Bureau of Corporations, Elections & Commissions

Candidate Procedures, Forms & Reporting

November 5, 2024 - General Election

The list of candidates for the General Election is available on the Upcoming Elections Page.

Write-in Candidates

Declared Write-in Candidate Requirements
Additional Instructions for Candidates for President, Vice-President and Presidential Elector

Contact the Division of Elections for a Declaration of Write-in Candidacy. There is a different Declaration specific to each office – please specify what office you are running for.

The Secretary of State’s Division of Elections is located in the Burton M. Cross State Office Building (4th floor, 111 Sewall Street, Augusta, ME 04330) and is open Mondays through Fridays, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., state and federal holidays excepted, and is available by phone at 207-624-7736.

Directions and Map to the Division of Elections