Lettonie (137) Parlement Europ�en 1983
On January 13, 1983, the European Parliament adopted the following resolution regarding the Baltic States:
On January 13, 1983, the European Parliament adopted the following resolution regarding
the Baltic States:
The European Parliament,
Having regard to the joint declaration of 45 nationals of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, in April 1979, calling on the United Nations to recognise the rights of the Baltic states to self-determination and independence, and demanding a referendum on this issue,
Having regard to the bilateral peace treaties between the Soviet Union and the Baltic states in Dorpat (February 2, 1920), Moscow (July 12, 1920) and Riga (August 11, 1920), in which the Soviet Union guaranteed the three Baltic states the inviolability of their territory and eternal peace,
Having regard to Article VIII of the Final Act of the Helsinki Conference on Security and Cooperation, which secures the right of self-determination of peoples and their right, in full freedom, to determine, when and as they wish, their internal and external political status,
Condemning the fact that the occupation of these formerly independent and neutral states by the Soviet Union occurred in 1940 pursuant to the Molotov / Ribbentrop Pact, and continues,
Whereas the Soviet annexation of the three Baltic states has still not been formally recognised by most European states and the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and the Vatican still adhere to the concept of Baltic states,
Having regard to the eight-year long struggle and armed resistance of Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians fighting for their freedom, the thousands victims of this struggle and the 665'000 Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians who have been resettled and removed to labour camps in Siberia by the Soviet rulers since 1940,
Having regard to the motion for a resolution on the situation in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania (Doc.1-777/80),
Having regard to the report of the Political Affairs Committee (Doc. 1-656/82),
Calls on the Conference of Foreign Minister meeting in political cooperation to attempt to form a common favourable approach to the declaration addressed to the United Nations in 1979,
Suggests that they submit the issue of the Baltic states to the Decolonisation Subcommittee on the U.N.,
Considers that the plight of the peoples of these states be the subject of review during the conferences to monitor implementation of the Helsinki Final Act,
Expresses the hope that the Conference of Foreign Ministers will use their best endeavours to see that the aspirations of the peoples of these states as to their form of government is realised,
Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Foreign Ministers of the Member States of the European Community meeting in political cooperation, and to the governments of the Member States.
1982-1983 EUR.PARL.DOC (N�.7.908) 432-33 (9183) cit� dans "International Reaction to the
Occupation of the Baltic States by the USSR " by Legation of Latvia, Washington
, Suisse Romande, 12 janvier 2001 Mise à jour: 12 janvier 2001
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