetts answered…4wks4W
Again taxation shouldn't be a forced thing. Those who wish to use services in a community should willingly give to the community with a cap on maximum and minimum percentages. that percentage should be considered "pennies" to everyone who makes an income regardless of how much they make.
There should be no taxes other than income tax. Income tax should be 5% flat for all businesses and people.
Lower taxes for corporations in general, but raise them on corporations engaging in bad behavior. Deductions and loopholes should also be eliminated.
Ireland prime minister with request sincerely Australia prime minister share their thought is tough decision by keeping the loops partners of Australia prime minister is ok good ole best
As long as the colorations are taking care of their employees financially, it’s no ones business how much they make
Tax revenues and not profits at 5%, tax land use at 5%. Automatically disburse proceeds to citizens.
Keep current rates for multinational corporations and lower rates for small businesses and eliminate deduction and loopholes.
@B2SZWC9 from California answered…1mo1MO
Workers should own their respective industries' corporations under workers' councils and these councils will pay firm-wide taxes instead of individual. In contrast, small businesses should not be taxed if they break even.
Raise taxes on big corporations to 99%. Only lower their taxes if they raise wages RADICALLY and LOWER their prices RADICALLY and hire as many workers as extremely possible. They must also provide all basic and excellent benefits in all forms to all their workers (such as eternal paid family leave, excellent healthcare, they must be in a union if the worker wants to, 100% green, child allowance, childcare, Christmas bonus, 3-5 month vacation, workers safety and radical no matter what sick leave, 2 hour breaks, the best pension ever and lower working hours as much as extremely possible and ALL BENEFITS. Taxes can be from 50% to 70% in that context and we pay their administrative costs. Small and medium business tax free but they must also do these things.
Remove taxes on US citizens. Tax the immigrants and other nations citizens that reside within the country.
Raise, but also reduce discretionary deductions and eliminate existing loop holes for certain industries.
Lower, so that all corporations pay the same flat tax rate regardless of profit, but eliminate all deductions and loop holes
It should be higher for larger for multinational corporations and lower for small businesses but people shouldn’t attack or rebel the government if that isn’t the case in their area instead they should peacefully make suggestions about it.
@B2Q5VRR from Wisconsin answered…2mos2MO
Larger corporations should be taxed more and smaller business less. It should be based off how much revenue the company makes.
Raise the corporate tax rate and heavily tax cash hoarded in corporate coffers. Those funds are supposed to trickle down to the front line workers who created it. If they do not, we need to take it back to fund the public assistance programs needed by those low wage workers.
Lower, but eliminate deducations and loop holes AND lower taxes on coorporations but tax shareholder divideneds at a higher rate to discourage errounious behavior.
Maintain the current rate, but offer a 15% tax rate for businesses that conduct manufacturing and all operations in the United States.
Lower, and implement a 12% Business Transfer Tax for all US corporations headquartered in the US with 80% of payroll going to American citizens. 24% BTT for all foreign corporations on US related transfers and on all US corporations headquartered in the US with less than 80% of payroll going to American citizens
Maintain the current tax rate for all corporations. However, lower the tax rate or provide incentives for companies that make their product here in America. Also, remove deductions and loop holes.
Lower only for corporations that make their product in the U.S. Otherwise, the tax rate should remain as is. Also, eliminate deductions and loopholes for large corporations
increase for large multinational corporations not headquartered in the us and eliminate deductions and loopholes, lower by 5% for small businesses
It all depends. Tax cuts on those corporations allow for them to grow and expand to make more product for this country. But on the other hand, this can at times allow them to be a monopoly.
no more loopholes, and collect for years where they effectively paid 0 dallars(just a flat rate no penalty or legal punishment. just collect)
@9ZTRS5B from California answered…4mos4MO
Taxes on large corporations (especially semi-monopolies like Apple, Google, Walmart, Amazon, etc.) should be increased and expanded to eliminate deductions and loopholes
@9ZTMFN2 from California answered…4mos4MO
Eliminate deductions and loopholes, increase the tax rate to 22.6% for large corporations and lower it for small businesses.
Taxation of corporations should be reworked in general into flat rate with multiple levels (corporate tax, shareholder tax, etc)
Raise and eliminate tax loop holes for large multinational corporations, but keep rates for small businesses the same.
Raise taxes and also for large multinational corporations. Lower taxes for small businesses. Also eliminate deductions and loop holes
The U.S. should have tax rates for corporations based on their profit and the U.S. should also incentivize new business in the United States by using deductions and loopholes as reward
Raise taxes on corporations that outsource with no loop holes. Lower taxes on corporations that 100% manufacture in the US.
Eliminate corporate taxes. Corporations just pass these taxes on to the end consumers of their products. It’s just another tax on the American people.
Lower, in the global market corporations will move to the areas with the lowest tax rate and where they can operate with the least amount of government interference.
Maybe keep the current rate but allow for deductions such as hiring domestically and following environmental regulations. Most likely lower.
Increase for large companies and adjust based on how much the company makes so its fair, same thing for smaller business, lower it but adjust it so it being fairly taxed
eliminate deductions and loopholes while increasing taxes on large multinational corporations and lowering taxes for small businesses