CHAPTER III DECISION-MAKING BODIES | Liberal Democratic Party of Japan
Section 1
Party Convention
Article 27
The Party Convention shall be the supreme body of the Party and shall consist of Members with the following qualifications:
- All Party Diet Members
- Four Delegates from each Prefectural Federation of Party Branches, from which one representative shall be from the Youth Section and one from the Women's Section.
The Party Convention shall be the supreme body of the Party and shall consist of Members with the following qualifications:
Article 28
- The Party Convention shall be convened annually by the President with the consent of the General Council. The Extraordinary Convention shall be convened by the President within one month from the date of: a decision by the Joint Plenary Meeting of Party Members of Both Houses of the Diet to hold a Party Convention; or, a request submitted by at least one-third of the Prefectural Federations of Party Branches to hold a Party Convention.
Article 29
- The Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Party Convention shall be elected at each session of the Convention.
Article 30
- The quorum of the Party Convention shall be one-half of its eligible membership.
Article 31
- The decisions of the Party Convention shall be made by a simple majority of those present; in the event of a tie, the Chairman shall cast the deciding vote.
- The proceedings of the Convention shall be executed in accordance with the Party Convention Procedure Rules, provided separately.
Section 2
Joint Plenary Meeting of Members
of Both Houses of the Diet
Article 32
- The Joint Plenary Meeting of Members of Both Houses of the Diet shall consist of Party Members of the House of Representatives and House of Councillors.
Article 33
- The Meeting shall deliberate and decide particularly important questions concerning Party management and Diet affairs. It may substitute for the Party Convention in an emergency situation. (In this case, the Meeting shall not make any decision unless more than two-thirds of its total membership is present.)
- The decisions of the Meeting, when substituting for the Party Convention, shall be reported to the following session of the Convention for endorsement. No decision shall be effective unless endorsed by the Party Convention.
Article 34
- There shall be a Chairman and two Deputy Chairmen in the Joint Plenary Meeting of Members of Both Houses of the Diet.
- The Chairman shall preside over the Meeting.
- The Deputy Chairmen shall assist the Chairman.
- The Chairman and Deputy Chairmen shall be elected by vote at the Meeting.
Article 35
- The Chairman shall convene the Joint Plenary Meeting of Members of Both Houses of the Diet. In the event that a summoning of the Meeting is requested by one-third or more of Party Members of both Houses of the Diet, the Meeting shall be convened by the Chairman within seven days from the submitting of the request.
Article 36
- The decisions of the Meeting shall be made by a simple majority of those present; in the event of a tie, the Chairman shall cast the deciding vote.
Article 37
- There shall be established a General Council composed of thirty-one Members.
Article 38
- The General Council shall deliberate and decide important matters concerning Party management and Diet affairs.
Article 39
The Members of the General Council shall be chosen as stipulated below:
- 14 Members to be elected from among all LDP Members of the House of Representatives.
- 6 Members to be elected from among all LDP Members of the House of Councillors
- 11 Members to be nominated by the President of the Party.
The Members of the General Council shall be chosen as stipulated below:
Article 40
- The General Council shall have a Chairman and not more than nine Deputy Chairmen. The Chairman may appoint one of the Deputy Chairmen to be Acting Chairman.
- The Chairman of the General Council shall convene and preside over the meetings of the Council.
- The Acting Chairman shall assume the Chairman's function under the direction of the Chairman.
- The Deputy Chairmen shall assist the Chairman.
- The Chairman and Deputy Chairmen of the Council shall be mutually elected from among its Members.
Article 41
- The decisions of the Council shall be made by a simple majority of those present; in the event of a tie, the Chairman shall cast the deciding vote.