Kelly B. Cartwright, PhD
- ️Kelly B. Cartwright, Ph.D.
Cartwright, K. B., Taboada Barber, A., Zumbrunn, S. K., & Duke, N. K. (2023, in press). Self-regulation and executive function in language arts learning. In D. Fisher & D. Lapp (Eds.), Handbook of research on teaching the English language arts. NY: Routledge.
Burns, M. K., Duke, N. K., & Cartwright, K. B. (2023). Evaluating components of the active view of reading as intervention targets: Implications for social justice. School Psychology, 38(1), 30–41.
Cartwright, K. B. (2023). Executive skills and reading comprehension: A guide for educators. (s2nd edition) NY: Guilford Press.
Cartwright, K. B., Taboada Barber, A., & *Archer, C. J. (2022). What's the difference? Contributions of lexical ambiguity, reading comprehension, and executive functions to math word problem solving in linguistically diverse 3rd to 5th graders. Scientific Studies of Reading, 26(6), 565-584.
Vadasy, P., Sanders, E., & Cartwright, K. B. (2022). Cognitive flexibility in beginning decoding. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk. 10.1080/10824669.2022.2098132
Barnes, Z. T., Boedeker, P., Cartwright, K. B., & Zhang, B. (2022). Socioeconomic status and early reading achievement: How working memory and cognitive flexibility mediate the relation in low-achieving and typically developing K to first grade students. Journal of Research in Reading, 45(2), 204-222.
Taboada Barber, A., Klauda, S. L., Wang, W., Cartwright, K. B., & Cutting, L. E. (2022). Emergent bilinguals with specific reading comprehension deficits: A comparative and longitudinal analysis. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 55, 43-57.
Duke, N. K., & Cartwright, K. B. (2021). The science of reading progresses: Communicating advances beyond the simple view of reading. Reading Research Quarterly, 56,S25-S44.
Taboada Barber, A., Cartwright, K. B., Hancock, G. R., Klauda, S. L. (2021). Beyond the simple view of reading: The role of executive functions in emergent bilinguals’ and English monolinguals’ reading comprehension. Reading Research Quarterly, 56, S45-S64.
Weimer, A. A., Warnell, K. R., Ettekal, I., Cartwright, K. B., Guajardo, N. R., & Liew, J. (2021). Correlates and antecedents of theory of mind development during middle childhood and adolescence: An integrated model. Developmental Review, 59, 100945.
Cartwright, K. B., Bock, A. M., Clause, J. H., Coppage August, E. A., Saunders, H. G., & Schmidt, K. J. (2020). Near- and far-transfer effects of an executive function intervention for 2nd to 5th grade struggling readers. Cognitive Development,
Taboada Barber, A., Cartwright, K. B., Stapleton, L. M., Klauda, S. L., Archer, C. J., & Smith, P. (2020). Direct and indirect effects of executive functions, reading engagement, and higher order strategic processes in the reading comprehension of dual language learners and English monolinguals. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 61, 101848
Cartwright, K. B., Marshall, T. R., & *Hatfield, N. A. (2020). Concurrent and longitudinal contributions of a brief assessment of reading-specific executive function to reading comprehension in 1stand 2nd grade students. Mind, Brain, and Education,14, 114-123.
Cartwright, K. B., Lee, S. A., Taboada Barber, A., DeWyngaert, L. U., Lane, A. B., & Singleton, T. (2019). Contribution of executive function and intrinsic motivation to university students’ reading comprehension. Reading Research Quarterly., doi:10.1002/rrq.273
Cartwright, K. B., & Duke, N. K. (2019). The DRIVE model of reading: Making the complexity of reading accessible. The Reading Teacher, 73(1), 7-15. doi:10.1002/trtr.1818 (available here:
Duke, N. K., & Cartwright, K. B. (2019). Implications of the DRIVE model of reading: Making the complexity of reading actionable. The Reading Teacher, 73(1), 123-128. doi:10.1002/trtr.1819 (available here:
Cartwright, K. B., Marshall, T. R., Huemer, C. M., & Payne, J. B. (2019). Executive function in the classroom: Cognitive flexibility supports reading fluency for typical readers and teacher-identified low-achieving readers. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 88, 42-52.
Cartwright, K. B. (2017). Executive-level thinking: Teaching 21st century skills for effective reading comprehension. Literacy Today, 34 (6), 38-39.
Cartwright, K. B., Bock, A. M., Coppage, E. A., Hodgkiss, M. D., & Nelson, M. I. (2017). A comparison of cognitive flexibility and metalinguistic awareness in adult good and poor comprehenders. Journal of Research in Reading, DOI: 10.1111/1467-9817.12101
Cartwright, K. B., Coppage, E. A., Lane, A. B., Singleton, T., Marshall, T. R., & Bentivegna, C. (2016). Cognitive flexibility deficits in children with specific reading comprehension difficulties. Contemporary Educational Psychology,
Guajardo, N. R., & Cartwright, K. B. (2016). The contribution of theory of mind, counterfactual reasoning, and executive function to pre-readers’ language comprehension and later reading awareness and comprehension in elementary school. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 144, 27-45
Cartwright, K. B., Marshall, T. R., & Wray, E. (2016). A longitudinal study of the role of reading motivation in primary students' reading comprehension. Reading Psychology, 37, 55-91.
Bock, A., Cartwright, K. B., Gonzalez, C., O'Brien, S., Robinson, M. F., Schmerold, K., Shriver, A., & Pasnak, R. (2015). The role of cognitive flexibility in pattern understanding. Journal of Education and Human Development, 4, 19-25.
Cartwright, K. B. (2015). Executive skills and reading comprehension: A guide for educators. NY: Guilford Press.
Cartwright, K. B. (2015). Executive function and reading comprehension: The critical role of cognitive flexibility. In S. R. Parris & K. Headley (Eds.), Comprehension instruction: Research-based best practices (3rd ed., pp. 56-71). NY: Guilford Press.
Cartwright, K. B. & Guajardo, N. R. (2015). The role of hot and cool executive functions in pre-resider comprehension. In A. DeBruin-Parecki, A. van Kleeck, & S. Gear (Eds.), Developing early comprehension: Laying the foundation for reading success. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing.
Duke, N. K., Cartwright, K. B., & Hilden, K. (2014). Difficulties with reading comprehension. In C. A. Stone, E. R. Silliman, B. J. Ehren, & G. P. Wallach (Eds.), Handbook of language and literacy: Development and disorders. NY: Guilford Press.
Cartwright, K. B. (2012). Insights from cognitive neuroscience: The importance of executive function for early reading development and education. Early Education and Development, 23, 24-36.
Cartwright, K. B. (2010). Word callers: Small group and one-to-one interventions for children who "read" but don't comprehend. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.