Learning | Johnstone Pipe Band

Learner Classes
The band has a successful learner class, teaching piping and drumming which meet on Monday Nights at the bands hall at Cartside Community Centre. Anyone wishing to join is welcome and can just come along or drop us a line via our Contact Us page.

The band encourages all members to participate in the PQDB course run within the band and is once again hosts PDQB courses on Monday nights starting each September with examinations held in December. December 2013 was our third successive year and we have now successfully presented more than 50 students for examination.

The Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association has developed the above courses along with our partners in piping and drumming. The courses, available for piping, side drumming and tenor drumming at all levels, allow pupils to learn appropriate musical theory while developing their individual skills on their chosen instrument. The bonus is that the qualifications are accredited by the Scottish Qualification Authority, with some levels having the equivalent status of standard and higher grade. Some of our younger members already have educational credits on their SQA account and they are only 9 years old ! More information is available through various websites including the RSPBA.

Much is made of the links to the SQA, but, the courses are also ideal for pipers simply wanting to improve their playing or understanding of the music. Mature students have commented that they are now more confident with all aspects of their piping.

The course this year will run from 18th September until the 4th December 2023, with examinations on the weekend of the 9th/10th December 2023. The classes run from 6pm until 8pm where we have a variety of instructors to accommodate all levels. There is a small charge of £10 per week, plus an examination fee of £45.

Any pipers or drummers, young or old, at any level, who would like to join in will be most welcome. The course will be held in our hall, the Cartside Community Centre, McLaurin Cres, Johnstone. For more details get in touch via the Contact Us page.