MediaWiki 1.27/wmf.11 - MediaWiki
The latest version (labeled "1.27.0-wmf.11") of MediaWiki, the software that powers Wikipedia and its sister sites, is being deployed to all Wikimedia sites in stages, starting on Tuesday, 19 January 2016 (see the roadmap).
- git #7027c3dd - Update VisualEditor for I83190da9
- git #c36bbe47 - [1.27.0-wmf.11] MF cache pollution debug log (T124356)
- git #54c796c6 - SessionManager: Don't save non-persisted sessions to backend storage (T125267)
- git #7a1438f1 - Log user-agents that are using HTTP when HTTPS is preferred (T105794)
- git #cd5b033a - Add ParserOutputStashForEdit hook for extension cache warming (T116557)
- git #13f61a48 - SessionManager: Save user name to metadata even if the user doesn't exist locally (T125133)
- git #3db690e9 - User: Fix loading of user_token
- git #e2ff6b91 - SessionManager: Don't generate user tokens when checking the tokens (T125114)
- git #9573dbb5 - RequestContext::exportSession() should only export persisted session IDs (T124971)
- git #0a58faff - SessionManager: Save 'persisted' flag in session metadata
- git #948bc821 - Avoid false "added in both Session and $_SESSION" when value is null (T124371)
- git #8bbc7106 - Log backtrace for "User::loadFromSession called before the end of Setup.php" (T124367)
- git #554971c2 - Use $wgSecureCookie to decide whether to actually mark secure cookies as 'secure' (T124252)
- git #3157a95d - Call session_cache_limiter() before starting a session (T124510)
- git #f874e99a - Fix typo in cookie key (T124641)
- git #bc02ceb4 - SessionManager: Abstract forceHTTPS cookie setting (T124421)
- git #5bfcdad9 - Move avoidance of setting deleted cookies into WebResponse (T124252)
- git #ecfb5c6d - Revert Temp log #1 and #2 for T124356
- git #eb9b5600 - Only delete cookies which are actually set (T124252)
- git #fce57f13 - Ignore auth cookies with value 'deleted' (T124252)
- git #ac4f4f2b - SessionManager: Kill getPersistedSessionId() (T124468)
- git #3aceb1e6 - User: Fix loading of user_touched (T124414)
- git #9f064497 - SessionManager: Add SessionBackend::setProviderMetadata() (T124409)
- git #94b0ac57 - Temp log #2 for T124356
- git #7ae8d4ae - Temp log for T124356
- git #ccf36059 - SessionManager: Notify AuthPlugin when auto-creating accounts (T74791)
- git #f7cf3b43 - Add checks of $wgEnableBotPasswords in more places (T124335)
- git #cd304dcd - Do not raise a PHP warning when session write fails (T124126)
- git #5961c319 - SessionManager: Change behavior of getSessionById() (T124126)
- git #b0c51e12 - Only check LoggedOut timestamp on the user loaded from session (T124143)
- git #939df90a - Fix some wikitech log noise
- git #85a436e0 - Update SRF for I4c28907d851
- git #8968866c - Update SemanticMediaWiki for Id90fc09a
- git #43228711 - Update Validator for I32b11c10
- git #6af13c44 - Make special extensions target correct branches
- git #eeac35e7 - Update README from upstream
- git #a91ec5ab - Revert API part of "Add page_props table access class"
- git #24db3940 - Fix access to invalid symbol in Special:Userrights
- git #db33cbdd - Add self to CREDITS.
- git #6479706b - Add Special:Randomrootpage (from RandomRootPage extension) (T109809)
- git #19399796 - Make the title required (T122414)
- git #44f16d2f - Remove Deprecated methods from ParserOutput.php
- git #a8ae2208 - HTMLForm: With nested FieldLayouts(!) don't provide an extra bottom margin
- git #86db8676 - SpecialListgrouprights: Escape namespace text
- git #606a21cb - Add links to toggle checkbox selections in Special:Log (T92230)
- git #7e398d8d - mediawiki.mixins: Correct browser support comments about Opera
- git #033e9a05 - mediawiki.mixins.rotation: Remove unnecessary @-o-keyframes
- git #bab8764c - Add more preOutputCommit() comments
- git #06ffae0f - SpecialAllMessages: Remove unsupported parameter
- git #d8eeb0c8 - Fix caption-side for tables inside figcaptions (T75435)
- git #367d7e68 - SpecialMergeHistory: HTML escape link text
- git #8612cd02 - SpecialVersion: Escape message 'version-ext-license'
- git #1b294bd3 - Make Special:Redirect page redirect to log events by ID (T71107)
- git #27769e3f - Remove ParserOutput::hasCustomDataUpdates()
- git #734aa608 - Fix typo SpecialVersion::getCreditsForExtension comments
- git #e8d94f43 - Set defaultValue property on tz box in Special:Preferences to fix change check (T122702)
- git #6f0caa48 - Title.php: Avoid wfGetLangObj for Language objects
- git #99c4684f - Add GENDER support to some MediaWiki core messages
- git #99d5da94 - Special:Import: Select first subproject if first project was empty
- git #280f0772 - Hooks: Added ImportLogInterwikiLink hook
- git #22bc8763 - Add some new rights to grants
- git #d22a1463 - Fix mistakes in JobQueue type documentations
- git #3155b25d - Remove IE8 support from mediawiki.inspect.js
- git #159dbdc0 - Remove IE8 support from mediawiki.js
- git #fa63a70a - build: Enable karma debug log and use progress reporter
- git #fca74827 - mw.Upload.BookletLayout: Avoid serializing DOM to HTML and parsing it right back
- git #b527783d - Log multi-DB write transactions (T122387)
- git #1e98af07 - Remove proxyunbannable from core (T75414)
- git #2b38e040 - Change $wgExtraGenderNamespaces to $namespaceGenderAliases (T106513)
- git #793dbbb8 - More complete, more straightforward JobQueueMemoryTest
- git #e48030a7 - Add page_props table access class (T115331)
- git #a97c97a2 - Also select rc_log_type if the patrolled flag is set in ApiQueryRecentChanges (T123542)
- git #543b0637 - Distinguish read vs write mode Action classes (T123589)
- git #7798b70e - Define which SpecialPage classes expect write vs read mode (T123591)
- git #8deb49f5 - 9 (bug 4595, T123663)
- git #023106dd - MarkpatrolledAction: Remove double space
- git #1910da18 - Do not return null reference in JobQueueMemory (T123539)
- git #bcb64293 - Fix protectionexpiry using the wrong page
- git #66e82e61 - Fix typo in [[MediaWiki:Botpasswords-editexisting/en]] (T123523)
- git #cdf10cac - Special:Block: Disallow to add an expiry time in the past (T123069)
- git #ec63f72c - Add AtomicSectionUpdate deferred update class (T122115)
- git #62b6d7cb - Chinese Conversion Table Update 2015-9
- git #fef85e5d - Add better error logging for DB getLag() calls (T32257)
- git #3592f8ce - Add simple JobQueueMemory class for testing
- git #aedbb34d - Fix undefined property notice in ChangesList (T123542)
- git #0acebab7 - Remove WikiPage::getRawText() (T122754)
- git #3931a564 - Remove User::generateToken() (T122754)
- git #0b3e2ff2 - Fix purge method used in purgePatrolFooterCache()
- git #729e9097 - Remove FileRepo::getRootUrl() (T122754)
- git #fe2a1b0d - Better guess for patrol action
- git #0599bd94 - Remove pointless rollback() warnings with "flush"
- git #f86bd0a7 - Remove pointless rollback() warnings with "flush"
- git #95ebc3d9 - Fix undeclared global $wgMainStash
- git #94a1a65e - HHVM 3.3.0 is oold (T123436)
- git #33347407 - Zend don't support less than PHP 5.5...
- git #04cf22ce - Update OOjs UI to v0.15.0
- git #f9fd9516 - Add "bot passwords" (T121113)
- git #ef5bd734 - Move grant and IP restriction logic from OAuth to core
- git #a73c5b73 - Add SessionManager (T111296)
- git #032bed0c - Make AjaxDispatcher commit transactions before responding
- git #0f9c0b28 - API to fetch data about stashed images (T85561)
- git #159e71f6 - Track memory RSS increases in JobRunner (T123284)
- git #df622c41 - Provide short URL to file description page in imageinfo API (T122439)
- git #b2da5cf4 - Update the WikiPage object with the new ID when undeleting
- git #273c54bf - Remove patrol config check in User::isAllowed()
- git #c843c33d - Validate that $wgVariantArticlePath is absolute, too (T48998)
- git #bb6f51f7 - Refactor JobRunner::run() by breaking it up a bit
- git #68cc9454 - ChangeTags: Teach updateTags() to derive log_id from rev_id (and the other way) (T122090)
- git #7c8edbec - Dependency inject TransactionProfiler into DatabaseBase
- git #5e0162f9 - Use dedicated cookie for skipping CDN cache after initiating DB changes (T121440)
- git #c7c65a04 - <?PHP -> <?php due to scap bug (T124170, T124171)
- git #a372e170 - Bundle pear/mail pear/mail_mime pear/mail_mime-decode (T97454)
- git #19baa3b6 - Compute last-recent-authors result during edit stashing (T116557)
- git #30092146 - Add license information to extension credits (T123943)
- git #6fd63dce - Add Japanese normalization pairs (T27619)
- git #f526ef10 - Take auto-creation into account (T125133)
- git #c99b785d - Preserve certain keys when updating central session (T124821)
- git #a120f1da - Avoid forceHTTPS cookie flapping if core and CA are setting the same cookie (T124421)
- git #828ebbbf - Ensure cookies get sent for Special:CentralAutoLogin/deleteCookies (T124620)
- git #8a7f88dc - Use $wgSecureCookie to decide whether to actually mark secure cookies as 'secure' (T124252)
- git #60642621 - SessionManager: Abstract forceHTTPS cookie setting (T124421)
- git #634a482e - Revert "Only delete cookies which are actually set"
- git #931c3151 - Only delete cookies which are actually set (T124252)
- git #22808105 - Ignore auth cookies with value 'deleted' (T124252)
- git #ec3ff4c7 - Check for non-null username before creating CentralAuthUser in hooks (T124406)
- git #b9d336ba - SessionManager: Track whether the session is supposed to be CA or Local (T124409)
- git #7dff33e9 - Don't try to call parent::provideSessionInfo from CentralAuthTokenSessionProvider
- git #9bcae45a - Remove extraneous "apihelp-main-param-centralauthtoken" from en.json (T124068)
- git #87115674 - Define doesWrites() for SpecialPage classes (T123589)
- git #07b5797b - Define doesWrites() for SpecialPage classes (T123589)
- git #c3b268c0 - Allow redirecting more like this to a different cluster (T124100)
- git #fe33be62 - Avro payload can only contain string values
- git #54f5b2e0 - Specify queryType for all queries that uses ElasticsearchIntermediary::start
- git #85a0fba9 - Minor fixes part 2
- git #2a22965d - Lots of minor fixes
- git #a5a506ea - Fix PHP7 compatibility (T122686)
- git #c895d0f3 - Break CirrusSearch request times by query type
- git #f403a8d4 - Add php code sniffer
- git #cbb910e3 - Define doesWrites() for SpecialPage classes (T123589)
- git #f54c37f9 - Wrap CallbackFilterIterator in a condition check (T124828)
- git #119af0e0 - Make the mention notification actually link to the right section (T123847)
- git #7e0a51b3 - build: Remove grunt-contrib-csslint
- git #5f16851f - build: Update grunt-contrib-jshint to 0.12.0
- git #9f7fba93 - Add progress markers to backfillUnreadWikis.php
- git #419eb4e2 - Tweak link-blue and revert icons (T121624)
- git #aa899d63 - Set text color on header directly, not on <a> (T123756)
- git #41398069 - Add @integration tag to browser tests (T109679)
- git #7b5cf41e - Adjust layout for new notification panel designs (T122646)
- git #3472070b - Organize items in bundles with CSS table layout (T121933, T123762)
- git #e02c06a4 - Don't blur talk icon echo notifications (T123656)
- git #d280df9a - Fix content text alignment in GroupItemWidget
- git #ba61177e - Follow-up 27092b7ae: add missing .prototype
- git #27092b7a - Hide 'mark as read' for foreign NotificationGroupItem bundles (T121930)
- git #76c550e0 - ActionMenuPopupWidget: Close correctly when button is clicked (T123754)
- git #b80af264 - Set opacity:0.8; on the buttons in the footer of the notification popup too (T119378)
- git #67d8394c - Deprecated use of 5th parameter in UserMailer::send (T123641)
- git #9e536c91 - Rephrase Echo 'edit-user-talk' notification (T123934)
- git #902aec4a - Mark bundles as read except when it is automatic (T121930)
- git #d7d70a06 - Display revert edit summary in revert notification body (T121808)
- git #e7e55d42 - EchoModelFormatter extends EchoEventFormatter
- git #607c8b76 - Crush all SVGs with svgo
- git #3c543215 - Use globe icon for cross-wiki bundle (T123757)
- git #45489172 - Update info and discussion links for beta feature
- git #e22ca687 - Actually respect notnoforn parameter
- git #c345bef5 - Add icon to "View changes" secondary links (T121736)
- git #e5575485 - Work around $wgConf's uselessness
- git #90c70554 - Use 'next' as the default icon for secondary actions (T121957)
- git #5205d1ab - Replace review icon (T121735)
- git #16297ea7 - Replace Talk icon with new chat icon (T121735)
- git #ddc3280c - Avoid pure black icons in Notification Panel (T119378)
- git #7d2a15d3 - Clarify some notification icons (T121735)
- git #63eef350 - Cross-wiki notifications integration (T121829)
- git #4cd9aca3 - Move Notifier.php to includes/
- git #386fb0e8 - Add cross-wiki as a beta feature (T114237)
- git #1b1fb5b9 - Follow-up 88d6f01c33: postpone greying out notification bodies for now
- git #72f68773 - Get link of LinkNormalizer
- git #2d72a0e7 - Be more clear about what data types we expect in links array
- git #6554462c - Add missing mw.Title depenency to ext.echo.ui
- git #4dc3c356 - Define doesWrites() for Action classes (T123589)
- git #869f3b76 - Use icon for "View changes" secondary link (T121736)
- git #5a5086e2 - Add license name to Special:Version
- git #4b3e679c - Don't accidentally parse topic title on log pages (T124608)
- git #c87f9e7e - Update Flow notification icons (T121735)
- git #1bd70630 - Clarify some notification icons (T121735)
- git #224fef9c - Fix PHP7 compatibility (T122686)
- git #80191348 - Don't try and run dumpBackup.php if not enabled on the wiki (T119511)
- git #6e476fad - Use Maintenance DB transaction methods
- git #e38e3a52 - Do not use addModuleStyles in ext.flow.mediawiki.ui.tooltips and ext.flow.mediawiki.ui.modal (T97467)
- git #bc3ef1ed - Complete move of grant logic from OAuth to core
- git #0a2d97ee - Don't hardcode English parentheses in one message (T115175)
- git #2f764d0b - Fix sizes of VE buttons in Flow (T121987)
- git #d60ad14f - Follow-up 8088e888: unbreak loading HTML into VE
- git #a7adb500 - Bring back edit-title to no-js mode
- git #16d4e6e7 - Various fixes to edit-title (T100851, T118427, T104252)
- git #9d83fe93 - i18n: Native digits on 'gadgetusage-intro'
- git #c54e3840 - Remove items from Gather collections (T122543)
- git #765d3852 - Fix new collection creation (T123395)
- git #19f7d3e6 - Use intermediary for searching (T124102)
- git #89ee3cf2 - Reword apihelp-query+geosearch-description
- git #dc4e9688 - Fix PHP7 compatibility (T122686)
- git #f705b987 - Fix reference to old hooks class in database updates
- git #8ed4bce1 - Use Maintenance DB transaction methods
- git #a2134f1c - Define doesWrites() for SpecialPage classes (T123589)
- git #19afd7cb - Bump minimum MW core requirement
- git #ea8e31e4 - Use CentralIdLookup instead of LoadGlobalUserPage hook
- git #a10e968c - Fixed wikiraw: title decoding
- git #b6c380f7 - Fixed graph reset on click (T123846)
- git #40a67c4a - Updated license-name and added COPYING file (T123943)
- git #220bc5f7 - Add / to alias in php file
- git #22f65705 - Revert "No alias file in extension"
- git #f9dcfcd8 - Add license information to extension credits (T123943)
- git #d2936208 - Add license-name to extension.json
- git #5563cda4 - Change TeX to LaTeX in all messages
- git #d292ac52 - Fix qqq descriptions for Wikibase messages
- git #2bc0cc0c - Add missing documentation
- git #f1ac24db - More human readable name for the Wikibase type "math"
- git #a3a76811 - Use more generic host and port for updating the math menu
- git #dba5188a - Roll out RESTBase usage to Android Beta app: 100% (T118965)
- git #b234ff98 - Fetch direction and language for mobile text editor from right place (T123766)
- git #ed855b95 - Use TitleSquidURLs hook to purge mobile URLs directly (T124165)
- git #2b151d63 - Set the wiki page on the derivative request (T123821)
- git #1ef67511 - Make sure Swipe is able to emit events (T123915)
- git #106467b7 - Replace deprecated 'llurl=true' with 'llprop=url' (T123631)
- git #7f98feca - Call UserMailer::send() correctly (T123979)
- git #5774d5db - Rename $wgNetworkPerformanceSamplingFactor
- git #916029e4 - Add missing / to alias file
- git #2a99ae2d - Set $wgMWOAuthSharedUserIDs before SessionManager runs (T124224)
- git #f06a2d67 - Fix undefined variable $dbr
- git #488f1ab7 - Add a note to Special:BotPasswords pointing to OAuth
- git #299a578e - QA: Target testwiki instead of test2wiki
- git #df34b174 - Add GENDER support for log and status messages.
- git #dc9446b8 - Remove loadedLibraries
- git #a6277885 - Set global sfgFormPrinter (T124149)
- git #af44af32 - Fix for 705c4dc - call RL::makeInlineScript() only for MW 1.25+
- git #a5996d28 - Removed use of $wgHtml5 - deprecated in MW 1.22
- git #65630f3a - Use mediaWiki instead of mw in SF_FormInput.php
- git #23ac3fc9 - Minor fixes for Special:CreateForm
- git #705c4dc1 - Replace usage of addScript with addModules
- git #b39a5e61 - Another SFFormPrinter refactor: moved a lot of code into SFTemplateInForm
- git #5c7cd909 - Add missing SF_VERSION define.
- git #1ce1fbb6 - Another small fix for SFFormField refactor
- git #e4b227fb - Follow-up to 3a3c676 - re-added MW < 1.21 support for getting raw text
- git #3a3c6765 - Replace usages of WikiPage::getRawText (T122754)
- git #4c322ff8 - Fix so that upload 'Source URL' field will not be disabled
- git #03bbdd8a - Use load_composer_autoloader
- git #ebbec6ad - Show message about related pages (e.g. /doc) as a warning, not an error (T103753)
- git #68423b1a - Make ext.templateDataGenerator.ui depend on ext.templateData (T119361)
- git #11f87497 - Update filename of specification in TemplateDataBlob::parse comment
- git #334b9661 - Avoid adding an extra blank line before <noinclude> (T86917)
- git #2512bac8 - Move TimedText NS id defines back into ParserAfterCache (T123695)
- git #8374c186 - mw.UploadWizardLicenseInput: Remove two misleading comments
- git #7ca81849 - Revert "Define required 'defaults' field in licensing config" (T123840)
- git #1b160d36 - Re-add null appendix tab messages to extension.json (T125249)
- git #aa08d343 - Single Edit Tab: simplify logic; make 'prefer-wt' just disabled
- git #9a06bac3 - Update VE core submodule to master (3a92f7e)
- git #68ea08cd - Drop support for adding prefix/appendix labels to edit tabs/links
- git #f6d5499d - Remove references to non-existent messages
- git #6cef53c2 - Update VE core submodule to master (c54e847)
- git #9ad92dcf - Remove deprecated API methods
- git #4753981b - Guard against $wgOut not existing (T125151)
- git #e1ffd18b - Add Cookie statement link to footer of all WMF wikis per legal (T124366)
- git #0f7f31f5 - Update grunt-jscs to 2.6.0