Organization | FIK

The establishment of FIK and its purpose

The FIK (formerly called IKF) was established in 1970 and it is composed of national federations that exclusively represent their country/region in kendo. At the time of its establishment, 17 countries/regions were affiliated with the FIK. As of July 2024, 64 countries/regions are FIK affiliates.

The FIK is a non-political and friendly organization. Its purpose is to propagate and develop kendo, iaido and jodo internationally, and to foster mutual trust and friendship among its affiliates. The headquarters of the FIK is located in Tokyo, Japan. (Address: 2F Yasukuni Kudan Minami Bldg. 2-3-14 Kudan Minami, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan 〒102-0074)

Major Activities of FIK

  1. To provide various assistance in order to promote the organization of the National Kendo Federation in each nation.
  2. To hold and assist seminars and workshops.
  3. To establish the rules for international matches.
  4. To provide standards (guidelines) for the Dan/Kyu examinations.
  5. To organize World Kendo Championships.
  6. To exchange information on techniques, equipment, etc.
  7. To undertake other activities necessary for achievement of the purposes set forth in the preceding articles.

FIK Constitution

Regulations of Kendo Shiai and Shinpan_Jul2021

FIK Handbook for Kendo Shiai and Shinpan Management 20230726


FIK Officials(2024-2027)as of July 2 2024

President: Tadahiro Ajiro (Japan)
Vice President: Yukimichi Nakatani (Japan)
Vice President: Yoshiteru Tagawa (USA)
Vice President: Dieter Hauck (Austria)
Vice President: Yong-Kyung Kim (Korea)
Secretary General: Susumu Nagao (Japan)

Directors (Japan)

Masayuki Miyasaka
Mitsuru Hamasaki
Yoshiko Oda
Minoru Makita

Directors (Asian Zone)

Hsiang-Lo Wu (Chinese Taipei)
Byung-Yoon Seo (Korea)

Directors (American Zone)

Tadao Ebihara (Brazil)
Yukimasa Furutani (Hawaii)
Hyun-June Choi (Canada)

Directors (European Zone)

Gianfranco Moretti (Italy)
Jean-Louis FOURCADET (France)
Uwe Kumpf (Germany)


Graham Sayer (New Zealand)
Donatella Castelli (Italy)

Anti-Doping Committee

Chair: Masayuki Miyasaka (Japan)
Dieter Hauck (Austria)
Frank Gruene (Netherlands)
Yoshiko Oda (Japan)
Catherine Hallgath (Australia)
Byung-Yoon Seo (Korea)
Ulises Reysono (Mexico)


Assistant Secretary General: Takeshi Takamori (Japan)
Staff: Masako Sekine (Japan)
Staff: Komei Sawai (Japan)