Georgetown Law Tech Review: Symposium 2022
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The Georgetown Law Technology Review, in partnership with the Georgetown Institute for Technology Law and Policy, invites you to our biennial symposium:
Data is everywhere. It is collected, shared, and analyzed in almost every industry and every layer of government. Going beyond its eventual use in algorithmic decision making, this symposium brings together novel scholarship on the hidden interactions of data with policing, government systems, and democratic ideals. With speakers ranging from Julie Mao of Just Futures Law to Georgetown Law’s very own Brishen Rogers, join us on Data Privacy Day to consider deep questions on data governance and the impact of data on our government.
For more information, please visit our website here.
Symposium Agenda
Panya Gupta, Editor-in-Chief, Georgetown Law Technology Review
The Impact of Public-private Data Sharing on Law Enforcement
Moderator: Laura Moy, Georgetown Law
Sarah Lamdan, The City University of New York
Julie Mao, Co-Founder and Deputy Director of Just Futures Law
Rebecca Wexler, UC Berkeley
Governance with Data and Problems of Differential Access
Moderator: Tanina Rostain, Georgetown Law
Julia Lane, New York University
Margo Anderson, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
Margaret Kwoka, The Ohio State University
Laura Edelson, New York University
Governance with Data and Problems of Democracy
Moderator: Julie Cohen, Georgetown Law
Craig Konnoth, University of Virginia
Brishen Rogers, Georgetown Law
Salomé Viljoen, Columbia University
Closing Remarks
April Doss, Executive Director of the Georgetown Institute for Technology Law and Policy