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  • Article 51
    There shall be established an Election Strategy Headquarters in order to formulate the Party's comprehensive election strategies.
  • Article 52
    The Election Strategy Headquarters shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary-General, Chairman of the Election Strategy Council and not more than thirty Members nominated by the President.
  • Article 53
    1. The Election Strategy Headquarters shall have a Headquarters Director-General, an Acting Director- General, a Deputy Director-General, a Chairman of the Election Strategy Council, as well as several Assistant Directors-General.
    2. The President shall be Director-General.
    3. The Director-General shall convene and preside over the meetings of the Election Strategy Headquarters.
    4. The Acting Director-General, Deputy Director- General and Chairman of the Election Strategy Council shall assume the functions of the Director- General under his direction.
    5. The Assistant Directors-General shall assist the Director-General.
  • Article 54
    1. So that the Election Strategy Headquarters can properly and vigorously organize election matters there shall be established, under the Headquarters, an Election Strategy Council.
    2. The Election Strategy Council shall determine strategies for national elections, and organize all the matters related to elections including preparation procedures for selection of candidates; survey, research and prepare election policies; collect and analyze election information; coordinate among Party bodies’ activities in terms of election policies; support candidates’ preparations for national elections; and arrange meetings at Election Strategy Headquarters.
    3. The Election Strategy Council shall have a Chairman and several Deputy Chairmen and Members. The Chairman may appoint one of the Deputy Chairmen to be Acting Chairman.
    4. The Chairman shall convene and preside over the meetings of the Election Strategy Council.
    5. The Acting Chairman shall assume the functions of the Chairman under his direction.
    6. The Deputy Chairmen shall assist the Chairman.
    7. The Chairman shall be appointed by the President, with the consent of the General Council, and deputy chairmen and members of the Election Strategy Council shall be appointed by the Election Strategy Council Chairman from among the members of the Election Strategy Headquarters.

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