LC Voyager Z39.50/SRW/SRU Server Configuration Guidelines
This document provides the detailed technical information for Z39.50 and SRU client developers and implementors necessary to access and interwork with the LC Voyager Z39.50 Server. This document assumes a general familiarity with Z39.50 and SRU.
The LC Voyager Z39.50 Server conforms to Z39.50-1995 (Version 3) of the standard. A subset of attributes from the bib-1 attribute set are supported, and codes from the bib-1 diagnostic set are utilized.
LC has implemented IndexData's MetaProxy, which functions as an SRW/SRU/Z39.50 gateway to LC's various Voyager and Zebra Z39.50 servers. The SRW and SRU Web services conform to version 1.1 of the standard.
When connecting to Library of Congress catalogs using Z39.50, we recommend using the DNS hostname rather than a static IP address to ensure continued access when IP addresses change.
Please note: In July 2015, the Library updated its Z39.50 Metaproxy server. This process resulted in deprecation of the static IP originally associated with the DSN name. After September 28, 2015, institutions using this deprecated static IP ( will no longer be able to access LC catalog metadata unless they modify the Z39.50 target information in their applications.
Please send questions to the Network Development and MARC Standards Office at [email protected]
Table of Contents
- Z39.50 Services Supported
- SRW/SRU Services Supported
- Internet Addresses, Databases, and Hours of Availability
- Initialization Service (Z39.50)
- Search Service
- Present Service (Z39.50)
- XML Schemas Supported (SRW/SRU)
- Queries Supported (SRW/SRU)
- Use Attributes Supported (Z39.50)
- Relation Attributes Supported (Z39.50)
- Position Attributes Supported (Z39.50)
- Structure Attributes Supported (Z39.50)
- Truncation Attributes Supported (Z39.50)
- Completeness Attributes Supported (Z39.50)
- Required and Default Attributes (Z39.50)
- Search Term Processing in LC System
- Limitations of Voyager Server
Z39.50 Services Supported
The LC server supports the following services:
SRW/SRU Services Supported
The LC SRW/SRU server supports the following services:
Internet Addresses, Databases, and Hours of Availability
Library of Congress Catalog
Domain name: Port: 210 Database name: LCDB (UTF-8 records) Database name: LCDB_MARC8 (MARC-8 records) Availability: 24 hours/day; 7 days/week Z39.50 Explain record: LC Catalog Z39.50 Explain Record SRU Base URL (http): SRU Base URL (https): SRU Explain record: LC Catalog SRU Explain Record
National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled Union Catalog
Domain name: Port: 210 Database name: NLSBPH (UTF-8 records) Database name: NLSBPH_MARC8 (MARC-8 records) Availability: 24 hours/day; 7 days/week Z39.50 Explain record: NLS/BPH Explain Record SRU Base URL (http): SRU Base URL (https): SRU Explain record: NLSBPH SRU Explain Record
Handbook of Latin American Studies
Domain name: Port: 210 Database name: HLAS (UTF-8 records) Database name HLAS_MARC8 (MARC-8 records) Availability: 24 hours/day; 7 days/week Z39.50 Explain record: HLAS Explain Record SRU Base URL (http): SRU Base URL (https): SRU Explain record: HLAS SRU Explain Record
Name Authority File
Domain name: Port: 210 Database name: NAF (UTF-8 records) Availability: 24 hours/day; 7 days/week SRU Base URL (http): SRU Base URL (https): SRU Explain record: NAF SRU Explain Record
Subject Authority File
Domain name: Port: 210 Database name: SAF (UTF-8 records) Availability: 24 hours/day; 7 days/week SRU Base URL (http): SRU Base URL (https): SRU Explain record: SAF SRU Explain Record
Initialization Service (Z39.50)
Protocol Version Z39.50-1995 (Version 3) Options Supported Search Present Preferred Message Size LC will negotiate Client down to 32,768 bytes if requested size exceeds 32,768 bytes, and accept Client proposal if it is less than 32,768 bytes. Maximum Record Size Server will accept Client proposal ID Authentication User-id and password are not required by LC Server
Search Service
Result Set Name Only "default" is supported (case insensitive) Database Names "LCDB" Library of Congress Bibliographic Database (UTF-8) "LCDB_MARC8" Library of Congress Bibliographic Database (MARC-8) "HLAS" Handbook of Latin American Studies (UTF-8) "HLAS_MARC8" Handbook of Latin American Studies (MARC-8) "NLSBPH" National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (UTF-8) "NLSBPH_MARC8" National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled (MARC-8) "AllVoyager" LCDB, HLAS, and NLS (UTF-8 only) "NAF" Name Authority File (UTF-8 only) "SAF" Subject Authority File (UTF-8 only) Query Type-1 only is supported Attribute Set ID Bib-1 only is supported Operand The Result Set ID (i.e., "default") cannot be used in the Operand. Qualifying searches are not supported Operators Supported: AND OR AND-NOT Result Set Maximum is 10,000 records Session Inactivity Timer 60 seconds
Present Service (Z39.50)
Record Syntaxes Supported MARC 21 (OID = 1.2.840.10003.5.10) OPAC (OID = 1.2.840.10003.5.102) XML (OID = 1.2.840.10003.5.109.10) Element Set Names Supported Bibliographic Databases "F" -- Full (MARC and OPAC records) "dc" -- Dublin Core (XML records) "mods" -- MODS (XML records) "marcxml" -- MARCXML (XML records), default schema for XML "opacxml" -- MARCXML with holdings attached Authority Databases "F" -- Full MARC records "marcxml" -- MARCXML (XML records), default schema for XML "mads" -- MADS (XML records) Present Response Maximum is 50 records
XML Schemas Supported (SRW/SRU)
"dc" -- Dublin Core (bibliographic records) "mads" -- MADS (authority records) "mods" -- MODS (bibliographic records) "marcxml" -- MARCXML - the default schema "opacxml" -- MARCXML (wth holdings attached)
Queries Supported (SRU)
Bibliographic Databases (LCDB, NLSBPH, and HLAS)
Dublin Core Index dc.creator dc.description dc.publisher dc.resourceType dc.resourceIdentifier dc.source dc.subject dc.title Bath Index bath.any bath.conferenceName bath.corporateAuthor bath.corporateName bath.genreForm bath.geographicName bath.isbn bath.issn bath.keyTitle bath.lcCallNumber bath.lccn bath.note bath.personalAuthor bath.personalName bath.publisher bath.publisherNumber bath.seriesTitle bath.standardIdentifier bath.subject bath.title bath.topicalSubject bath.uniformTitle
Name Authority File (NAF)
Bath Index bath.any bath.authorityFormatID bath.codeInstitution bath.conferenceName bath.corporateName bath.geographicName bath.isbn bath.issn bath.lcCallNumber bath.lccn bath.note bath.personalName bath.standardIdentifier bath.subject bath.title bath.uniformTitle Local Index local.codeGeographic local.dateTimeAdded local.dateTimeLastModified local.geographicClass local.mapScale local.musicalTheme local.primaryHeading
Subject Authority File (SAF)
Bath Index bath.any bath.authorityFormatID bath.codeInstitution bath.conferenceName bath.corporateName bath.geographicName bath.isbn bath.issn bath.lcCallNumber bath.lccn bath.note bath.personalName bath.standardIdentifier bath.subject bath.title bath.uniformTitle Local Index local.codeGeographic local.dateTimeAdded local.dateTimeLastModified local.geographicClass local.mapScale local.musicalTheme local.primaryHeading local.subjectConferenceName local.subjectCorporatName local.subjectGenre local.subjectGeographicName local.subjectPersonalName local.subjectTopical local.subjectSubdivision local.subjectSubdivisionChronological local.subjectSubdivisionForm local.subjectSubdivisionGeneral local.subjectSubdivisionGeographical
Use Attributes Supported (Z39.50):
Bibliographic Databases (LCDB, NLSBPH, and HLAS)
Value Description ----- ------------------------- 1 Personal name 2 Corporate name 3 Conference name 4 Title 5 Title series 6 Uniform title 7 ISBN 8 ISSN 9 LCCN 13 Dewey classification 16 LC call number 17 NLM call number 20 Other call number 21 Subject heading 25 MeSH subject heading 27 LC subject heading 31 Date of publication 33 Title -- key 41 Title -- variant 42 Title -- former 43 Title -- abbreviated 48 Number -- national bibliography 50 Number -- government pub. 51 Number -- music publisher 54 Code -- language 55 Code -- geographic area 56 Code -- institution 57 Name and title 58 Name geographic 59 Place of publication 60 CODEN 62 Abstract 63 Note 1002 Name 1003 Author 1004 Author (personal name) 1005 Author (corporate name) 1007 Standard identifier 1008 LC children's subject 1009 Subject (personal name) 1016 Any (keyword) 1018 Name of publisher 1019 Location 1027 Standard technical report number 1031 Material type (245$h) 1032 Electronic location and access 1056 Dissertation note 1074 Subject (name) 1078 Subject (title) 1079 Subject (topical) 1107 Additional format note 1185 Credits/performers 1209 Electronic access
Name Authority File (NAF)
Value Description ----- ------------------------- 1 Personal name 2 Corporate name 3 Conference name 4 Title 6 Uniform title 7 ISBN 8 ISSN 9 LCCN (010) 12 Local control number (035) 13 Dewey classification 16 LC call number 21 Subject heading 55 Code -- geographic area 56 Code -- institution 58 Name geographic 63 Note 1002 Name 1007 Standard identifier 1011 Date/time added to database 1012 Date/time record last modified 1013 Authentication code 1016 Any (keyword) 1022 Geographic classification 1024 Coded map mathematical data 1206 Musical incipits 5002 Primary heading 5009 Record ID (001)
Subject Authority File (SAF)
Value Description ----- ------------------------- 1 Personal name 2 Corporate name 3 Conference name 4 Title 6 Uniform title 7 ISBN 8 ISSN 9 LCCN (010) 12 Local control number (035) 13 Dewey classification 16 LC call number 21 Subject heading 47 Subject subdivision 55 Code -- geographic area 56 Code -- institution 58 Name geographic 63 Note 1002 Name 1007 Standard identifier 1011 Date/time added to database 1012 Date/time record last modified 1013 Authentication code 1016 Any (keyword) 1022 Geographic classification 1024 Coded map mathematical data 1073 Subject-name conference 1074 Subject-name corporate 1075 Subject-genre/form 1076 Subject-name geographical 1079 Subject topical 5002 Primary heading 5009 Record ID (001) 5075 Subject subdivision form 5076 Subject subdivision geographical 5077 Subject subdivision chronological 5079 Subject subdivision general
Relation Attributes Supported (Z39.50):
Value Description ----- --------------- 3 Equal Values other than "3" are accepted, but not regarded.
Position Attributes Supported (Z39.50):
Value Description ----- --------------- 1 First in field 3 Any
Structure Attributes Supported (Z39.50):
Value Description ----- --------------- 1 Phrase Values other than "1" are accepted, but not regarded.
Truncation Attributes Supported (Z39.50):
Value Description ----- --------------- 1 Right truncation 100 Do not truncate
Completeness Attributes Supported (Z39.50):
Value Description ----- -------------------- 1 Incomplete subfield Values other than "1" are accepted, but not regarded.
Required and Default Attributes
Requirements and Defaults: The Use attribute is REQUIRED. For the other attributes, if an attribute type and value are not supplied by the client, the following defaults are applied at LC: RELATION: -- Equal (value=3) POSITION: -- Any (value=3) STRUCTURE: -- Phrase (value=1) TRUNCATION: -- Do not truncate (value=100) COMPLETENESS: -- Incomplete subfield (value=1)
Search Term Processing in LC System
Keyword searches (i.e., Position attribute = "any-position-in-field"):
- Keyword search terms can appear anywhere in the field.
- If multiple words appear in the same search term, the search term will be processed as a phrase (ordered, adjacent word list).
- If the words appear in separate operands (ANDed together) they can appear in different fields in the same record.
- Name keywords: A keyword search term can be the first, middle, or last name. If more than one name appears in a keyword search term, the order is significant. A personal last name should precede first name.
- Keyword indexing does not include phrases that cross subfield boundaries. If the search term contains a phrase that may cross subfield boundaries (e.g., subject heading, LC call number, etc.), use a left-anchored (right-truncated) search. In other words, Position attribute = "first-in-field"; Truncation attribute = "right truncation".
Phrase searches (i.e., multiple-word search terms):
- Phrase search terms can appear anywhere in the field.
- Phrase searches that include the "First-in-field" Position attribute should begin with the first significant word in the field.
- Boolean operators cannot be used with phrase searches that include the "First-in-field" Position attribute.
- Name phrase searches: The order in which the names appear in the search term is significant. In other words, the surname should appear first (with or without comma) in order to match against entry fields in LC indexes.
Number searches (ISBN, ISSN, LCCN, etc.):
- Use a hyphen in all ISSN search terms (e.g., 1234-5678).
- Do not include hyphens in ISBN or LCCN search terms.
- LCCN search terms should be in normalized format (i.e., include any prefix, spaces, or zero fill). For example, LCCN 91-13 should be "91000013" in the search term.
Qualifying Searches: Searches are not supported against previous result sets.
Wild Card/Truncation: The questions mark ("?") is supported as a truncation character.
Sort Order: Records are sorted by the contents of the MARC 245 field.
Limitations of Voyager Server
- There is a limit of 10,000 records that can be retrieved in a result set.
- When the Voyager server result set is a medium or a small set (based on the size of result set in relation to large-set, small-set, and medium-set number parameters in the Search Request), the following three encoding problems can result:
- When records are expected in the Search Response (e.g., a medium set or a small set), the presentStatus is a "0" (success) instead of a "5" (failure).
- When a non-surrogate diagnostic record is returned instead of result set records in the Search Response, the value of numberOfRecordsReturned is "0" instead of "1".
- The non-surrogate diagnostic record never contains an addInfo (which is mandatory in the standard).
If these problems make working with the Voyager server difficult, we suggest that the client small-set and medium-set number be set to zero and the large-set to one (making every set a large set).
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