Borough of Lavallette, Office of the Municipal Clerk

Municipal Clerk / Registrar of Vital Statistics

Office Of The Municipal Clerk
Lavallette Municipal Building
1306 Grand Central Avenue
732-793-7477 Option #7

Donnelly Amico, Municipal Clerk/Registrar
Contact the Municipal Clerk/Registrar

Mailing Address: Lavallette Municipal Clerk
1306 Grand Central Avenue
Lavallette, NJ 08735

Business Hours: Monday through Friday, 8am to 4pm.
Located on the 1st floor of the Municipal Building
Corner of Grand Central Avenue (Route 35 North) and Brooklyn Avenue.

Navigation Bullet Borough Council Meeting Minutes and Agendas

Visit the Council Meetings page for meeting dates, links to the agendas and meeting minutes.

Navigation Bullet Marriage Licenses, Vital Record Requests / Certified Copies / Death Certificates

Marriage Licenses, Vital Record Requests / Certified Copies / Death Certificates. Information and instructions on how to obtain licenses and certified copies is available below.

Navigation Bullet Dog and Cat Licenses

Must Have a valid Rabies shot valid through October 31st, of the the calendar year, please bring certification with you, Cats and dogs must be re-licensed every year, licenses are good for the calendar year, and can not be issued unless the current rabies vaccination is good through October of the year registering. Please see cashier at the Municipal Building for License's.

The fee to register or renew a dog or cat licenses is $12.20 if the animal is spayed or neutered $15.20 if not.


Animals must be on a leash at all times. No animals are allowed on the beach or other places of resort at any time.
Animals on a leash can only be taken on the boardwalk at times other than regular bathing season.
Feces must be removed immediately, Do not dispose of feces in storm drains. All storm drain flow into the Barnegat Bay.
Animal Control issues are handled through the Department of Public Works. 732-793-7766.
For more information visit our Animals Page.

Navigation Bullet Lavallette Goose Patrol

Lavallette Goose Patrol is available to Lavallette and Barrier Island residents (id required) and the first ten (10) non-residents. Being a member allows you to bring your dog to certain areas including the bay front and chandler field, where you normally are not allowed to bring your dog. Membership forms are available at Borough Hall and online. Dogs must have a current license to be a member of the Lavallette Goose Patrol. For more information about the Goose Patrol visit our Animals Page.

Navigation Bullet Bingo and Raffle License Application

Bingo License

Raffle License

Amend License

Report of Operations

When you have completed filling out the form, present it to the clerk of the Borough of Lavallette, along with a valid registration certificate issued by the Legalized Games of Chance Control Commission.

The Governing body of the Borough of Lavallette  must approve your license at an open public meeting prior to the license being issued. You cannot begin any portion of the bingo or raffle prior to physically receiving your license from the municipal clerk.

Application for Amusement Games License

This form is used by anyone who wishes to operate an amusement game at a recognized amusement park, seashore or other resort or at an agricultural exhibition (county fair).

Navigation Bullet Business Registration

Businesses in Lavallette are required to register with the Borough of Lavallette and submit a floor plan to the clerks office. Floor plans are an essential too for emergency services to be able to provide assistance to you and your business.

Registered Businesses will be the only Businesses listed in the Lavallette Borough Calendar, and listed in the next Lavallette Brochure. Businesses will also be listed on the Registered Businesses Page with address and phone number.

Business Registration Form

Navigation Bullet Garage Sales

Garage Sales - Limited to one per year per household, with the exception of the Town Wide Garage Sale held yearly.

Garage, Estate, Tag Sale permits available from the Cashier at Borough Hall 9am-4pm.

Download Application
Town Wide Garage Sale Information

Navigation Bullet Landlord/Business Owner Registration & Liability Insurance Certificate (Filed with the Building Department)

This form needs to be filed with the borough along with state mandated proof of adequate liability insurance coverage. A filing fee of $50 is required with registration.

Completed form needs to be filed with the Borough.

Click Here To Download

Lead Based Paint Registration/Inspection

Click Here To Download

Navigation Bullet Election Information

Polls are open from 6am-8pm

The Borough of Lavallette has two voting districts.

District 1 Votes at the
Lavallette Fire House
125 Washington Avenue
Lavallette NJ 08735

District 2 Votes at the
Lavallette First Aid Building
1207 Bay Boulevard
Lavallette NJ 08735

Navigation Bullet Voter Registration, Vote By Mail & Party Affiliation

Voter Registration

Ocean County

Ocean County Voter Registration Application - English

Ocean County Voter Registration Application - Espanol

For additional languages please visit The State of New Jersey Division of ElectionsExternal Link

Vote by Mail

In New Jersey, any voter can now vote by Mail-In Ballot for any election.
You do not need a reason to vote by Mail-In Ballot.
Don't feel like going to the polls? Simply vote by mail. Now there is "no excuse" not to vote!

Mail-in Ballots
(Information through the State of New Jersey Web Site)

Political Party Affiliation Declaration Form

Political Party Affiliation Declaration Form

Navigation Bullet Open Public Records Act


Download OPRA Form
Also available at the Clerks Office in The Municipal Building

Navigation Bullet Residential Parking Permit

The owner of any residential property located within the Residence Districts A, B, and C as defined in Chapter 90 of the Code of the Borough of LavalletteExternal Link may apply for a residential parking permit for a dedicated parking space which is located in whole or in part ("in part" meaning more than 50%) in proximity to that subject residential property under the following conditions:

The subject residential property has no off-street parking under the terms of its original construction permit, or by virtue of any approved site plan; and the lot is undersized as defined by width of the subject residential property's front yard, defined in § 90-5 of the Code of the Borough of Lavallette, is less than the minimum requirement for the frontage as defined in § 20-1 of the Code of the Borough of Lavallette.

Applications are available by request from the Borough Clerk as many properties do not qualify for parking permits.

Borough Codebook

Navigation Bullet Lavallette Population By Date census

Lavallette Population By Date

Lavallette Borough Incorporation 1887 Population
1930 287
1940 315
1950 567
1960 832
1970 1,509
1980 2,072
1990 2,299
2000 2,665
2010 1,875
2020 1,787

Registrar of Vital Statistics

Navigation Bullet Marriage, Domestic Partnership and Civil Union License Application

Important, call to schedule your appointment with the Registrar for Marriage, Domestic Partnership and Civil Union Licenses!

All requirements, forms and additional information regarding Marriage, Domestic Partnership and Civil Union Licenses is provided through the State of New Jersey and can be obtained through the New Jersey Department of Health, Vital Statistics website. Link

You may also obtain the forms from the clerks office.

Do not sign the marriage application form before going to the Local Registrar. You must sign the application, under oath, in the presence of the issuing authority.

Visit: Link

Navigation Bullet Vital Record Requests / Certified Copies / Death Certificates

Certified copies are $10.00 each
Must be paid for before copies can be mailed.
Checks Payable to The Borough of Lavallette
Please provide 24 hours notice.

To obtain a copy of a vital record, you must submit:

Marriage or Partnership: Must provide your Date of Marriage / Partnership, and married name.

Death Certificates: Name, Place and Date of Death.

A completed application
Proof of your identity with photo
The correct fee of $10 per Copy
Proof of your relationship to the person listed on the vital record you are requesting (Required for certified copies)

Vital Record Request form

Eligibility Requirements for Certified Copies