Frank Le Gall
- ️Thu Jan 01 1970
'Théodore Poussin'.
Born in Rouen, Frank le Gall published his first works in Pistil in 1977-78. Shortly afterwards, he joined Spirou magazine with 'Valry Bonpain', a series about a jazz musician, which he made with Alain Clement. A few years later, he started his most famous series, the mysterious 'Théodore Poussin'. In addition to his work for Spirou, Le Gall made 'Yoyo' for Circus with Yann in 1985 and 'Les Petits Contes Noirs' for Schtroumpf in 1992 (in cooperation with his brother Pierre).
'Valry Bonpain'. Dutch-language version.
Starting in 1986, he also worked for Je Bouquine, where he has adapted classics like 'Pinocchio', 'Eikki-Tikki-Tavi' and 'Ali Baba' to comics. In 1995, Le Gall worked with Lewis Trondheim on 'Les Aventures de la Fin de l'Épisode' (L'Association) and 'Catastrophes au Pays du Père Noël' (Delcourt). Four years later, Le Gall wrote 'Vacances de Printemps', an album with 'Lapinot', for Trondheim. For the collection Delcourt Jeunesse, he made the small books 'La Rhino de Barbutin Vert' and 'Les Ananas de Kilikili' with Irène Colas in 1999 and 2000.
He also contributed to another official collective homage 'Rocky Luke' (Goupil, 1983), paying tribute to Morris' 'Lucky Luke'. He paid tribute to Nikita Mandryka in the collective comic book 'Tronches de Concombre' (Dupuis, 1995). Together with 20 other comic artists (Zep, Ptiluc, Frank Margerin, Yslaire, Cosey, Philippe Vuillemin, Milo Manara, Loustal, Gilbert Shelton, Max Cabanes, Dupuy & Berberian, François Boucq, Gérald Poussin, Thomas Ott, Frank Pé, Riff Reb's, Eric Buche, Enrico Marini and Valott) he illustrated a record single for the project '20 Vraies Fausses Pochettes De Disque Par 20 Vrais Dessinateurs de BD' (1995). Le Gall chose for a song by Paul Simon.
'Théodore Poussin'.