ITIA - 2025 season rules published
With the new season commencing, the ITIA has published the updated rules for 2025.
Players and their support teams, alongside officials and tournament staff, have received detailed communications on all rule changes ahead of their effective date of 1 January 2025, including a summary of the relevant changes from 2024.
The 2025 Tennis Anti-Corruption Program and 2025 Tennis Anti-Doping Programme are also available to read and download, in full, on our website and app.
In the TACP, there are updates and amendments of a procedural nature. The TADP changes are minimal. A summary of all changes can be read in a summary document available here.
A key component of the TADP is WADA’s Prohibited List, which is updated every year and applies to all code-compliant sports. While changes to the List for 2025 are not significant from a tennis perspective, an article detailing the updates is available here.
The ITIA is committed to ensuring that all relevant personnel – including players, officials, support staff and medical practitioners – have a strong understanding of the Prohibited List.
Alongside the summary of changes above, we update our resources, briefings and education sessions to ensure everyone covered by our rules can access the right information and understands their responsibilities.
As part of this process, each year we produce one-page, easily accessible summaries of the rules for both of tennis’ integrity programmes, namely the TACP Explained and TADP Explained.
Members of the tennis family seeking further understanding of any of the rule changes, or requiring practical support from the ITIA, can make contact with us directly via our app, through direct message on social media, or by filling out the contact form at
Useful links to 2025 rules, guidelines, and supporting documents:
The 2025 Tennis Anti-Corruption Program (TACP)