al's Yiddish/English glossary
- ️allen lutins
- Compiled by allen lutins (
- Nearly 2,000 entries - last updated 5 January 2025
- Copyright © 2013-2025. Reproduction (including mirroring) prohibited. Excerpts allowed only by explicit permission of author.
- Introduction
- Glossary
- Numerals
- Prefixes/Suffixes
- Conjugation of Selected Verbs
- Dialect Notes
- Additional Sources
Yiddish is the language that was widely spoken by the Jews of Eastern Europe prior to World War II. Small pockets of Yiddish-speakers still survive, primarily among Hasidic Jewish communities in the United States and Israel. Although written using Hebrew characters, Yiddish has almost nothing in common with Hebrew (aside from several loan-words). Hebrew, a Semitic language (closely related to Arabic), was used (prior to its adoption as the Israeli national language in 1948) primarily for religious studies (much as Latin is used today), whereas Yiddish, derived primarily from German, was used socially inside and outside the home. Thanks to the large number of Eastern European Jews who emigrated to the U.S. (primarily in the early 20th century), a number of Yiddish words (many off-color) have been adopted into English.I originally started this glossary as an adjunct to my study of klezmer music (detailed at my KlezmerGuide website), in order to translate the names of klezmer tunes. Although several books and websites contain lengthy glossaries, I could not locate a sufficiently comprehensive resource for my needs at the time; thus the development of this list. (There are now several excellent online resources; refer to the Additional Sources section for links.) Be aware that only very brief definitions which often fail to convey important nuances of meaning are provided herein. A highly recommended source for learning more about the subtleties of these words is Leo Rosten's book The New Joys of Yiddish.
The transliteration of Yiddish words into English is tricky. For one thing, numerous dialects existed throughout Europe, with slight variations of pronounciation. Also, no standard existed until relatively recently; the one that has been developed frequently results in cumbersome spellings, especially when it comes to words adopted into English. For words that are frequently encountered, I have retained the spellings most often seen, sometimes with minor alterations to render them more phonetic. The following should be borne in mind:
- "TZ" has generally been rendered "TS", except for words adopted into English that are typically spelled with "TZ"
- Words prefixed with "VER" or "FER" are spelled here using "FAR"
- The gutteral "CH" (pronounced at the back of the throat, as in the Scottish "loch" or the English "blech") is rendered as "KH", except for words adopted into English that are typically spelled with "CH"
- A number of words typically spelled with "SCH" are here spelled with "SH" instead
- Those words that have been accepted into common English usage in the U.S. are marked with an asterisk
A Dank - thanks/thank you
A Kloog [Tsu Mir] - woe [is me]
A Sakh - a lot
A Sheinem Dank - many thanks
Abi Gezint/Gezunt - as long as you're healthy
Advokat - lawyer
Af Mir Gezigt - it should happen to me
Af Tz Lokhes - it was meant to be
Aguna - "chained one" (wife of a missing husband, or one who refuses to grant a divorce)
Akhrahyes - responsibility
Akhzer - cruel
Aheim - (go) to home
Aksl - shoulder
Aktrise - actress
Aktyor - actor
Aleikhem Sholem - unto you, peace (standard response to greeting, "Sholem Aleikhem")
Alef-Bais - alphabet
Alevay - please let it come true
Alle - all
Almer - closet
Alt(e)(r) - old
Alte(r) bakante(r) - old acquaintance
Alte(r) bokher - bachelor (lit., old schoolboy)
Alte(r) bok - old goat
Alte(r) kocker - `old fogey' (lit., old shitter)
Alte(r) makhashaifeh - old witch
Alte(r) moid - spinster (lit., old maid)
Alte(r) trombenik - old bum
Altvarg - decrepit person
Am - nurse / wetnurse
Amorets - peasant / ignoramus
Analiz/Analizir(n) - analysis/to analyze
Ananas - pineapple
Anander - each other
Anatkhist(ish) - anarchist(ic)
Anatomiyeh - anatomy
Ander - other
Andere - others / some
Andersh - different
Andert Halb(n) - one and a half
Angstn - cold sweat
Anider - down
Anidershtayn - to set down
Anisht - otherwise
Anit - otherwise
Ankete - questionnaire
Anons/Anonsirn - advertisement/to advertise
Ansambl - ensemble
Anshtot/Onshtot - instead
Antdekn - discover
Anthaltn - contain
Antik - antique
Antisemit/Antisemitish/Antisemitizm - anti-semite/anti-semitic/anti-semitism
Antkegn - opposite
Antlayen - borrow
Antlofn - fugitive
Antloyf(n) - to run away / escape / flee
Antoyshn - to disappoint
Antoysht - disappointed
Antoyshung - dissapointment
Antplekn - reveal / expose / unfold
Antshlofn Vern - fall asleep
Antshuldikn - pardon / excuse
Antshuldikn Zikh - apologize
Antsikhn - delight / charm
Antvikln/Antviklung - develop/development
Anu - come on / well then
Anulirn - to cancel / repeal
Anumlt/Anumultik - recently/recent
Anyogn - to catch up with
Apikoros - skeptic / cynic
Apotek - pharmacist
Arayn - come in!
Araynbrekher - burglar
Araynfort - driveway
Araynkikn - to peek / look in
Araynlosn - let in
Araynmishn - to mix in
Araynshtayn - to put in
Arbet/Arbit - work (physical labor)
Aroprekhenen - to subtract
Aroysgevorfen - wasted / thrown away
Aroysgevorfen gelt - wasted money
Arumloifer - street urchin
Askan - social worker / community leader
Atlantish - Atlantic
Atlet/Atletish - athlete/athletic
Atrakstye - attraction
Avek - away
Avekgayn - depart
Averah - transgression / sin / pity
Avle - mistake
Aydem / Eydem - son-in-law
Aydl - genteel / modest
Ayferzikhtik - jealous
Ayn klaynigkeit - "yeah, right!" (derogatory)
Aynikl(ekh)/Eynikl(ekh) - grandchild(ren)
Aynlerer - coach
Aytse(h) - advice
Ayver - limb
Ayver butelt - absent-minded / confused
Ayzl - fool (lit., donkey)
Azoy - that / so / really?
Azoy gikh? - so soon?
Babkes/Bubkis - worthless item / absurd idea / insulting offer (lit., beans or goat turds)
Badekn - veiling of the bride
Badkhen - wedding M.C./jester/poet
Bafaln - to attach
Bahayme - cow / dumb animal / dull-witted person
Bagrenetsn - confine
Bagrisn - welcome
Bagrobn - bury
Bahaltn - hide
Bak(n) - cheek
Bakenen - recognize / introduce
Bakn - to bake
Bal-kretshme - bartender
Bal teshuvah - Jew who returns to to traditional observance
Bal tora(y)/toyre - scholar / learned man
Balagola / Balagula - person of low standing / truck-driver
Balebatim - expert / person of high standing
Bal(e)batish - quiet/respectable/well-mannered
Balebos - big boss / head of family or business
Balebosteh - capable homemaker
Balkn - balcony / rafter
Balmalokha - expert (sometimes used sarcastically) / craftsman
Balnes - miracle worker
Balt - sure
Baputsn - decorate
Bar Mitzve - boy who comes of age
Baren - fornicate / bother / annoy [vulgar]
Barestu - screwing [vulgar]
Barg - mountain
Barimer - braggart / show-off
Barimpt - famous
Bas Mitzve - girl who comes of age
Bas yekhida - only child (female)
Bashafn - create
Bashert(er) - beloved / fiance (lit., destined one)
Bashert Zein - fated
Bashlisn - decide
Batampte - delicious
Batlan - unemployed person
Batrakhtn - consider
Baveynem - lament (Baveynen - lamenting/weeping)
Bavisn - to show
Baygn - to bend
Bayis - house; brothel
Bayn(er) - bone(s)
Bays midrash - synagogue
Baysen - to bite
Baytsim - testicles
Bayz - angry/evil
Bayze Khaya - vicious person (lit., angry animal)
Bazetsn - seating
Bazorgt - anxious / worried
Bekher - wine goblet
Ben yokhid - only child (male)
Benken - yearn for
Benkshaft - homesickness / nostalgia
Bentsh(en) - to bless
Bentshen lekht - recite prayer over candles
Ber - a bear
Berye - competent housewife
Beshert - meant to be
Besuleh - a virgin
Besuleshaft - virginity
Besulim - hymen
Bet - bed
Betgevant - bedding
Beton - cement
Bikh(er)/bukh - book
Bikhershank - bookcase
Bild - a picture
Bilik - inexpensive / worthless
Bin - am
Binyen - a building
Bisel(e) - a little bit
Bist meshugah? - Are you serious? / Are you crazy?
Biteh - please
(dos) Blat - sheet of paper
Blaybn - to remain
Blaybt - remain(s), stay(s), (is) still
Blayfeder - pencil
Blekhedikh - sickly
*Blintz - stuffed crepe (usually with cheese or blueberry filling)
Blit - blood
Blitikn - bleed
Blits - lightning
Blo(i) - blue
Blokn - blocks
Blondjen - wander / be lost
Bloteh/Bluteh - mud
Blutik - muddy
Bluzn - blow(s)
Bobkes/Bupkes - worthless things (lit., droppings)
Bod - bath
Bod-tsimer - bathroom
Bokh - a punch
Bok - goat
Bomer - bum (male)
Bomerke - bum (female)
Bondit - bandit
Bord - beard
Bordel - brothel
Borviss / Borvisser fiss - barefoot
Borgn - borrow
*Borsht - beet soup
Bortkhen - grumble
Boychik - sweetheart; boy or young man
Boyen - to build
Boygn - bedsheet
Boykh - belly
Boydem - attic
Boyer - builder
Boykh - stomach / abdomen / vomit
Boykhvehtig - stomach ache
Breit - broad
Brekhn - to break
Brekhvard - awful food
Bremen - eyebrows
Bren - energetic person
Brenen - to burn
Brider/Bruder - brother(s)
Brireh - choice
Bris - circumcision ceremony
Bristen - breasts
Briv - letter (postal)
Brivn-treger - postal carrier
Brokh - curse
Brokhe - blessing
Bronfen/Branfn - whiskey
Broyges - angry
Broyn - brown
Broyt - bread
Broytgeber - head of family (lit., bread-giver)
Bruder - brother(s)
Brustkastn - chest
B'suleh - virgin
Bubbe - grandmother
Bubbe Mayse - tall tale / fairy tale
Bubbele - term of endearment, usually for a child
Bukh - book
Bulbe - potato
Bulbenik - clumsy person / one who speaks poorly
Bulkis - bread rolls
Bulven - strong & stupid person ("ox-like")
Buzem - bosom
*Chotchke - see Tsotchke
*Challah (Khalla) - braided bread glazed with eggwhite
*Chutzpah (Khutspa) - gall; brazenness
Chutzpadik (Khutspadik) - characterized by khutzpah
Chutzpenik (Khutspanik) - brazen person
Dakh - roof
Dank(e)(n) - thank
Daven(en) - pray(ing)
Davke - only
Das, Dos, Dus - this
Dee - you (familiar form)
Definitsye - to define
Deigeh nisht - don't worry
Deitlekh - clear / plain
Dem - the
Dempik - damp / humid
Der - the
Derekhfal - defeat
Dershlugn - depressed
Dervider - obnoxious
Dik - fat
Dikh - thigh
Dikhter - poet
Dikhterung - explanation
Dingen - bargain / hire / rent / lease
Dir - you
Direh - apartment
Dlonye - palm (of the hand)
Dobranotsh - good evening
Dobriden/Dobridyen - good morning/good day
Dokter - doctor
Doppess - useless but commiserating bystander
Dray - turn / dawdle
Draykop - confusing person (lit., turn head)
Dray zich! - Keep moving!
Drek - inferior merchandise / insincere talk/flattery [vulgar; lit., feces]
Drek auf dem teller - meanspirited / valueless [vulgar; lit., feces on a plate]
Drerd - earth
*Dreydl - spinning toy
Drikung - pressure
Driter - third
Driz - gland
Drot - wire
Druker - printer
Drukhus - remote place
Dumkop - idiot
Duner - thunder
Durkhfal - failure
Dybbuk - condemned soul / evil spirit
Edel - gentle, polite / generous compliment
Edel mentsh - gentleman
Efenen - to open
Efsher - maybe / could be
Egoistish - selfish
Eigene - own (as in, "one's own")
Ein - one
Ein horeh - evil eye
Eingeshpart - stubborn
Eingetunken - dipped / dunked
Eint - lonely
Ek veldt - the end of the earth (akin to 'the middle of nowhere')
Ekht - real/true
Elnboygn - elbow
Elter-bobeh - great-grandmother
Elter-zayde - great-grandfather
Eltern - parents
Emes - truth
Emese mayse - true story
Emitzer - someone
Entfern - to answer
Entoisht - disappointed
Eppes - a bit / something
Er - he
Erinerung - memories
Erlikher Yidden - religious Jews
Ershte(r) - first
Es - it
Esn - eat
Estsimer - dining room
Eydem - son-in-law
Eynikl(ekh) - grandchild(ren)
Fabrekant - manufacturer
Fagesn - to forget
Fakhnyok - "holier than thou" type
Fakht - damp
Falsh(e) - false / wrong
Fantazyor - one who concocts schemes
Far Vus? - What for?
Far Zikher - for sure
Faratn - betray
Farb - paint
Farber - painter / dyer
Farbesern - make better
Farbetung - invitation
Farbissen - bitter / sullen
Farbissene(r) - curmudgeon (sour or bitter person)
Farblondjet(e) - bewildered / hopelessly confused / lost
Farblujet - talking your ear off
Farbrekher - criminal / con man
Farbrenger - political or (more commonly) religious party
Farbrenter - fanatic
Fardamt - condemned
Fardayget - worried
Fardreyt - confused / mixed up
Fardrimeld - dreaming / daydreaming
Fardross - disappointment / sorrow / resentment
Fardrost - disappointed
Farfalen - doomed / lost
Farfel(e) - noodle dough cut into rice-size pieces
Farfoilt - spoiled / decayed
Farfrirn - to freeze
Farfromt - overly religious
Farfroyen - frozen
Farfufket - stunned
Fargenign - pleasure
Fargesn - forgot
Farglaykhung - comparison
Farglust - to yearn or lust for
Farkakte/Fekakteh - messed up [vulgar; lit., shitty]
*Farklemt - overcome with emotion
Farklogn - complain
Farkloyfer - clerk / salesman
Farkrimter ponim - scowling face
Farloyrn - bewildered
Farmakhn - to close
Farmatert - tired / exhausted
Farmisht - confused / befuddled
Farmutshet - fatigued
Farnimen - busy
Farpitzet - dressed up
Farprishte punim - pimple-faced
Farputst - dressed up / overdressed
Farshadet - pained
Farshimeld/farshimelt - confused (also senile); lit. "moldy"
Farshlepteh Krank/Krenk - chronic illness
Farshlugginer - screwed up
Farshmayet - busy
Farshmeiter - active or excitable person
Farshnikert - drunk
Farshnoshket - drunk
Farshtay(s)(t)? - Understand?
Farshtayn - to understand
Farshtikt - disgusted
Farshtinkener/Farshtunkene(r) - stinking (person)
Farshtupft - pregnant [vulgar; lit., stuffed]
Farshvindn - disappeared
Farshvitzt - sweaty
Fartik - complete
Fartoost - disoriented
Fartrikn - to dry
Fartshodikt - confused (as if by fumes)
Fartumelt - bewildered / dizzy
Farvalte - manager
Farvaylung - entertainment
Farvign - to rock (back & forth)
Farzorgte(r) - confused
Farzukhn - to taste
Fayeke - capable female
Fayeker - capable male
Fayer - fire
Fayer-lesher - firefighter
Faygel - bird / smart person
Faygeleh - homosexual/effeminate male (lit., small bird)
Feder - pen
Feh - expression of disgust
Feifn - to whistle
Feinkochen - omelet / scrambled eggs
Feinshmeker - fancy / highbrow
Felde(r) - field(s)
Fendl - pan
Fenster - window
Ferd - horse (also slang for 'fool')
Fet - fat / obese
Feter - uncle
Fidl - fiddle (violin)
Filfarbik - colorful
Finf - five/$5 bill
Finger - finger
Fingerdruk - fingerprint
Finster/Fintster - dark
Finster un glitshik - miserable (lit., dark and sticky)
Firer - driver
Firhang/Forhang - curtain
Fis(l)/Fus - foot/leg
Fisfinger - toes
Fish - fish
Fisher - fisherman
Fishn - to fish
Fisslakh - fowl's feet
Fizeynish - ugly person
Flayshik/Flaishedek - meat products
Fleegl - fowl's wing
Fliyen - to fly
Floygn - to fly
Fodem - thread
Fokhe(r) - fan
Folg - obey
Fonfen/Funfen - unclear speech/doubletalk (lit., speaking nasally)
Fonfer/Funfer - double-talker
Fooks - fox
Forren - visit
Forshpayz - appetizer [also, vulgar slang for sexual foreplay]
Fortz - fart
Forzitser - chairman
Foyl - lazy
Foyler - lazy person
Foylshtik - foolishness
Foyst - fist
Frageh - question
Frask in pisk - slap in the face
Free - early
Freg nit - don't ask
Fregn - to ask
Freilakh(e)(er) - gleeful / happy / merry
Freint - friend
Freitag - Friday
Fress(en) - devour
Fresser - big eater
Freyd - joy
Fridzhider - refrigerator
Frosk - slap in the face
Froy - woman
Frum - pious
Frustik - frosty
Fufzein - fifteen
Fun - from
Fus(l) - foot/leg
Futer - father
Gadln - arrogant
Gaivedik - arrogant
Gal - gallbladder
Galitzyaner - Jewish native of the Galician region of Eastern Europe (in modern-day Poland and Ukraine)
Gan Eydn - the Garden of Eden
Ganef/Ganev/Gonif - thief
Ganik - porch
Gans - geese
Gants(e) - entire / great
Gants(e) gut - very good
Gants(e) k'noker / Gantze macher - big shot
Gants(e) Megilleh - big deal (derisive)
Gants(e) Mentsh - manly man
Ganvenen - to steal
Garderob - wardrobe
Gardn - drapery
Garnikht - nothing
Gartl - belt / sash
Gas(n) - street / alley
Gatkes - (long) underwear
Gayn - to go [see conjugation, below]
Gay(n) in drerd - drop dead (lit., Go into the ground)
Ge avek - go away
Ge fifen auf en yam - Get out of here (lit., Go whistle by the ocean)
Ge gezund(erheit) - go in health
Ge kacken auf en yam - Get out of here [vulgar; lit., Go shit in the ocean]
Ge plotz - drop dead (lit., Go split [yourself open])
Ge shoyn - scram!
Ge tren zich - go fuck yourself [vulgar]
Ge vays - go figure
Gebaydeh - a building
Geben - give
Geben shoykhad - to bribe
Gebet - prayer
Gebentsh(t) - blessed
Gebind - ligament
Gebit - knowledge
Gebrenteh tsoris - utter misery
Gebrokhene(r) - broken / fractured
Gedainkst? - Remember?
Gedempteh fleysh - mystery meat
Gedikht - ample / thick / full
Gefelt - pleasing
Geferlekh - dangerous
Gefilte - filled
Gefrir - frost
Gegangen - gone
Gehern - belono
Gehert - heard
Gehokteh - chopped
Gehokteh Leber - worthless (lit., chopped liver pate)
Gehokteh Tsores/Tsuris - utter misery
Gel - yellow
Gelakht - laughing
Gelebt - living
Geleimte(r) - 'butterfingers' (someone who drops anything s/he touches)
Gelibt(e) / Geloybt - sweetheart / (be)loved
Gelt - money (lit., gold)
Gembeh! - Loudmouth!
Gemish(t) - mixed/confused
Gemitlikh - unhurried / gently
Genevishe shtiklekh - non-straightforward actions
Genevishe oygen - shifty eyes
Genug - enough
Gesheft - business
Geshikter - historian
Geshmak - delicious
Geshmatt - Jew converted to Christianity (lit., destroyed)
Geshrei - to let out a shriek
Geshtorben - dead
Geshtroft/Geshtruft - cursed
Geshvister - sibling
Geshvollen - swollen (also, haughty person)
Get - ritual divorce
Getchke - statue
Getsotchke - fancy
Gevalt - cry of distress
Gevaldikeh Zakh! - How terrible! (often sarcastic)
Geveyn - gone / lamentation
Gezelshaft - company (business)
Gezinte/Gezunte(r) - health(y) / robust
Gezinte/Gezunte(r) Moid - large/robust woman; woman with a great body
Gezinte/Gezunte(r) Tzores - major troubles
Gezinte/Gezunte(r)heit - in good health (also, interjection following a sneeze)
Gezugt - said
Gevornt - cautious
Gezorgt - concerned/worried
Gezort - concern/worry
Gif - body (plural: gifim)
Gikh - fast
Gisn - pour
Glantsik - smoggy
Glatt(er) - smooth
Glaykhvertl - witticism / proverb
Glayze/Glezl/Glassele - drinking glass
Glayzl varms - comforting / soothing (lit., glass of warmth)
Glekl - bell
Gleyb - faith
Glick/Gluck - good luck; happiness
Glicklekh - happy
Glitshik - sticky
Gloybn - believe
Gloz - glass
Glustiyeh - enema
Goen - genius (often sarcastic)
Goilem/Golem - zombie / boring person
Goldene - golden
Goldene khasene - 50th wedding anniversary
Gonif - thief
Gopel - fork
Gorgl - throat
Gornisht - nothing
Gornisht Helfn - beyond help
Gortn - garden
Got(t) - God
Got in himmel - God in heaven
Got tsu danken - thank God
Got zol ofiten - God forbid
Gottenyu! - Dear God!
Gottseliger - holy person
Goy/Goye - gentile (male/female) (pl. goyim)
Goyishe - Un-Jewish (in appearance, manner, etc.)
Goyishe(r) Kop - gentile ways (offensive)
Goyishe(r) Mazel - good luck (lit., gentile luck)
Goyishe(r) Nakhes - joy derived from doing something un-Jewish
Goyishe(r) Putz - big idiot
Grayzl - a curl
Greener / Griner - newcomer
Grepps - belch
Gribenes - cracklings (crunchy-fried chicken skin or fat)
Grikhisher - Greek
Grin(e) - green
Gring - easy
Grob - crude
Grober - boor
Grober finger - thumb
Grobn - to dig
Groy - grey
Groys(e) - large / great / very
Groyse(r) Fargenigen - a great pleasure
Groyse(r) Finger - middle finger
Groyse(r) Gehileh - big deal!
Groyse(r) Halter / Groyse Makher / Groyse(r) Gornikht - blowhard / show-off / conceited person
Groyse(r) Metsiah - great bargain
Groyse(r) Sheeser - big shot
Gruntsvaig - vegetables
Gruten - to favor
Gunsel - young man who accompanies a tramp (lit., gosling)
Gut(e) - good
Gut(e) neshome - good person (lit., good soul)
Gut gezugt - well said
Gut shabes - good sabbath (greeting)
Gut yontif - good holiday (greeting)
Gutsier - living room
Gvaldik - massive
Gvir - rich man
Hafsoke - recess
Hak(n) - bang / chop / cut / pester
Hak fleish - chopped meat
Hak nit kein chainik - cease your nonsense (lit., don't bang on the teakettle)
Hakdomeh - introduction
Halevai! - I wish! / If only...
Halb - half
Haldz - neck / throat
Hamikdosh - temple
Hamoin - common people
Hamsa - amulet
Handl(en) - to bargain / do business
Handler - negotiator
Hant/hent - hand(s)
Hantekher - towel
Harte mogen - constipation
Harts - heart
Harts-brenenish - heartburn
Hartseniu - sweetheart
Hartsvaitik - heartache
Haybmuter - uterus
Haymish(e)(r) - friendly
Haymishe(r) ponim - friendly face
Hayzel - brothel
Hefker - a mess
Hegdesh - pigpen; mess
Heim/Heym - home
Heimish(e)/Heymish(e) - homey / familiar / cozy / unpretentious
Heis(e)(r) - hot
Heise(r) vaneh - hot bath
Heisen - to hate
Heizel - brothel
Hekdish - mess
Hekher - louder
Heldish - brave
Helfn - to help
Hen(dl)/hun(dl) - chicken
Hendler - merchant
Hent - hand / arm
Hern - hear
Hilf - help
Himmel - heaven
Hintn - backside
Hipshe - hefty
Hit zich! - Look out!
Hitn - to guard
Hits - heat
Hitsik - excitable person
Hitskop - excitable person
Hit zikh - watch out
Hob - have
Hof - hope
Hoizer gaier - beggar
Hoker, Hockstetter - annoying person
Hokhzeit - anniversary
Holishkes - stuffed cabbage
Holts - wood
Hondler - negotiator
Hor - hair
Horshneider - hairdresser
Hotzeplotz - middle of nowhere
Hoyekh - loud / tall
Hoyker - hunchback
Hoyptkokher - chef
Hoyt - skin
Hoyz - house
Hoyzerer - house-to-house peddlar
Hugl - hail / sleet
Hultee - person of loose sexual morals
Hulyen - carouse / hellraiser
Hungerik - hungry
Hunt - dog
Iberbutl - senile
Ibergerblibernis - leftovers
Ibledik - sick
Identifitsirung - identification
Ikh - I / from
Imgelimpert - clumsy
Imgeveytlekh - unusual
Imri'ik - troubled
In Einem - together
In Mitn Drenem - sudden or unexpected interruption
Indik - turkey
Interpretatsye - interpretation
Ipish - foul odor
Ir - you (formal)
Iz - is
Kabtsen/Kaptsen - pauper
Kadish - mourner's prayer
Kadishel - endearing term for boy/man/son (especially a baby son)
Kadokhes - fever
Kaftan - long coat worn by religious Jew
Kakapitshi - conglomeration
Kalamutneh - gloomy
Kale - bride
Kale Maydl - young girl
Kale Moid - girl of marriageble age
Kalekh - sheet
Kaleniu - little bride
Kalt(eh) - cold (adjective)
Kalteh neshomeh - cold soul
Kalye - wrong
Kal(y)eke - crippled person / misfit
Kamin - fireplace
Kamod - dresser (piece of furniture)
Kamtsones - miserly
Kanapeh - couch
Kaneh - enema
Kap/Kep/Kop - head
Kapelye - music ensemble
Kapelmeister - head of a Kapelye
Kaporeh - sacrifice / scapegoat / disaster
Kapsten - pauper
Kapvaytik - headache
Karabaynik - country peddlar
Karger - miser
Kark - neck
Karshelakh - cherries
Karto - potato
Kas - angry
Kaseer - enema
Kasha - buckwheat porridge / confusion
Kasha farnishkes (varnishkes) - buckwheat porridge with bowtie noodles
Kashress - kosher
Kasnik - excitable person
Kasokeh - cross-eyed
Kastravet - cucumber
Katchka - duck
Kats/kets - cat
Katsev - butcher
Katsisher kop - forgetful (lit., cat head)
Kayn aynhoreh / Kinnehura - pronouncement to ward off evil
Keeneh - jealous
Keler - cellar
Kelner - waiter
Kely - cold (noun)
Kemfer - fighter / activist
Ken - know
Ken zein - maybe / could be
Kerper - body
Ketsele - kitten
Khai(m) - life / alive
Khai kuck - worthless item [vulgar]
khaieh - animal
Khaim Yonkel - average Joe
Khaimyankel kooternooz - perennial cuckold
Khaleria - mean-spirited woman
Khalesh - faint (from hunger)
Khaloshes - nausea / nauseating
Khaloshisdik - disgusting
Khamalyah - hard punch
Khamul - donkey / jackass
Khap(en) - catch / grab / understand
Khap nit! - Take it easy (lit., don't grab)
Khapn - to catch
Kharakter - character
Kharpe - disgrace
Khasen/Khosn - groom
Khasene - wedding
Khasid - pious person
Khaver(teh) - friend (male/female)
Khavurah - fellowship group
Khaya - animal
Khayder / Kheder - religious school
Khazen - cantor
Khazente - female cantor or wife of a cantor
Khazer - pig / greedy person / glutton
Khazerai - messy room/house (lit., pigpen)
Khazershtal - messiness (lit., pig's feed)
Khazerye - junk / junk food
Khelm - fool's paradise
Khenevdik - cute
Khenyok - shortened form of Fakhnyok
Kheppen - bother incessantly
Khesid - good deed
Khevre - associate(s) / friend(s) / company
Khevrisa / Khevrusa - religious study group
Khezbnfirer - accountant
Khiddush - main point of a discussion or argument
Khlyapen - to pour rain
Khmalye - bang / punch
Khoizik machen - make fun of
Khokhem - wise man (often sarcastic)
Khokhem attick - smart aleck
Khokhema - wise woman
Khokhlefel - trouble-maker (lit, cooking ladle)
Khokhmeh - wisdom / witticism
Khoilileh - God forbid
Khoishekh - darkness
Kholem - dream
Kholent - stew
Kholerye - sickness / curse / plague (lit., cholera)
Kholileh - may it never be
Khoshever mentsh - respected man
Khosn - groom
Khosn Kale - engaged couple
Khozek - encouragement
Khrain - horseradish
Khropen - snore
Khug - activity group
Khug rakhmones - have pity
Khumra - restruction
Khupa - wedding canopy (sometimes used to refer to the wedding itself)
Khvalye - ocean wave
Kibbitz - proffer unsolicited advice
Kibbitzer - one who proffers unsolicited advice
Kidish - blessing over wine
Kikhel - cookie
Kife - enjoyment
Kik - a look/glance
Kikh - kitchen
Kimpet-tzetl - childbirth amulet or charm
Kimpetoren - woman immediately before or after childbirth
Kin - jaw
Kinare - artichoke
Kind - child
Kind un kait - young and old
Kinder - children
Kinderlakh/Kinderlekh - affectionate term for children
Kinigl - rabbit
Kinstler/Kunstler - artist
Kipa(w) - yarmulke
Kirbes - pumpkin
Kish - kiss
Kish (mir) en tukhes - kiss my ass [vulgar]
Kishef makher - magician
Kishka - intestines / guts / sausage casing
Kishn - pillow / cushion
Kishnev - remote place (named for a remote city in Russia)
Kitsel - a tickle
*Kitsh - gaudy; in bad taste (typically applied to artwork or decorations)
Kitzel - tickle
klaperkeh - talkative woman
Klaybn - choose
Klayn - small
Klaynekhkeit - trivial
Klayntshik - tiny
Kleid - dress, gown
Klein - small
klemt - to grab / pull
Klenerin - waitress
Klezmer/Klezmorim - musician(s)
Klezmer Loshen - argot spoken by klezmorim
Klig - clever
Klipeh - female demon / fiendish woman / shrew
Klog - plague
Klogmutter - chronic complainer
Kloimersht - unreal / pretended
Klop - loud bang or wallop
Klor - clear
Kloset - toilet
Klotz kasheh - foolish question
Kluger - smart person
Klulye - a curse
Klumnik - good-for-nothing person
*Klutz - clumsy person
Klyamke - doorknob
Knekhl - ankle
K'ni - knee
K'nipl - button / knot / hymen / virginity / money tied into the knot of a handkerchief
*K'nish - baked dumpling (typically filled with potato) [also vulgar slang for vagina]
K'neidl - dumpling
K'nocker - big shot / show-off
Klingn - to ring
Kobrets - carpet
Kockeputzi - mishmash / stew
Kokhalein - summer boarding house with kitchen (lit., cook alone)
Kokhedik - excitable
Kokher - a cook
Kokhlefel - trouble-maker (lit., cooking ladle)
Koketkeh - coquette / a flirt / a tease
Kolboynik - know-it-all
Koldre - a blanket / quilt / duvet
Komiskh - funny
Kompleks - complex
Kon - can, could
Koontz - accomplishment
Kop - head
Kopvaitik - headache
Korev - relative
*Kosher - abiding by Jewish dietary laws / legitimate
Koved - respect / revere
Koyekhdik - powerful
Koyfn - to buy
Koymen - chimney
Krank(hayt)/Krenk - sick/sickness
Kranken-shvester - nurse
Kran(t) - faucet
Krasavitse - beautiful woman
Krayd - chalk
Kremer - storekeeper
Kreplakh - dumpling
Krekht(s) - groan / moan
Krekhtser - chronic complainer / hypochondriac
Krenitse - well (watering hole)
Kreplach - meat-filled dumplings
Krign - to fight / to struggle
Krikhn - to creep
Kroit - cabbage
Kroyve/Kroyvim - relatives
Krolik - rabbit
Ku -cow
Kukh lefl - meddler (lit., cooking spoon)
Kugel - casserole
Kumen - coming
Kumt - comes
Kun(y)ileml - nerd
Kunst - art
Kunstler - artist
Kuntsen - tricks
Kuntsenmakher - magician / trickster
Kuntsverk - artwork / the arts
Kunyelemel - gullible person
Kupe drek - piece of feces
Kurveh - prostitute
Kushinyerke - cheapskate
Kuzin - cousin (male) [English-influenced; proper word is shvesterkind]
Kuzineh - cousin (female) [English-influenced; proper word is shvesterkind]
Kvatsh - wimp
Kvel(en) - beam with pride
Kvetch / Kvetcher - complain (lit., squeeze) / whiner
Kvitch / Kvitcher - scream, squeal / squealer
Lakeh - funnel
Lakh(n) - laugh(ing)
Lamden - scholar
Lamed vovnik - one of 36 wise/righteous persons reputed to be born each generation
Landsman/Lantzman - fellow countryman (pl. landslaite)
Landsmanshaft - immigrant organization from a particular town/region
Lang(er) - long
Lang Tsurik - long ago
Langer Luksh - tall person (lit., long noodle)
Lapeh - big hand
Latke - potato pancake
Layb - flesh
Layber/Leber - liver
Laybn / Lebn - to live / life
Laydl/Ledl - eyelid
Laydn/Leden - to suffer
Laydik Gayer - idler / loafer
Layfl/Lefl - spoon
Layseh Mogen - diarrhea
L'khayim - to life (traditional toast)
Lebedike/Lebediker - lively/lively person
Leibzudekl - sleeveless shirt with fringes worn by orthodox Jews
Lek - lick
Lek, shmek - done superficially (lit., lick smell)
Leka - honey cake
Lekh - to lick
Lekht - light
Lekhtik - bright
Lemekhel - quiet person
Lemishkeh - uninteresting person / bungler
Lend - the hip
Ler(n) - to learn
Lere(r) - teacher (male)
Lererin/lererke - teacher (female)
Lernbukh - textbook
Levayeh - funeral
Levuneh - moon
Leyb - lion
Leyen - to read
Lezem gaine - leave them be
Lid(er) - song(s)
Lig in drerd! - Drop dead! (lit., lie in the ground)
Lign - to lie / falsify
Ligner - liar
Likhtikheh - radiant
Lip(n) - lip(s)
Litke - calf (of the leg)
Litvak - Jewish native of Lithuania
Lobbes - little monster
Lokh - hole [also vulgar slang for vagina]
Loksh(n)/Luksh(n) - noodle(s)
Lomp - lamp
Loshen - tongue; language
*Lox - smoked salmon
Loyfn - to run
Luft - air
Luftmentsh - impractical dreamer / person with no visible means of support
Lung - lung
Lustige/Lustik - joyful, happy
Mabl - flood
Makeh - plague / wound / curse
Makhareke - gimmick / contraption
Makhashayfe - mean/spiteful woman (often used in jokes to refer to a mother-in-law)
Makhen - make
Makhen a Gevalt - make a scene / cry for help
Makhen a Tsimes - blow out of proportion
Makher - big shot; connected person
Makhes shnell - hurry up
Malekh - angel
Malekh Hamovess - angel of death
Malekh Hamoveste - angel of death (female version; used to describe a bad wife)
Malpe - an ape
Mama loshen - 'mother tongue' (Yiddish)
Mamash/Mamish? - really? / quite!
Mamoshes - people of substance
Mame - mother
Mamzer - bastard
Mandl(n) - almond(s)
Mann - husband
Mariner - mariner
Marsh - march
Mashgiakh - overseer of kosher laws
Mashke - whiskey
Matbeye - coin
Matkes - underpants
Matrats - mattress
Matros - sailor
*Maven - expert/connoisseur
Mayaren - carrot
Maydel - young (unmarried) woman
Maydele - young girl
Meykhl - delicacy / treat
Mayn - my
Maynster - mechanic
Mayse - tale / story
Mayster - master craftsperson / champion
*Mayven - connoisseur / expert
Mazik - impish person
Mazuma - money
Mazel - luck
Mazel Tov - congratulations
Mazeldik - lucky
Me Zogt - it is said
Mebl - furniture
Medina - country
Meemeh / Mume - aunt
Mees - ugly
Meeskeit - homely person
Megillah - detailed account (lit., Biblical Book of Esther)
Meidel(e) - young lady
Mekhaber - author
Mekheiye/Mekhaya/Machaya - source of pleasure/joy
Mekhitze - diveder between men & women in an Orthodox temple
Mekhuleh - bankrupt / ruined
Mekhuten - son-in-law's or daughter-in-law's father
Mekhutenim - relationship between parents of spouses
Mekhuteneste - son-in-law's or daughter-in-law's mother
Mekler - go-between / financial broker
Menshlakh - decent / upright
Mentsh - gentleman
Menuvel - person who causes perpetual grief
Meser - knife
Meshegas/Mishegos- craziness / nonsense
Meshpokha/Mishpakha/Mishpokhe - (extended) family
Meshugah/Mishugeh - crazy
Meshugah Af Toyt - very crazy (lit., crazy to death)
Meshugeneh - crazy person (female)
Meshugener - crazy person (male)
Meshugoyim/Mishegoyim - crazy people
Meshuneh - odd
Meshiakh - messiah
Meshumad - defector from Judaism
Mesukn - dangerous
Metziah - bargain / break (often sarcastic)
Mikve - ritual bath
Milchik/Milchedik - dairy products
Milts - spleen
Miniyatur - miniature
Minut - a minute (time)
Minyen - quorum of ten adult Jews
Mir - we
Mirtsishem - god willing
Mit(n) - with
Mitenderinen/Mitendrinen - suddenly
Miter - mother
Mitvokh - Wednesday
Mitzva - good deed / sacred obligation
Mizinik(l) - youngest child
Modern - modern
Modne - odd
Mogn - stomach
Moid - unmarried woman
(a) Mol - sometimes / formerly / ago / ever
Moler - painter
Moln - to draw
Molodyets - clever person
Mo(o)ser - betrayer
Mo(o)sik - prankster
Morgn - morning
Mo(y)she kapeyeh - person who does things incorrectly or backwards (lit., Moses on his head)
Mostn - to measure
Moyekh - brain
Moyel - person who performs ritual circumcision
Moyerer - bricklayer
Moyl - mouth
Moyled - new moon
Moyz - mouse
Muktzah - something forbidden on the sabbath
Mulyer - mason
Mume / Meemeh - aunt
Murashke - ant
Muskl - muscle
Mutek - brave
Mutelmesig - meddlesome person
Mutshe - to struggle, eke out a living / torment, pester
Muzikant - musician
Nadan - dowry
Nadn - nothing
Nafke - prostitute
Nafke Bayis - brothel
Naigerik - curious
Nakhes - joy, pride (esp. from one's children)
Nakht / nekht - night
Nar(ish)[keit] - fool(ish)[ness]
Narvez - nervous
Nayn - to sew
Nazir - religious fanatic
Nebekh/Nebekhel/Nebbish - nerd / loser
Negl / nogl - nail (also, fingernail)
Neidlekhekh - rarity
Nekayveh - prostitute
Nekhuma - consolation
Nekhvenen - to masturbate
Nekhtiker Tog - old news
Nekoma - vengeance
Nepl - fog
Nepldik - foggy
Nerveh/nerven - nerve
Nerveyish - nervous
Nes - miracle
Neshoma/Neshume - soul / spirit
Neshomele - sweetheart
Niderik - short
Nidne - dull
Nign/Nigun - devotional melody
Nir - kidney
Nishkoshe - not bad
Nisht/Nit - not / don't / doesn't
Nisht geferlakh - not so terrible / no big deal
Nisht gut - bad / rotten
Nisht naitik - unnecessary
Nisht shver - easy
Nishtgudnik - bad person
Nishtikeit - a nobody
Nishtkefelkht - no big deal
Nit - not / don't
Nit gedeiget - don't worry
Nitsn - to use
Nokh - another/more
Nokh a mol (mul) - one more time
Nokhgayn - imitate
Nokhn/Nukhn - after
Nokhshlepper/Nukhshlepper - hanger-on / unwanted person
Nomen - name
Nos - wet
*Nosh - snack
Nosherei - snack food
*Noodj - annoying person
Noodjedik - nervous
Noodjen - annoy persistently
*Noodnik - annoying/boring person / nag
Noplshnur - umbilical cord
Nor - but
Noz - nose
Nu - "So?" / "Well?"
Nuzlukh - nostril
N'vayle - inept person (lit., shroud)
Obgehitener - pious person
Obtshepen - get rid of
Oder - vein
Oif(n), Oyf(n) - in
Omayn - amen
Onbaysn - main meal of the day
Ondenk - memory
Onem - acceptance
Onemen - seize / suppose / accept / adopt / employ / enact
Onerkenen - to recognize
Onfal - an attack
Onfangr - beginner
Onfirer/Onfirung - leader (manager)/leadership
Onfreg - a question / inquiry
Ongayn - arrive unexpectedly / pass / be allowed / be current / go on
Ongeblo(t)zen - conceited
Ongeblo(t)zener - conceited person
Ongefarfen - cluttered
Ongeleygt - welcome
Ongematert - tired out
Ongepatshket - cluttered / garish
Ongeshpant - tense
Ongeshtopt - very wealthy (lit., (over)stuffed; short for "ongeshtopt mit gelt" or "stuffed with money")
Ongeshtrengt - strained
Ongetrunken - drunk
Ongetshepter - bothersome hanger-on
Ongeyendik - ongoing
Onhaltik - persistent
Onhaltn - to maintain / persist / continue
Ohhaybn/Onhayb/Onhayber - begin/beginning/beginner
Onhenger - adherent / proponent / admirer / supporter
Onkhapr - grabber
Onkl - uncle
Onklingn - to ring
Onklompn - to knock
Onknipn - to link
Onkukn - to observe
Onkumen - to arrive
Ongeshpant - tense
Ongezeyen - distinguished / outstanding
Onmestn - to try on (clothes)
Onmutikn - to encourage
Onraysn - to pick (a bunch of) / become sore or infected
Onrirn - to touch
Onrufn - to call
Onshikenish - annoying person
Onshraybn - write down
Onshtel - pretense
Onshtendik - honorable
Onshtot - instead
Onshtrengung - effort
Ontayl - part / participation
Onteyl-Nemer - participant
Ontelefonir - to call on the phone
Ontoisht - disappointed
Onton - clothe / clothing / put on
Onton Zikh - to get dressed
Ontsentrish - uncentered
Ontsinder - cigarette lighter
Ontsindn - to kindle / spark / light / turn on / ignite
Ontsug - suit (clothing)
Onung - premonition
Onvaksn - to appear
Onvayzik - indicative
Onvayzn - to show
Onvendung - administering to
Onver - loss
Onvunk - hint
Onzaltsen - bribing / sweet-talking (lit., salting)
Onzog - message / announcement
Onzogn - to announce / notify
Onzamlen - to gather / accumulate
Onzetsn - to impose / go broke
Ootz - annoy
Opdrukn - to print
Opfregn - argue / disagree / contradict
Opgaybn - to surrender / restore / dedicate
Opgayn - conclude
Opgeflikt - suckered
Opgehit - chaste / virginal
Opgehitener - pious person
Opgekrokhen - shoddy / falling apart
Opgelozen(e)(r) - careless dresser
Opgenart - cheated / fooled
Opgos - kitchen sink
Oplozn - abandon / give up
Opnarer - deceptive person
Opnarerei - deception
Opshatsn - to evaluate
Orem - arm
Oremkeit - poverty
Oremon - pauper
Ot - here / there / just
Ot Azai/Azoi - that's the way
Otem/Otemen - breath/to breathe
Ovent - evening
Oy - exclamation with numerous meanings
Oy g'valt - oh no!
Oy vey! - oh pain!
Oy vey iz mir - Oh woe is me / dear me!
Oyer(n) - ear
Oyf(n) - on
Oyf Tsalukhes - out of spite
Oyfgeheitert - excited
Oyfheren - to stop
Oyfkrikhn - to climb
Oyfn oyg - approximately
Oyfshteyn - to stand
Oyg(e) - eye
Oyg oyf oyg - face-to-face (lit., eye-to-eye)
Oys - off
Oys shteler - braggart
Oysdruk - expression
Oysergeveynlekh - unusual / great
Oysfirn - accomplish
Oysgedart - skinny / emaciated
Oysgehorevet - exhausted
Oysgematert - exhausted
Oysgemutshet - overworked
Oysgeposhet - portly
Oysgeputs(t) - overdressed
Oysgeshpilt - exhausted
Oysgeshpreit - spread out
Oysgeshternt - starry
Oysgeshtrobelt - overdressed woman
Oysgeshtrozelt - beautifully decorated
Oysgetseykhent - outstanding
Oysgevapt - flat (as in soda - having lost its fizz)
Oysmeker - eraser
Oyspresen - ironed
Oysvorf/oysvurf - pariah (lit., a throwaway)
Oytser - sweetheart, dear / gem, treasure (the latter meanings often sarcastic)
Oyven - furnace
Oyver botel - absentminded / going senile
Padloge - floor
Pamelekh - slow(ly) / deliberate
Papir - paper
Papirosn - cigarettes
Parekh - lowlife / bad person
Parmoseh - livelihood
Parshiveh / Parshiven - mean, cheap / mean, cheap person
Parshoin - hero
Parve - neutral (neither meat nor dairy) food
Parshiveh - mean/cheap person
Partatshnek - inferior merchandise or workmanship
Paskidn(y)e - rotten / terrible / nasty
Paskudnik - nasty/deceiving person
Pastukhel - shepherd
Pateren tseit - waste time
Patsh - clap / light slap
Patshke - dabble / fiddle around {verb}; plaything {noun}
Patshkied - overwrought
Pavolye - slow
Payes - side-curls of hair worn by ultra-religious Jews
Payets - clown
Paygeren - to die (refers to an animal)
Payrush - religious explanation
Peeric / peerig - vagina
Peklfleysh - corned beef
Penkher - bladder
Petrushka - turnip
Pint(el) - essence / dot / point
Pintele Yid - quintessential Jew
Pipek/Pupik - navel / chicken gizzard
Pish - piss (used as an exclamation)
Pisha Paysha - simple card game
Pishakhts/Pishekhts - urine / something worthless or vile
Pishen - urinate
Pisher/Pisherkeh(leh) - male infant / a nobody (the latter, diminutive, a term of endearment for small children; lit., little pisser)
Pishtepel - bedpan / pisspot
Pisk - mouth (slang), or more commonly, loudmouth
Pisk malokhe - all talk, no action
Piste Kayleg - shallow person (lit., empty barrel)
Pitshetsh - chronic complainer
Pitsink - tiny
Pitsl - little (pitseleh - very little) / penis
Pitsvinik - little nothing
Plagen - work hard / suffer
Plemenik/Plimenik - nephew
Pleytse - shoulder (body part)
Plimenitse - niece
Plots(n) - split / burst
Plutchet - downpour
Plyo(o)t - loudmouth / liar
Plyotkenitseh - a gossip
Politse - shelf
Polkeh - thigh
Pomidor - tomato
Ponem/Ponim - face
(a) Por - a few
Potzevateh - dimwit
Poyer - peasant / farmer
Praven - celebrate
Prepln - mutter / mumble
Prezhinitse - scrambled eggs with milk added
Prietsteh - prima donna
Princessin - princess
Pripetshok - wood-burning stove / fireplace
Prost - plain / simple / unrefined
Prostak - coarse person
Prostakhes - low-class people
Proste(r) mentsh - comman man / lowlife
Pruvn - to try
P'tsha - cow's foot gelatin
Pulke - upper thigh
Punim - face
Punky farkert - total opposite
Pupik/Pipek - navel / chicken gizzard
Pushke - coinbox for charity
Pustenpasnik - loafer
Puter - butter
*Putz - penis (more accurately, "dick", as derisive term; in English, used as verb, as in phrase "dicking around")
Pyateh - heel (of the foot)
Pyeseh - a play
Rab/Rav/Reb/Rev/Rebn/Ruv - teacher/rabbi
Rakhmones - pity / mercy
Rasvete - dawn
Rats - rat
Raykh - rich / wealthy
Raynik - clean (adjective)
Raynikn - to clean
Raysen - tear
Rayze - trip
Rebe fon Stutz - "gremlins" (mythical explantion for the inexplicable)
Rebeniu - term of endearment for a rabbi
Rebetsin - rabbi's wife (sometimes applied sarcarstically to pompous woman)
Redaktor - editor / publisher
Redishtul - wheelchair
Redn - to talk
Redner - entertainer
Refiyeh - a cure
Regndl - drizzle (noun)
Rekhn - reckon / calculate
Rekhnmayster - accountant
Rekhielesnitseh - dowdy, gossipy woman
Retech - radish
Retsikhe - murder
Retsiakh/Rotseakh - murderer(br)
Reygn - rain (noun)
Reygn boign - rainbow
Reygndik - rainy
Reygnen - to rain
Rigl - a bolt
Rikhter - a judge
Rikhtiker khaifets - genuine article
Riknbayn/Ruknbayn - spine
Rip - rib
Rirevdiker - lively person
Rirn - to move
Rizik - huge / vast
Roleh - role in a play
Rorzhinkes - raisins
Roseh - mean person
Royt - red
Roz - pink
Ruakh - a curse
*Rugelakh - stuffed, rolled cookies
Rukn - back (part of the body)
Ruktish - portable table
Rusishe(r) - person from Russia, Ukraine, or Crimea
Rutzer - young & inexperienced
Sakh - many / much / a lot
(a) Sakh Mol - repeatedly
Sakunesdik - dangerous
Saykhel / Sekhel - good sense / tact / common sense
(a) Shande - (a) disgrace / scandal
Sekund - a second (time)
Selerye - celery
Seykhl - brain(s)
Sha - hush
Shabes - sabbath
Shabes Goy - Gentile who performs labour forbidden on the Jewish Sabbath for observant Jews (by extension, someone who does dirty work for others)
Shabtsitvaynik - false prophet or follower thereof
Shadkhen - matchmaker (marriage broker)
Shafeh - cupboard
Shaifeleh - innocent child
Shames - Caretaker of a synagogue; by extension, "control freak" or policeman (slang)
Shandeh - shame / embarassment
Shandhois - brothel (lit., house of shame)
Sharb - skull
Sharnir - a hinge
Shatkhen - matchmaker
Shatnes - proscription agaist wearing clothes of mixed wool and linen
Shav/Stchav - cold soup, usually made from sorrel (or sometimes spinach) leaves
Shaygets - gentile (male/boy) (plural: sh'gutsim)
Shayle - a question
Shaymevdik - shy / bashful
Shayn(e)(m) - pretty / lovely
Shaynkeit - beauty
(a) Shaynem Dank - thank you very much
Shaytl - wig
Sheekh - shoes
Shekoyekh - many thanks
Shemene/Shemevdik - shy
Shenk - saloon
Shep(en) (Nakhes) - take pride
Sheps - sheep
Sher - scissors
Sherer - barber
Shidekh - match / marriage / betrothal
Shif - ship
Shik(n) - send
Shik-yingel - messenger
Shiker - drunk(ard)
Shikerlid - drinking song
Shikseh - gentile (female)
Shiltn - to curse
Shisl - basin / bowl
Shiter - sparse / meager
Shiteryne - cook without a recipe
Shiveh - 7-day mourning period for death of a relative or close friend
Shkandl - scandal
Shkapeh - worthless item / hag
Shkots - berating term for mischievous boy
Shlaf/Shluf - to nap / sleep
Shlayf - temple (part of the head)
Shlekht - bad / awful / evil
Shlemiel/Shlimiel - unlucky/clumsy person; dolt
Shlemazl/Shlimazl - extremely unlucky person; failure
Shlep - drag/carry awkwardly (also, an unpleasant person)
Shlepn - to drag / carry
Shleper - freeloader / panhandler
Shlingen - to swallow
Shlisl - key
Shlof/Shloof - to nap / sleep
Shlofndik - tired
Shloftsimer - bedroom
Shlogn - to beat up
Shlok - inferior merchandise / miserable person / curse / apoplexy
*Shlong - penis / troublesome wife [vulgar; lit., snake]
Shlotlz - arrogance
Slooche - slut
Shlos - a lock
Shlosr - mechanic
Shlub - a jerk / inferior
Shlukh - slob
Shlump(er) - untidy dresser or someone with poor posture
Shlumperdik - messy / unkempt
Shmaltz - excessive sentimentality/flattery (lit., fat drippings)
Shmateh - rag
Shmaysn - to whip
Shmayser - wagon driver (lit,; whipper)
Shmeer - thick spread / bribe
Shmegege - untalented person / buffoon
Shmei - gossip excitedly
Shmei Drei - empty talk
Shme(i)k(h)l(n) - to swindle / butter up / to smile
Shmek(n) - to smell
Shmek tabik - nothing of value (lit., pinch of snuff)
Shmekeleh - petty jerk (lit., little stinker)
*Shmendrik - fool / inept person / small penis
Shmerz(en) - pain(s)
Shmid - smith / blacksmith
Shmirt - wipe
Shmitsik/Shmootsik - dirty / filthy
*Shmo - idiot / naive person [Americanism]
Shmoiger - stupid jerk
Shmontses - trifles / folly
Shmoots - dirt / grime
*Shmooz - socialize / chat
*Shmuck - penis; term of derision akin to `asshole' [vulgar] (lit., jewel/ornament)
Shmy - wander
Shnay - snow (noun)
Shnayder - tailor
Shnayele(kh) - snowflake
Shnayen - to snow
Shnayshtirm - snowstorm
Shneken - small fruit and nut rolls
Shnel - quick(ly)
Shnir/Shnur - daughter-in-law
Shnook - gullible person
Shnor(er) - beg(gar)
*Shnoz(l) - nose (slang)
Shnur - daughter-in-law
Shod/Shud - a pity; something that has gone to waste
Shokhet - one who slaughters animals according to ritual (kosher) law
Shoklen - to shake
Sholem - peace/greeting
Sholem Aleikhem - hello/goodbye (lit., peace unto you; standard response is Aleikhem Sholem)
Shoyb - window pane
Shoymer - guard / watchman
Shoyn Genug - enough already!
Shpatsir - a wander / stroll / hike
Shpet - late
*Shpiel - sales pitch / monologue / plau
Shpi(g)l - mirror
Shpil - play (for example, musical performance or speech)
Shpiln - to play
Shpilkes - nervous energy / 'butterflies in the stomach'/'pins & needles'
Shpinat - spinach
Shpits - end / heel of the bread
Shpits finger - fingertip
Shpitsfinger - toes
Shpitsik - witty
Shpogel nei - brand new
Shprayen - to drizzle
Shpreklekhe zakh - terrible thing
Shpringn - to jump
Shprits - spray / shower
Shpritsbod - shower
Shpritser - drink composed of wine and seltzer
Shrai - shriek / wail
Shrayb(n) - write
Shrayber - writer
Shraybtish - desk
Shrek - alarm / fear / terror
Shreklekh - terrifying / horrible
Shroyf - a screw
Shtarben - to die
Shtark(er) - strong/healthy/brave (person) / thug
Shtark gehert - foul-smelling food (lit., strongly heard)
Shtayger - example
Shter(i)n - star / forehead
Shtetl - village
Shtiebel - prayer room
Shtif-brider - step-brother
Shtif-foter - step-father
Shtif-miter - step-mother
Shtif-shvester - step-sister
*Shtik - characteristic attribute or talent; gimmick / piece / bit
Shtik Drek - hated person (lit., piece of feces)
Shtik Goy - irreligious Jew
Shtikl - small piece/morsel (typically food)
Shtiklekh - small pieces
Shtil(er) - quiet / soft
Shtilenkereyt - quietly
Shtim/shtum - quiet / silent
Shtink(er) - stink(er)
Shtitler - quiet
Shtof - cloth
Shtolts - pride / excessive pride
Shtook - trouble
Shtot - city
Shtotty - overly fancy or elegant
Shtoygn - to stand
Shtrafiren - to threaten
Shtrine - string
Shtub - house
Shtukh - put someone down
Shtul - chair
Shtum - silent [note: adopted into British English]
Shtunde - hour
Shtunk - bad odor or malodorous person
Shtunkener - mean or selfish person
Shtup(f) - push/shove/stuff [vulgar slang for copulate]
Shtus - commotion
Shu(en) - hour
Shud - see Shod
Shul - synagogue / school
Shushkeh - a whisper / aside
Shuster - cobbler / shoemaker
Shutfim - associates
Shvakh - weak / pale / insubstantial
Shvakhkeit - weakness
Shvantz - penis / idiot (lit., tail)
Shva(r)tz(e) - black/black person
Shvayg! - Hush!
Shvaygindik - silent
Shvegerin / Shvogerin - sister-in-law
Shvengern - pregnant
Shver - father-in-law / difficult
Shvester - sister
Shvesterkind - cousin
Shviger - mother-in-law
Shvindeldik - unsteady / dizzy
Shvindl - swindle
Shvitz - sweat / steam bath
Shvitz bod - sweat bath
Shvitzer - one who sweats profusely (also, braggart)
Shvoger - brother-in-law
Shvom(en) - mushroom
*Shyster - fraud (lit., shitter)
Skalp - scalp
Skeyne - old woman
Skeynim - old men
Sider(el) - prayer book
Silber/zilber - silver
Silberne khasene - 25th ('silver') wedding anniversary
Simantov - a good sign (frequently used together with Mazel Tov)
Simkheh - celebration / joy
Sitzfleish/Zitsfleish - extreme patience
Slivovitz - plum brandy
Smeteneh - cream / sour cream
Smontzess - gadget
Sof kol sof - finally
Sofeh - sofa
Soldat - soldier
Sonem - enemy
Sparzhe - asparagus
Stadje - a stage
Stelye - ceiling
S'tietsh! - huh?
Strashe - threaten / disturb
Sufit - ceiling
Ta'am - taste / flavor / good taste
Taera/Tayer/Tayre - dear / expensive (tayerinke = dearest/sweetheart)
Takeh - Really? / You don't say!
Takhlis - result (as a demand, "get to the point")
Talis - fringed prayer shawl
Talmud - complete collection of Jewish law
Talye - waist
Tamavateh/Tamavater - naive/simple-minded/feebleminded person
Tandetne - inferior
Tanteh - aunt
Tants/Tanz/Tents - (a) dance
Tantsen/Tentsen - to dance / dancing
Tantser/tentser - dancer
Tararam - commotion / big deal
Tashlik(h) - the 'Casting off of sins' ceremony performed at Rosh Hashana (new year)
Tate(h) - father
Tateleh/Tateniu - father dear (the latter is sometimes used to refer to God)
Tate-Mameh - parents
Tayg / tug - day
Tayglekh/Teglakh - small cakes made with/dipped in honey
Taylin - divide
Tefilin - phylacteries
Tekst - text or textbook
Teler - plate
Tepekh - carpet
Terkishe - Turkish
Tey-yerinke - sweetheart
Teyvl - devil
Temp - dolt
Temper kop - dullard
Tepekh - rug
Teyir - dear, expensive
Timan - mist
Timidik - noisy
Tinef - shoddy merchandise
Tink - plaster
Tir - door
Tirglekl - doorbell
Tish - table / communal meal
T'noim - engagement / engagement party
Togshul - day school
Tokhes/Tukhes - buttocks
Tokhes/Tukhes afen tish - "put up or shut up" (lit., buttocks on the table)
Tokhes/Tukhes in droisen - bare behind
Tokhes/Tukhes-lecker - brown-noser (lit., ass-licker)
Tokhter - daughter
Tovl - slate blackboard
Toy - dew
Toyb - deaf
Toyd af kapores - good for nothing / worthless
Toyt - dead
Toyra - Torah
Toyveh - favor
Traybn - to drive
Trayf - forbidden (non-kosher) food
Trayfener Bain - Jew who does not abide by Jewish law (derisive)
Trayfener Bicher/Bucher - forbidden literature
Trayfnyak - despicable person / one who eats non-kosher food
Trakht - womb
Trakhtn - to think
Trefn oyfn oyg - to make a guess
Treger - porter
Trenen - to tear / rip / to rape
Trep(el) - stair(s) / step
Trepsverter - the perfect retort one summons after mulling over an insult (lit., step words)
Trer(e)n - tears
Treter - rug
Trikn - dry
Triknkeit - drought
Trinkn - to drink
Tripper - gonorrhea
Trog - to wear (as in clothes)
Trog gezunterhayt - wear it in good health!
Trogedik - pregnant (lit., wearer)
Trogn - carry
Trombenik - bum / faker
Troymn - to dream
Tsadik - pious/righteous/wise person
Tsadrait - scattered
Tsalukhes - spite
Tsalukhesnik - spiteful person
Tsart - tender
Tsatske - see Tsotchke
Tsayln - to count
Tsayner - teeth
Tsebrukhen(er) - broken
Tsebrukhener Hartz - broken heart
Tsedakeh/Tsedokeh - charity / philanthropy
Tsedrayt - crazy
Tsedrayter kop - bungler
Tsedrumshke - flustered
Tsedudelt - crazy / scatterbrained / wacky
Tseeshvimen - blurred
Tsemishnikh - confusion
Tsemisht - confused / mixed-up
Tseridert - upset
Tseshmetter - smash to pieces
Tsetrogen - absentminded
Tseyn - teeth
Tshepen - to annoy / attack
Tshvok - a nail
Tsi Azoy - that's the way
Tsibeles - onions
Tsigane, Tsigaynor - Gypsy (Roma)
Tsigayn - to approach
Tsigebn - add
Tsigeloisen - compassionate
Tsiginer - goat
Tsiginer bobkes - valueless (also refers to black olives) (lit., goat droppings)
Tsigl - brick
Tsikhl - pillow case
Tsim gezunt - to your health (following a sneeze)
Tsimbl - cimbalom (hammered dulcimer)
Tsimer - a room
Tsimes - sweet fruit & vegetable stew / a fuss over nothing
Tsing(er) - tongue(s)
Tsits - to cluck one's tongue
Tsitsa makher / Tsitser - one who is perennially upset/disappointed (lit., one who clucks their tongue)
Tsitsis - fringes attached to a prayer shawl
Tsitska - breast / udder
Tsivildivit - wild / overwhelmed
Tsnueh - chaste
Tson - tooth
Tsondokter - dentist
*Tsotchke - knick-knack / ornament / doll / plaything / cute or overdressed woman
Tsores/Tsoris/Tsuris - trouble / misery
Tsu - to
Tsufil - too much / too expensive
Tsung - tongue
Tsvai/Tzvei - two
Tsviling - twin(s)
Tumel - noise / confusion / excitement
Tumeler / Tumler - noise-maker, agitator (also, host/entertainer at Catskill resort)
Tunkn - to dive / to dip / to dunk
Tush(ie) - buttocks (polite form of Tukhes)
Ugerke - cucumber
Umbaholfn - helpless
Umeglikh - impossible!
Umgeduldik - petulant
Umglik - misfortune / tragedy / unlucky person
Umgliklekher - unlucky person (lit., one who licks misfortune)
Umshteler - braggart
Umzist - for nothing
Und - and
Unge(r)shpart - stubborn
Universitet - university
Unkimen - arrive
Unter - under / between
Untershte sheere - bottom line
Untervelt mentsh - racketeer / gangster
Untn - below
Unzer/Undzer/Untzer - our
Uraynikl(ekh) - great-grandchild(ren)
Utz - to goad
Vaksn - to grow
Valger - wander
Valgeren zich - wandering aimlessly
Valgerer - homeless wanderer
Vals - waltz
Vander(in) - wander(ing)
Vaneh - bath / bathtub
Vant - wall
Vants - loser, nobody (lit., bedbug)
Varenikehs - stuffed, fried dumplings
Var(e)m - warm
Varf - vomit (lit., throw)
Varfen an oyg - to watch for (lit., throw an eye)
Varnishkes - buckwheat groat and noodle dish
Vart - wait!
Vash - wash
Vaser - water
Vasergerer - plumbling
Vash-tsimer - bathroom
Vashmashin - washing machine
Vay - woe / pain
Vay iz (tzu) mir! - woe is me!
Vayb - wife
Vaybernik - person who habitually indulges in debauchery
Vaybershe shtiklach - female tricks
Vayn/Vein - wine
Vaynen - to cry
Vays - white
Vays - to know
Vaytik(dik) - pain(ful)
Vek-zeger - alarm clock
Vekhter - watchman
Veksler - money-lender
Veln - to want
Velt - world
Velts Kurveh - indiscriminate prostitute
Vemen barestu? - who are you kidding? [vulgar; lit., who are you screwing?]
Vemen narstu? - who are you fooling?
Ver derharget/geharget - drop dead!
Ver dershtikt! - go choke yourself!
Ver farblonjet! - get lost!
Ver vayst - who knows?
Veren a tel - to be ruined
Veren farheret - to get married
Verk - work (non-physical labor)
Vert - word / worth
Verter bikh - dictionary (lit., word book)
Veter - weather
Veverke - squirrel
Vi - as
Vi a barg - large as a mountain
Vi a zoy? - How come?
Vi gaits? - How are things?
Vie - where
Vifil? - how much?
Vild(e)(r) - wild
Vilde(r) khaya - undisciplined child (lit., wild animal)
Vilde(r) mentsh - wild man
Vint - wind
Vinti - breeze
Vintik - windy
Vintshn - to wish
Vitz - joke / witticism
Vizenshaft - science
Vizoso - idiot / penis
Voglen - wander aimlessly
Volkn - cloud
Volkndik - cloudy
Vontses - mustache
Vortspiel - wordplay
Vos - what
Vos/Vus iz? - What's the matter?
Vos/Vus nokh? - What else? / What then?
Voynen - to reside
Voyntsimer - living room
Vredne - ugly
Vu - where
Vund - wound
Vunderlekh - wonderful
Vurs(h)t - sausage / bologna / salami
Yakhneh - uncouth woman
Yakhsen - distinguished/connected person
Yam - sea / ocean
Yameke/Yarmelke - skull cap
Yartseit/Yortseit - anniversary of the death of a loved one
Yasher/yashir ko'akh/koyekh - may your strength continue
Yashtsherke - lizard
Yatehbedam - someone who utters empty threats
Yefeifiye - beauty / beautiful woman
Yeneh velt - the world to come
Yenems - someone else's
Yenta - a gossip
Yentz - slap / cheat [also vulgar for copulate; equiv. to "screw"]
Yentzen/Yentzer - fornicate / fornicator/someone who takes advantage [vulgar]
Yerusholayim - Jerusalem
Yehiva - religious academy
Yeshiva bukher - student of religion
Yeshuvnik - farmer / rustic
Yikhes - ancestry / pedigree
Yid(den) - Jew(s)
Yiddishe - Jewish
Yiddishkeit - Jewish culture
Yiddishe Mama - stereotypical Jewish mother
Yiddishe(r) kop - intelligence (lit., Jewish head)
Yiddishe(r) mazel - bad luck (lit., Jewish luck)
Yiddishkeit - Jewishness
Ying - young
Yingatsh - clever boy / rascal
Yingl - boy
Yiskor - memorial service
Yohr/Yor - year(s)
Yold - fool / hick
Yontef/Yontif - holiday
Yontefdik - festive
Yor - year
Yorhindert - century
Yortseit - anniversary of the death of a loved one
Yosher - have compassion/sympathy
Yosles - gums
Yoysher - justice / integrity / fairness
Yukel - buffoon
Yung - young
Yungermantchik - newlywed / strapping young man
Yungotsh - rascal / street urchin
Yusoimeh - orphan
Yutz - incompetent person
Za'an - to be [see conjugation, below]
Zakh - item
Zaft - juice
Zaftig/Zaftik - voluptuous / appealing / plump / ripe (lit., juicy)
Zaftikeh moid - sexually attractive woman
Zager - connive
Zaier - very / well
Zaier gut - very good
Zal - hall / corridor
Zavere/Zovere/Zoyere - sour
Zaverikhe - snowstorm / blizzard
Zay - they
Zay(t) Gezunt - to your health
Zayde/Zeyde/Zeydn - grandfather
Zayl - pillar
Zayn - to see
Zeeskyte - term of endearment
Zei(t) (mir) gezunt - farewell
Zeit (mir) moykhel - excuse me
Zelig - blessed
Zeltenkeit - rarity
Zetz - a slap/punch/shove; also, vulgar slang for sex
Zeyf - soap
Zhaleven - to be miserly
Zhlob/zhlub - crude/unrefined person/slob
Zhulik - faker
Zi - she
Zidn - to boil
Zikh - don't
Zilber - silver
Zin - sun / sunshine
Zin/Zun - son
Zingen - to sing
Zinger - singer
Zise/Zisen/Ziser - dear / sweet
Ziskeit - sweetheart
Zits - sit
Zitsen - sitting
Zitsfleish - extreme patience
Zlidne - annoying
Zog - to say/tell
Zol - may / should
Zol Zein - that's all / so be it
Zol Zein Gezunt - you should be well
Zorg - worry
Zoyneh - prostitute
Zudik - buttocks
Zum - to
Zun - son
Zunik - sunny
1 - eyns
2 - tsvay
3 - dray
4- fiyer
5 - finf
6 - zeks
7 - zibn
8 - akht
9 - nayn
10 - tsen
11 - elef
12 - tsvelf
13 - draytsn
14 - fertsn
15 - fiftsn
16 - zekhtsn
17 - zibetsn
18 - akhtsn
19 - nayntsn
20 - tsvontsik
21 - ayn in tsvontsik
22 - tsvay in tsvontsik
30 - draysik
31 - ayns in draysik
40 - fertsik
50 - fiftik
60 - zakhtsik
70 - zibetsik
80 - akhtsik
90 - nayntsik
100 - hindert
200 - tsvay hindert
300 - dray hindert
400 - fir hindert
500 - finef hindert
1,000 - toyznt
10,000 - ten toyznt
Million - milyon
ar-: Like English suffix "-ward"
far-/fer-/var-/ver-: like English "en-" (as in engulfed, enraged)
onge-: over-
ge-: like English "be-" (as in bejeweled, bemused, befuddled, etc.)
-dik: characterized by (like English "-ish")
-el/ele(h): diminutive (usually indicates smallness or cuteness)
-enyu(h): renders word into term of endearment
-ish: converts verb to noun
-heit/keit: like English "-ness"
-ik: forms adjective into a noun
-lekh: having the form of; like English "-ly"
-los: like English "-less"
-nik: connotes devotion or commitment (origin of the English "peacenik" and "beatnik")
-niu: diminutive (usually indicates endearment)
-r: one who does something (same as use in English)
-s(c)haft: state/condition
-ung: like English "-ing"
Conjugation of Selected Verbs
In these examples (and the ones in the following Dialects section), vowels are pronounced as follows:
a = as in "father"
e = as in "bed"
i = as in "bid"
o = as in "pot"
u = as in "dude"
ai = as in "aisle"
ei = as in "eight"
oi = as in "point"
Za'an (to be):
- I am - ikh bin
- you are - di bist
- he/she/it is - er/zi/es iz
- we are - mir zenen
- you (pl) are - ir zayt
- they are - zay zenen
- I go - ikh gay
- you go - di gayst
- he/she/it goes - er/zi/es gayt
- we go - mir geyen
- you (pl) go - ir gayt
- they go - zay gayen
Dialect Notes
Pronounciation in Yiddish varies significantly depending on the dialect spoken. The two most frequently encountered dialects are Polish/Hungarian (aka "Mideastern"; "Galitzianer" or "Poylish" in Yiddish) and Lithuanian (aka "Northern"; "Litvish" in Yiddish). Some examples of vowel shifts are:
Sound Shift | Example Word | Poylish | Litvak |
A vs AI | worry | dage | daige |
tale | mase | maise | |
AI vs EI | soap | zaif | zeyf |
tale | mase | maise | |
EI vs. AI | silk | zeid | zaid |
EI vs. E | village | shteitl | shtetl |
I vs E | book | bikh | bukh |
casserole | kigel | kugel | |
I vs U | of | fin | fun |
wise | klig | klug | |
O vs. U | what | vos | vus |
OI vs EI | Torah | Toirah | Teirah |
already | shoin | shein | |
U vs O | that | dus | dos |
what | vus | vos |
In addition, some of the consonants also change. For example:
Sound Shift | Example Word | Poylish | Litvak |
SH vs. S | Sabbath | Shabes | Sabes (well, actually more in-between S & SH) |
V vs Y | build | boven | boyen |
sour | zover | zoyer |
There are also other variants; for example:
Example Word | Poylish | Litvak |
not | nish | nisht |
The following are a few useful links regarding this topic:
- Dialect map:
- Detailed discussion:
- Wikipedia article:
Additional Sources
- Comprehensive English-Yiddish Dictionary: (registration required)
- Everyday Yiddish-English-Yiddish Dictionary:
- Gantseh Megillah Yiddish Glossary:
- Verterbukh Yiddish Dictionary: (registration required)
- Yiddish Cultural Dictionary:
- Yiddish Dictionary Lookup:
- Yiddish Slang Dictionary:
- ("Yiddish proverbs, folk sayings, insults, curses, idioms, and other expressions"):