Old West Outlaw List – L – Legends of America
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James Lamb (1864?-1887) – Oklahoma outlaw Lamb and Albert O’Dell murdered Edward Pollard and George Brassfield. These men happened to be the husbands of Lamb and O’Dell’s mistresses, both of whom were pregnant by them. Both men were hanged at Fort Smith, Arkansas, on January 14, 1887.
Thomas N. Lamb – A New Mexico outlaw, he was involved in the robbery of an Army paymaster in Graham County on May 11, 1889.
“Lame Johnny” – See Cornelius Donahue
George Lane grave in Virginia City, Montana
“Clubfoot George” Lane – A bootmaker in Virginia City, Montana, Lane was thought to have been a member of Henry Plummer’s gang of Innocents. He was hanged by Montana Vigilantes on January 13, 1864, with four other men.
George Lane – A black outlaw member of the Christian Gang.
Ruperto Lara – An outlaw, he participated in killing George Nesmith’s family on August 17, 1882, in White Sands, New Mexico.
Sostenes L’archeveque – An outlaw and immigrant from France, L’archeveque operated in the 1870s around West Texas and was later killed.
Jesus Largo – An outlaw horse thief, he was lynched in August 1877 outside Lincoln, New Mexico.
Juan Largo – Led a gang of horse thieves around the Boquilla, New Mexico, and was lynched in August 1877.
William “Billy” Larkin – See William Larkin Stiles
John M. Larn (1849-1877) – An outlaw and lawman in Shackleford County, Texas, Larn got involved in a tough vigilante group called the Tin Hat Brigade, who eventually killed him.
Charles Lattemer – A New Mexico criminal wanted for forgery in 1893.
Bill Lawless – A cowboy and outlaw, he killed a man in McLennon County, Texas, in 1870 and was later killed near Cameron, Texas.
Ed Lawrence – Oklahoma outlaw who was in the Guthrie jail when Bob Doolin made his break. Lawrence fled to his father’s home near Enid, where he was re-captured
William Ellsworth “Elza” Lay, aka Elzy, William McGinnis (1869-1934) -Elza Lay was an outlaw member of Butch Cassidy’s Wild Bunch operating out of the Hole-in-the-Wall Pass in Johnson County, Wyoming.
G.J. Layton – An alleged robber and killer, he was lynched by a vigilance committee on June 17, 18, 52, at Sonora, California.
Juan Layton – A gunman, he killed Alejandro Maes on October 23, 1881, in Canoncito, New Mexico.
William Leach (18??-1876) – Oklahoma outlaw, he robbed and killed his traveling companion, John Wadkins, on March 8, 1875, as they rode through the Cherokee Nation. He was hanged at Fort Smith, Arkansas, on April 21, 1876.
B.B. Lee – An outlaw, he was killed by Joe Farr in 1868 at Hempstead, Texas.
Clem Lee – An outlaw and the gang leader that robbed a Reno, Nevada stage, he was arrested in Virginia City.
James Lee (1850-1885) – An outlaw and member of the Lee Gang in the 1880s who operated in Indian Territory and Cooke County, Texas. He and his brother Pink were killed on December 7, 18, 85, by a posse led by Heck Thomas and Jim Taylor near Dexter, Texas.
Mitch Lee – Outlaw member of the Kit Joy Gang, he was involved in several train robberies in New Mexico before being lynched on March 13, 1884.
Pinkney “Pink” Lee (1857-1885) – An outlaw and member of the Lee Gang in the 1880s who operated in Indian Territory and Cooke County, Texas. He and his brother James were killed on December 7, 1885, by a posse led by Heck Thomas and Jim Taylor near Dexter, Texas.
Robert E. Lee – An outlaw and cousin of Harvey Logan, he was a member of the Curry Gang and the Wild Bunch. After he robbed a train in Wyoming on June 2, 1899, he was arrested, imprisoned, and released in February 1907.
Robert E. Lee – An outlaw, he was involved in reconstruction troubles in North Texas after the Civil War. After several confrontations with federal authorities and soldiers, he was killed in an ambush in Hopkins County on June 26, 1869.
William “Butch” Leland – An outlaw and rustler in New Mexico, he was killed by A.J. Fountain’s militia in March 1888.
Dan Lemons – A rustler and outlaw arrested in March 1880 at Lincoln County, New Mexico.
Antonio Lenta – An outlaw aligned with the Clantons, he and served time for killing Hop Lee in 1891.
Bill Leonard (18??-1881) – An outlaw and stage robber in Arizona, he was killed by the Heslett brothers in June 1881.
Billy Leroy – An outlaw, he robbed stages and was lynched in 1881.
Nashville Franklin “Buckskin Frank” Leslie (1842-1925?) – A friend to the Earps in Tombstone, Arizona and deadly gunman, he killed ten to thirteen men, including Mike Killeen and Billy Claibourne in 1881, and claimed to have killed Johnny Ringo. He served eight years in Yuma prison for murder. By 1922, he had disappeared from any records and his place and time of death are unknown.
Alexander Lewis – An Oklahoma train robber, he was captured and sentenced to hang. However, upon appeal, he was acquitted. He was thought by Heck Thomas to be “Captain Jack.”
Bill Lewis – An outlaw, he stole horses in Parker County, Texas in 1881 and was imprisoned for life for robbing the U.S. Mail.
Elmer Lewis, aka Slaughter Kid; Mysterious Kid – An outlaw, he robbed the bank at Wichita Falls, Texas with Foster Crawford. He was arrested by Marshal W.D. McDonald and hanged by a mob.
Ernest White Lewis – A train robber in Indian Territory and a wanted murderer in both the State of Washington and the Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma, he was captured by Heck Thomas. When he escaped, he was killed by Constable Pussyfoot Johnson.
Jim Lewis, aka Arizona Bill – An outlaw, he attempted to “run the town” of Crested Butte, Colorado and was killed by Marshal Hatch on September 30, 1881.
Marino Leyba – An outlaw, he led a gang of horse thieves and robbers who killed Colonel Charles Potter and was killed in Golden, Colorado.
Lee Lian – An Oklahoma outlaw, he was in jail at Guthrie when Bob Doolin made his escape. He was later re-captured by Heck Thomas.
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