
Year 12

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Applications for September 2025 entry

For more information about our Sixth Form please see our prospectus and our Subject Information Booklet below, detailing the subjects on offer, reasons why you might study them and useful information about their assessment. Right at the end of the booklet are details of last years' A Level results for each subject.

To view our entry criteria for Sixth Form please click here.

The initial expression of interest period has now closed and the timetable for the next academic year is now being prepared based on the information provided. The application form for those still wishing to apply for The Judd School Sixth Form in 2025 remains available here. We make every effort to accommodate all choices but inevitably, this does not always prove possible; the earlier you apply, the greater the chance we will be able to factor in your choices.

The final deadline to apply for a place in our Sixth Form will be 9am Friday 22nd August when we will be processing the results and sending out the first wave of offers. If you have already filled in an application form you don't need to do anything until GCSE Results Day when you will need to input your achieved grades and reconfirm your subject choices.