自動ブロック - MediaWiki

付随的な損害 (collateral damage) を生じる自動ブロックの例です。 これによると、管理者 Curps が他の複数の利用者 (匿名化されており6桁の番号で識別されます) をブロックしているようです。 正確には、Curps は1人の利用者をブロックしただけであり、他のブロックは、ブロックされた利用者と関連する IP アドレスを使用したため生じた自動ブロック機能による「付随的な損害」です。

自動ブロック (autoblock) は、MediaWiki ソフトウェアにより行われる IP アドレスに対する自動的なブロックです。 自動ブロックは、ブロックされた利用者が最近使用した IP アドレスからウィキを編集しようと試みた際に、その結果として実施されるため、同一の編集を匿名や別の利用者名で実行できない場合があります。

利用者がウィキを編集するたびに、サイトに接続する際に使用した IP アドレスが、そのウィキを支える MediaWiki ソフトウェアによって記録されます。 各利用者が使用した IP アドレスの記録は、非公開で保持されており、MediaWiki ソフトウェアでの利用者調査者(checkuser)のアクセス権を持つ利用者のみがアクセスできます。

The autoblock will duplicate most of the block settings, including if the block is sitewide or partial, but does not include the original duration, blocking email, and hardblock.


名前の付いたユーザーがブロックされていてもIPアドレスが自動ロックされているなど、ユーザーが自動ロックされている場合は、 管理者は次の方法で自動ロックを解除できます。

  • Special:BlockList の一覧の内容を検証し、当該利用者のアカウント名を検索します。 この検索では大文字/小文字が区別されます。
  • 関連付けられている #xxxxx の番号を特定します。 この番号で検索する場合は、「#」を含めるようにしてください。
  • ブロック解除」リンクをクリックすることで #xxxxx をブロック解除します




ブロックメッセージに「自動ブロック無効」と表示される場合があります。 その場合、特定の利用者が「利用者名」でブロックを受けたものの、同一のIPアドレスを使う他の利用者は自由に編集を続けることができる問いう意味です。

ブロックは既定では自動ブロックが有効 ですが、ブロックメッセージではそのことを特には表示していません。 特定のアカウントを自動ブロックから除外するには、管理者が手動で「このアカウントが最後に使用したIPアドレスと、ブロック後に編集を試みた際のIPアドレスを$1ブロック」ボックスのチェックを外す必要があります。


利用者名 Bad article creation bot として英語版ウィキペディアを荒らした直後の Gmaxwell
彼の荒らしが原因で、ウィキカンファレンス NYC 2009 の間ずっと harej が誤って自動ブロックされました。 それは認められないという表情で見守るウィキペディアの管理者Kirill Lokshin(画面奥)。

When an autoblock occurs, users may be autoblocked as the result of a block on another user, who was probably using the same ISP. So a different user may end up blocked, even though they have personally done nothing wrong. This is referred to as "collateral damage". 例:

  1. User:Susan, an administrator, blocks User:Bort for 24 hours.

Unknown to Susan, Bort uses AOL to edit the wiki, and an autoblock was enabled at the time of the block.

  1. User:Steven, who also uses AOL from home, and is currently assigned the IP address last used by Bort, signs on to the wiki.
  1. Steven receives a "You have been blocked" message when he clicks "Edit", doesn't understand what an autoblock is, and angrily demands to know why admin Susan has blocked him.
  1. Steven tries to edit from his work computer (which does not use AOL). He learns that autoblocks only propagate from usernames to IP addresses, and decides to resume normal editing there.

It is important for users to understand that administrators do not set autoblocks; once they have blocked a user with autoblocking enabled, autoblocks are set by the MediaWiki software. Autoblocks do not appear in administrators' block logs, and the administrators are not notified of them. This is a necessary consequence of keeping logged-in users' IP addresses private. So while the IP address responsible for each edit is recorded by the MediaWiki software, this cannot be accessed, even by administrators and even when the user is blocked.


If $wgCookieSetOnAutoblock is enabled a cookie ({$wgCookiePrefix}BlockID) will be set on an autoblocked user's browser. This means that the user will still be blocked even after logging out and moving to a new IP address.

When the cookie is set, and a user tries to edit a page, MediaWiki will load the original block specified in the cookie and prevent the user from making the edit. This does not, however, create a new autoblock for the new IP address. That only happens if the user logs into the original blocked account.

This form of tracking is dependent on the user's browser retaining the cookie, and so will not work for all blocked users in all situations. The feature is intended to provide a small extra level of protection against blocks being circumvented.


When a block is issued, autoblocking is usually turned on by default, except for common dynamic IP ranges, such as those used by AOL.

A list of such automatically exempt IP ranges can be set in MediaWiki:Block-autoblock-exemptionlist.

Lines starting with * indicate exempt addresses, with the text after being an IP range (leading and trailing whitespace is ignored). All other lines are ignored and may be used as comments. An example of such a page is Wikipedia's exemption list.

Administrators can disable autoblocking at the time of blocking a user, by unchecking the checkbox. Once an "enabled" block is placed, it can also be fixed by modifying the user's block, but this should not be done unless absolutely necessary.


There is an internal autoblock expiry time variable, $wgAutoblockExpiry, which is set to 24 hours, meaning that autoblocks only last for 24 hours. However, in the case of dynamic IP address pools (such as those used by AOL), this may affect hundreds of users before the block expires. So in the case of an indefinite block, autoblocks may continue to be set by the software, weeks or months after the initial block has been set. Older indefinite blocks, dating from before the autoblock exemption whitelist and the option to disable when blocking, may also trigger autoblocks.

Manually lifting the original account block automatically lifts every auto block that was created as a consequence of that block. (If the original block merely expires automatically, any dependent autoblocks are not immediately lifted.)


When IP addresses are autoblocked, they appear in Special:Ipblocklist (but not in the admin's block log) with a special mask that prevents the IP address from being seen. Instead, the block is identified by the block ID and is labeled "Autoblock #xxxxxx" in the BlockList. Autoblocks register on Special:Ipblocklist, Special:AutoblockList and in the banner available to the blocked user, with the name of the admin that set the original block. However, the admin is not notified that an autoblock has been placed. Diligent administrators who lift a block early may wish to check the blocklist in order to check for any autoblocks that need to be cleared.


  • It is helpful for all involved, especially AOL users, who are often chronically autoblocked by collateral damage, to remain patient and remember that it is the software that is responsible for the autoblock, not the administrator who is unfortunate enough to have their name appear on the block log.
  • Equally important is for admins to check Special:Ipblocklist and Special:AutoblockList regularly, and unblock all autoblocks from a particular user if more than two autoblocks are set in rapid succession.
  • If more than two IP addresses are autoblocked within seconds/minutes of each other, it is a good indication that it is a dynamic IP address pool and the blocks are collateral damage.