Our Organization | University Libraries
About the FSU Libraries
The Florida State University Libraries provide collections and services to enhance the learning, teaching, research, and service activities of the University. The Libraries’ collections include over 4 million titles and offers access to more than 1,064 databases and 120,000 electronic journals, supplemented by a robust interlibrary loan program, including the statewide UBorrow system which includes over 15 million books from all 40 state university and college libraries. The Library Express Delivery Service delivers books and articles to faculty and graduate students on a daily basis. With almost 2 million visitors each year, Strozier Library, FSU’s largest library, is open 134 hours each week, providing around-the-clock research assistance and other services like free academic tutoring and a rich array of academic support throughout the day and late into the night. As a member of the Association of Research Libraries, the FSU Libraries rank among the largest research libraries in North America. The Libraries also belong to the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries, the Center for Research Libraries, the Florida Virtual Campus/Florida Academic Library Service Cooperative and are the designated Florida service hub for the Digital Public Library of America.
The library is a member of the following organizations:
Mission, Vision, and Values
Mission: The mission of the University Libraries is to support and enhance the learning, teaching, research, and service activities of the Florida State University by providing organized access to quality information in all formats, promoting information literacy, preserving information and engaging in collaborative partnerships to disseminate ideas to advance intellectual discovery.
Vision: As a center of intellectual community, FSU Libraries inspire curiosity, discovery, and learning by providing equitable access to information, enhancing scholarship, promoting critical thinking, and fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion.
Values: Core values help shape our organizational culture and keep us focused on our mission. Values are important in decision-making, problem-solving, and educating ourselves and our users on what our libraries are about. Stating these values will help clarify our identity, the way we operate, and how we engage with one another and our users.
- Collegiality: We respect and accept the feelings, opinions, and beliefs of others and treat each person considerately, even when disagreeing. We are willing to cooperate, listen to each other, and work together to come to a decision.
- Trust: We believe that our colleagues are reliable and honest and that they are accountable for their actions internally and in the broader Library community.
- Recognition: In valuing our colleagues, we celebrate their achievements and give special notice for exemplary work.
- Diversity: We establish a workplace that respects and includes differences such as an individual’s gender, race, beliefs, and culture. We recognize that the unique contributions of individuals with many types of differences foster a work environment that maximizes the potential of all employees.
- Inclusion: We believe in a practice of ensuring that people in the Libraries feel they belong, are engaged, and are connected through their work to the goals and objectives of the organization.
- Critical Thinking and Healthy Discussion: To foster healthy discussion where multiple points of view are considered and acknowledged; we avoid assumptions by thinking critically before drawing conclusions.
- Engagement: Everyone is encouraged to be actively involved in making recommendations, decisions, and changes in order to contribute to the success of the Libraries.
- Empowerment: People at all levels are equipped and trained to step in at the point of need to handle situations as they arise within the boundaries of the Libraries’ policies and procedures.
- Innovation: We cultivate an environment that welcomes experimenting with new and different ideas, methods, and processes. In an effort to encourage the development of new ideas, we acknowledge/accept the possibility that things may fail since failure is often part of the process of innovation.