The Eduard Bernstein Internet Archive
- ️Eduard Bernstein
“Their influence would be much greater than it is to-day if the social democracy could find the courage to emancipate itself from a phraseology which is actually outworn and if it would make up its mind to appear what it is in reality to-day: a democratic, socialistic party of reform.” – Evolutionary Socialism
Originally a collaborator of Engels, Eduard Bernstein became the foremost theoretician of revisionism, the theoretical expression of the growing reformism within German and international Social Democracy at the end of the 19th century. Initially his arguments were rebuffed at the 1903 Party Congress in Dresden but increasingly Bernstein’s conceptions became enshrined in the actual political practice of the party.
In another sphere Bernstein was also a political pioneeer, although this time in a more progressive sense. He was one of the first socialists to deal sympathetically with the issue of homosexuality.
The International Working Men’s Congress of 1889: A Reply to the Manifesto of the Social Democratic Federation, June 1st, 1889
Socialism in the German Reichstag and on the German Throne, March 1890
Ferdinand Lassalle as a Social Reformer, 1893
German Influence, September 1894
Cromwell and Communism, 1895
On the Occasion of a Sensational Trial, 1895
The Judgement of Abnormal Sexual Intercourse, 1895
William Morris: Impressions and Memories, November 1896
Amongst the Philistines: A Rejoinder to Belfort Bax, November 1896
Justice, Bax and Consistency, November 1896
What Marx Really Taught, February 1897
Marx and Social Reform, April 1897
What Drove Eleanor Marx to Suicide, July1898
Evolutionary Socialism, 1899
Patriotism, Militarism and Social-Democracy, July 1907
Revisionism and Nationalism, 1915
My Years in Exile, 1915/1922
Further reading:
Rosa Luxemburg, Reform or Revolution, 1900
Vladimir Lenin, What is to be done?, 1902