Research in Academic Divisions | King Abdullah University
Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division (BESE)
accomplish its mission and establish a knowledge and
advanced technology platform, the BESE Division
organizes its research around six focal areas:
environmental systems; epigenetics; functional
biology; genomics; imaging/structural biology; and
marine science.
These research areas build on interdisciplinary competences that are essential for studying the mechanisms through which living organisms and their environments interact, providing opportunities for new technological developments to optimize such interactions to improve the quality of life.
Researchers in BESE focus on topics relevant to the effects of the environment on organisms, the sustainable production of food, the use of high-salinity or poor-quality water, the optimization of energy used in the production of water and food, and the study and preservation of marine and coastal environments.
Research in the BESE Division is driven by independent faculty labs and two Research Centers with which Faculty can affiliate to perform applied, goal-oriented research. Centers affiliated with the Division include:
- Red Sea Research Center (RSRC)
- Water Desalination and Reuse Center (WDRC)
In addition, from time to time, the Division undertakes additional exploratory and collaborative research initiatives, with current activity in the following areas: Desert Agriculture; Neuro-Inspired High-Performance Computing; and Nutrition, Metabolism, Adaptation and Epigenetics.
Computer, Electrical and Mathematical Science and Engineering Division (CEMSE)
in the CEMSE Division clusters into four main
- Electrical engineering, including the development of communication networks; CMOS integrated circuits; electronic and optics/photonics devices; micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS); various types of sensors, measurement and detection devices; as well as functional- and nano-materials.
- Mathematical analysis, including modeling and simulations with applications to physical, chemical, biological and environmental processes; materials science; oil exploration and reservoir management.
- Computer science and big data, including
bioinformatics; and visual and extreme
- Statistics and data science, including climate
science, environmental statistics, and
Research in the CEMSE Division is driven by independent faculty labs and three Research Centers with which Faculty can affiliate to perform applied, goal-oriented research. Centers affiliated with the Division include:
- Computational Bioscience Research Center (CBRC)
- Extreme Computing Research Center (ECRC)
- Resilient Computing and Cybersecurity Center (RC3)
- Visual Computing Center (VCC)
In addition, from time to time, the Division undertakes special exploratory and collaborative research initiatives, currently in Sensors and Uncertainty Quantification.
Physical Science and Engineering Division (PSE)
The mission of the Physical Science and Engineering Division is to create knowledge pertaining to matter at all scales (nano, meso, macro) and in all forms (from bulk to divided colloids to fluids) and to seek understanding of the interaction of matter with external stimuli to design new materials/technologies addressing the issues of our times.
Research in the Division includes areas such as theoretical physics and physical chemistry; catalysis and bioengineering; polymers and composites; energy production, storage and conversion; water purification and environmental protection; novel materials, nanodevices and systems; sensors and smart devices for the detection of pollutants and the purification of air, water, and food; earth sciences, mechanics and geomechanics; oil exploration and recovery; and CO2 sequestration.
Research in the PSE Division is driven by independent faculty labs and five Research Centers with which Faculty can affiliate to perform applied, goal-oriented research. Centers affiliated with the Division include:
- Advanced Membranes and Porous Materials Research Center (AMPMC)
- Ali I. Al-Naimi Petroleum Engineering Research Center (ANPERC)
- Clean Combustion Research Center (CCRC)
- KAUST Catalysis Center (KCC)
- KAUST Solar Center (KSC)