MediaWiki 1.27/wmf.5 - MediaWiki
The latest version (labeled "1.27.0-wmf.5") of MediaWiki, the software that powers Wikipedia and its sister sites, is being deployed to all Wikimedia sites in stages, starting on Tuesday, 3 November 2015 (see the roadmap).
- git #552df620 - Add QuickSurveys to 1.27.0-wmf.5
- git #6eabf53b - Update VisualEditor sub-module to 9a210764
- git #6a320688 - Updated mediawiki/core (T118194)
- git #f526c717 - Updated mediawiki/core (T118263)
- git #bc0033ac - Updated mediawiki/core (T118006)
- git #262b82cc - Bump VisualEditor sub-module to 94d03948
- git #14b18c2d - Updated mediawiki/core (T118052)
- git #496175a2 - Updated mediawiki/core (T115692)
- git #368b619e - Updated mediawiki/core (T115692)
- git #9391fad6 - Rework the Preferences to prevent FOUC (T115692)
- git #0750d499 - Update VisualEditor for If86701ed
- git #5407755f - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #c283a18e - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #9f55dd00 - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #d4cc642a - Title: Add warning if newFromText is given non-string/non-null value (T76305)
- git #51bbd676 - Updated mediawiki/core (T109676)
- git #714b48d9 - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #e319bcc0 - Add Timing interface
- git #74baf74b - mw.ForeignStructuredUpload: Prevent categories and descriptions from being duplicated (T116394)
- git #4b729a5b - mw.ForeignStructuredUpload: Link author's username to their user page (T117882)
- git #3e14d9d0 - mw.ForeignStructuredUpload: Add some headers to file description page (T117878)
- git #c1c8665a - Updated mediawiki/core (T117835)
- git #3d8b0b37 - Updated mediawiki/core
- git #f313377b - Updated mediawiki/core (T117698)
- git #f36d0daa - Update VisualEditor sub-module
- git #ced9a628 - A few more FindOrphanedFiles fixes for "!" files
- git #33d378be - Make FindOrphanedFiles handle files with ! properly
- git #fb43e958 - FindOrphanedFiles cleanups
- git #59eed425 - MonologSpi: add support for customizing Monolog\Logger instances (T116550)
- git #41fb0d71 - Update VisualEditor sub-module for switching fixes
- git #9d38d1af - Update VisualEditor sub-module to eb555534
- git #a454c8a4 - Update VisualEditor sub-module for wmf.5
- git #ac1325aa - Improve BacklinkCache field docs
- git #caa3e2ea - objectcache: Add a clear() method to HashBagOStuff
- git #4ec55081 - objectcache: Refresh key in HashBagOStuff::set() for maxKeys eviction
- git #03b281d5 - objectcache: Add TTL_INDEFINITE to IExpiringStore
- git #8b463047 - LinkCache: Remove deprecated getBadLinks and getGoodLinks methods
- git #c7fc7328 - objectcache: Move unit tests for HashBagOStuff to its own suite
- git #2e6587f7 - Avoid "headers already sent" error in jobs for UseDC cookie (T115413)
- git #cd09f0d0 - Make SqlBagOStuff respect WRITE_SYNC flag
- git #447f40d2 - Move brace matching rules to Preprocessor class
- git #c7894deb - TOC: Separate columns for tocnumber and toctext (T92481)
- git #6c02a2bb - gallery.js: Do not resize gallery caption (T91075)
- git #ca148480 - Let Import also read CDATA as content
- git #79e35033 - mw.widgets.TitleWidget: Correct documentation
- git #8a821011 - Remove getLocalServerInstance try/catch in UIDGenerator and DBLockManager
- git #b3acd4fb - User: Migrate from foreign cache to global cache for UserRightsProxy
- git #17c91ad6 - Replace newAccelerator() with getLocalServerInstance()
- git #8a0cd2b0 - Revert "Add MediaWiki-Timestamp header to ResourceLoader requests"
- git #d2d93548 - Make makeKeyInternal() limit more conservative
- git #de290cd0 - Improve MIME detection in FileBackend
- git #96473ea6 - phpcs: Fix some "Assignment expression not allowed"
- git #8ad6c52d - Convert JobQueueDB to using the WAN cache
- git #d51d228c - OutputPage: documentation for (semi-)deprecated methods (T89955)
- git #69d4d618 - mw.html: Document mw.html.elements optional parameters (T88962)
- git #4418fa3a - Improve error message from when vendor files don't exist
- git #00d33e2e - Enable WebP uploads by default (T27397)
- git #43faee99 - Remove search preferences from Special:Preferences JavaScript (T54817)
- git #6cc65335 - Convert SiteStatsUpdate to using getMainStashInstance()
- git #032914d6 - Fixed arguments syntax in hooks.txt
- git #0c3a9674 - Load '' also without javascript (T117328)
- git #7cddc22f - objectcache: Allow bounded HashBagOStuff sizes and limit it in WANObjectCache
- git #e970b79d - objectcache: Use singleton cache in newAccelerator() (T115729)
- git #b6f55292 - Disallow User::setPassword() on users not in database (T47716)
- git #eb8d6eb7 - Update description of LinkCache::forUpdate()
- git #f4801e7f - jobqueue: Pass count value delta instead of $type for the inserts_actual metric
- git #a2607aca - Log warnings on on preg_* failures in MagicWordArray::matchAndRemove() (T115514)
- git #525dd550 - .0.1 (bug 1)
- git #5669bf32 - Fix AbortLogin hook return value check (T117027)
- git #293d3236 - Get rid of the !importants in the Special:Search form styling
- git #1b39760a - Revert throwing exceptions on preg_* failures (T115514, T117066)
- git #d1cad79f - Free $textMatches results only when done using it
- git #63bf378f - Fix "Notice: Undefined property: Category::$mId" errors
- git #ef7760a5 - Include preg_last_error() in error message when preg_* fails (T115514, T117066)
- git #6f092317 - API: Be consistent in siteinfo showhooks output (T117022)
- git #9238a1b7 - TitleWidget: Sort results correctly (T117039)
- git #d9d22e8f - Remove ORM code from core (T114538)
- git #1bf0e351 - Parse huge XML metadata from DjVu images (T117013)
- git #da969633 - Installer: Validate password against sysop/bureaucrat policies (T115700)
- git #828b5989 - Add script to find orphaned LocalRepo files (T111838)
- git #9250e72a - [search] Fix method call on null value
- git #f739fca0 - Language: Remove logic for class file inclusion
- git #141197dd - Convert buildSidebar() to using getWithSetCallback()
- git #3b829b43 - resourceloader: Sanitize lang with isValidBuiltInCode(), not isValidCode()
- git #eb40eb0f - Client-side migration for empty li preservation (T49673)
- git #6d0108d5 - Fix slow callbacks in getWithSetCallback() using lockTSE (T91535)
- git #13a35dac - wikimedia/running-stat 1.0.0 → 1.1.0
- git #d2a3225f - mediawiki.Upload.BookletLayout: Allow for asynchronous initialization
- git #56a9ae8d - Fix diff/history links not showing up for ungrouped enhanced RC (T116899)
- git #46ab7a82 - HTMLRadioField: Use another variable for the radio value to avoid conflicts
- git #e6cf3aa0 - Add tests for MemcachedBagOStuff::validateKeyEncoding
- git #31b144a7 - Improve WAN cache delete() docs a bit
- git #75f42aa8 - Convert DjVU cache to WANObjectCache
- git #d101295a - Convert wfGenerateThumbnail() away from $wgMemc
- git #e8275758 - objectcache: Introduce IExpiringStore for convenient TTL constants
- git #afcfc329 - resourceloader: Consistently refer to the framework as ResourceLoader
- git #a0809dfa - resourceloader: Remove 'loaderScripts' option from FileModule (T65240)
- git #c52e5a21 - LinksUpdate: Keep track of the triggering User (T116485)
- git #1d41a1a7 - Bump development Monolog version (T116550)
- git #50109405 - Typo fix for maintenance/install.php.
- git #642ca386 - Normalize header case for FileBackend operations
- git #e9d64a69 - Replace local RunningStat with wikimedia/running-stat library
- git #05a3ee24 - Make WAN cache HOLDOFF_TTL smaller by combining db/snapshot lag
- git #8f15bc8e - Restore TitleMoveComplete by-reference flags to avoid errors
- git #5d9459c7 - Update OOjs UI to v0.13.0
- git #71443707 - set serialize_precision to 17, current PHP default (T116683)
- git #9ce5ca98 - Avoid "$text must be a string" in Linker::formatLinksInComment (T109977)
- git #f98db63f - updateSpecialPages: Get rid of dead SpecialPage::getFile() code
- git #fa727410 - Styling tweaks for inline interwiki search (T112349)
- git #55a9f774 - .0.1 (bug 1)
- git #5d63b42f - wikimedia/running-stat 1.0.0 → 1.1.0
- git #7d743fe0 - Monolog: Backport useMicrosecondTimestamps() (T116550)
- git #68eb3e29 - Bump Monolog to 1.17.2 (T116550)
- git #71fa0180 - Add wikimedia/running-stat v1.0.0
- git #f30c0de0 - Use new key for User cache in CentralAuthUser
- git #58059c44 - Extend output of runSearch.php (T116869)
- git #960c7963 - Fix unwritable cluster errors (T116576)
- git #07ce4ed9 - Re-apply "Remove ampersands from onTitleMoveComplete()"
- git #b0781ca3 - Revert "Remove ampersands from onTitleMoveComplete()" (T116970)
- git #c12ca466 - Add isset() check before accessing $this->mRefs[$group] (T117084)
- git #e5cdd4ee - Fix remaining uses of now-removed OOUI mixin aliases (T116982)
- git #c29b3dd3 - Fix two uses of now-removed OOUI mixin aliases
- git #47eb083a - Use SidebarBeforeOutput hook to avoid breaking the sidebar cache
- git #cc9f269b - Copy context request changes to wgRequest global (T118052)
- git #1d08dd07 - Add extension.json, empty PHP entry point (T88047)
- git #30490fba - Add php code sniffer
- git #6e73d387 - Recurse into the sub folders with grunt jshint
- git #0d2a6b7e - Add error message for edit captcha trigger
- git #1ad6d25e - Fixed a bug that prevented suggestions from showing (T118194)
- git #9ba1662a - Revert modules/dashboard/images/cx-circle.svg to working version
- git #15c861d3 - Optimize SVG files in modules/dashboard
- git #d54801ad - Add a link to the experimental recommend tool (T112720)
- git #c2341811 - Show a different message for adding a missing link from the page selector (T106440)
- git #0de27390 - In the page selector, focus on the target title if the source title is prefilled (T113332)
- git #1cd8d03c - Suggestions: Do not show the list heading for fallback suggestions ("Featured") (T115006, T116734)
- git #090c6806 - Suggestions: Show list headings as part of list (T115006)
- git #0cc684ae - Fix the behavior of be-tarask and nb in gray interlanguage links (T113945)
- git #9f08cbb5 - Suggestions: Public task lists based on category and their paging (T115008, T115006)
- git #f7b48b8e - Fix fatal due to undefined $db, broken since last refactoring
- git #dd1848e6 - Log reasons for redirects to fail/ty pages
- git #f9c969ac - refresh page on configurable token expiry
- git #59e1be5a - Migrate LocalCache from MapCacheLRU to HashBagOStuff
- git #b99048e9 - LocalCache: Fix bad type hint of getTargets()
- git #38e54e14 - Allow notifications to not have a primary link
- git #558cc64b - IDatabase::delete() does not take a fourth parameter
- git #74b50cad - Move some boilerplate code into EchoEventFormatter
- git #94004aed - Re-enable presentation model for mentions
- git #1e013280 - build: Enable phpcs rule 'MediaWiki.VariableAnalysis.UnusedGlobalVariables' and make pass
- git #98711081 - build: Enable phpcs rule 'MediaWiki.WhiteSpace.SpaceAfterControlStructure.Incorrect' and make pass
- git #a49e3a59 - build: Enable phpcs rule 'Squiz.Classes.ValidClassName.NotCamelCaps' and make pass
- git #429f0e47 - build: Enable phpcs rule 'MediaWiki.NamingConventions.PrefixedGlobalFunctions.wfPrefix' and make pass
- git #1b04af5a - build: Enable phpcs rule 'PSR2.Classes.PropertyDeclaration.VarUsed' and make pass
- git #eb4e17f1 - build: Enable phpcs rule 'PSR2.Classes.PropertyDeclaration.ScopeMissing' and make pass
- git #7f7e6b81 - build: Enable phpcs rule 'PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration.StaticBeforeVisibility' and make pass
- git #42e27644 - build: Enable phpcs rule 'PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration.AbstractAfterVisibility' and make pass
- git #cd8c77df - build: Enable phpcs rule 'MediaWiki.WhiteSpace.SpaceBeforeSingleLineComment' and make pass
- git #852ddaf9 - build: Enable phpcs rule 'MediaWiki.Usage.DirUsage.FunctionFound' and make pass
- git #1ee78723 - build: Enable phpcs rule 'Generic.PHP.ForbiddenFunctions.FoundWithAlternative' and make pass
- git #18969bf2 - build: Enable phpcs rule 'Generic.Functions.FunctionCallArgumentSpacing.SpaceBeforeComma' and make pass
- git #becbea09 - build: Enable phpcs rule 'Squiz.WhiteSpace.LanguageConstructSpacing.Incorrect' and make pass
- git #cb82edfe - Run phpcs through "composer test", disabling failing rules (T101074)
- git #39edc4ce - Document that text from getSecondaryLinks() isn't escaped
- git #1e5ab033 - Fix @return doc on EchoEventPresentationModel::getPrimaryLink()
- git #46d0e7d0 - API: Remove no-op wfProfile(In|Out) calls
- git #ba957d39 - Allow presentation models to indicate a notification can't be formatted (T116888)
- git #0feccf98 - Comment out presentation model for mentions since it fatals on deleted pages (T116888)
- git #20be6beb - Fix page-linked notifications (T116485)
- git #1b035bd2 - Add `getTiming` for compatibility with IContextSource
- git #66f0494e - Avoid calling User::setPassword() on users not in database
- git #62a4359c - build: Configure banana-checker and jsonlint
- git #7e74a9a7 - Follow-up 715e950bd33: also activate EditPostWidget in nojs form code path (T118006)
- git #53588d7f - Add artificial primary key to flow_wiki_ref and flow_ext_ref (T109676)
- git #de3cbd59 - Fix undo form for OO UI selection changes (T117835)
- git #b9fdf860 - Fix regression in edit post and edit topic summary due to OO UI changes (T117698)
- git #c550e233 - Simplify RevisionActionPermissions::isAllowedAny() a little
- git #8a088ab2 - Fix how events are handled to make them work on board re-sort. (T117238)
- git #d3c62243 - Organize flow-initialize and add an Initializer object
- git #fc9f9b8c - Revert "Clean up captcha form and remove <link> to stylesheet"
- git #4df82778 - Revert "Follow-up 65cc2f6c1d:"
- git #1e3b168b - Fix non-deterministic behavior in FeatureIndex (T117138)
- git #c31356d1 - Get captcha text in user language (T116910)
- git #95b69e19 - Follow-up 65cc2f6c1d:
- git #65cc2f6c - Clean up captcha form and remove <link> to stylesheet (T116910)
- git #988d242b - Pull out isModeratedChange to check if something is a moderation action
- git #78b3550d - Centralize tree cache keys creation in TreeCacheKey::build (T116582)
- git #bbc16e8d - Include namespace in exception message when Title can't be created
- git #6177078d - Update for breaking change for mixins in OOUI
- git #44fbc886 - Browser tests: Actions on suppressed topics not in board history anymore
- git #12d94165 - Do not attempt to fall back to PHP parser (T116699)
- git #8ce06110 - build: Configure banana-checker and jsonlint
- git #c23335fe - Remove default gadgets from Special:GadgetUsage
- git #d7b80372 - Fix TableWidget row delete button styles (T116854)
- git #e6950575 - Update for breaking change for mixins in OOUI
- git #80d2c2f5 - Upgrade MediaWiki-Codesniffer to 0.4.0
- git #328db0b3 - Fix the commons category feature (T115025)
- git #90757e65 - Minerva: Use addMeta and addLink instead of addHeadItem
- git #593fad7d - Fix changing the license message key via the "MobileLicenseLink" hook
- git #bfa74394 - Don't set target=mobile on blacklisted pages (T116934)
- git #3abc5fea - Update grunt-banana-checker to 0.4.0
- git #872b8a3a - Wikidata descriptions should only be displayed in beta (T116756)
- git #dc5b06fd - Hygiene: Remove SkinMinervaBeta functions (T116974)
- git #499b6d36 - Update grunt-jscs to 2.2.0
- git #7a303254 - Add grunt-jsonlint package
- git #a73e38f4 - Update for breaking change for mixins in OOUI
- git #e43aa8b3 - Introduce SchemaMobileWebSectionUsage (T114655)
- git #65540bea - Improve the spelling of multimediaviewer-errorreport-privacywarning
- git #1f1c72bb - Use mExtensionData instead of undeclared class property
- git #b140ca49 - Use startAtomic/endAtomic to avoid breaking transactions
- git #65d64d33 - Add type hint to getPageText()
- git #04301cc7 - Add type hint to getPageDimensions()
- Newly deployed extension
- git #816003cb - Tweak readMore.minerva to reflect upstream changes (T117467)
- git #e4685f02 - mw.config.get doesn't work that way. (T116758)
- git #f3558e48 - When logging perf stats, include wfWikiId() in metric key
- git #a5d97eaa - Make the percentile threshold for slow function stats configurable
- git #b5df651e - Scribunto_LuaSandboxEngine::getResourceUsage(): call load()
- git #7e63874c - Move getResourceUsage to Scribunto_LuaSandboxEngine
- git #605b5ed7 - Keep stats on slow function calls
- git #930421d2 - Add ScribuntoEngineBase::getResourceUsage()
- git #0f515c26 - Fix for generated templates when field is nonempty & has namespace
- git #f35b1f17 - Removed unnecessary inclusion of SF CSS in helper pages
- git #0006cff1 - Specify MediaWiki version requirement in extension.json
- git #190ace1e - Convert Echo notifications to the new system (T116847)
- git #bf69c3b5 - Convert ext.tmh.transcodetable to OOjs UI (T116867)
- git #3288a4c7 - Add status property to each message class in pagemode. (T106097)
- git #b3ee8c4f - Do not hide if the descendants of the trigger is clicked. (T116637)
- git #dc500825 - Avoid calling User::setPassword() on users not in database
- git #690acd4b - mw.FormDataTransport: Get progress notifications for the whole file (T89194)
- git #86fc5812 - Actually display a link to existing file with the same name
- git #6f6b9bca - Remove dead code dealing with 'unknown' language
- git #44809f99 - Remove unused config options
- git #696c8c5a - mw.UploadWizardDeed: Do not assume that deed is always set (T70082)
- git #20b4f432 - mw.UploadWizardDetails: We must call every valid() function
- git #1107ab81 - Get rid of pubsub once and for all (T51988)
- git #ec940db7 - Remove unused method mw.UploadWizardUploadInterface.prototype.setPreview
- git #ee527693 - build: Updating development dependencies
- git #cb6d3ff1 - Fix CodeSniffer 'MediaWiki.ControlStructures.IfElseStructure.SpaceBeforeElse' warnings
- git #9a210764 - Make switching to VE for new pages work (T118152)
- git #94d03948 - WikiEditor integration: Only add VE switch button if VE is available (T117968)
- git #cd2a6d90 - Unset 'action' query parameter from veEditUri, which should always point to VE (T117780)
- git #04e80c53 - Only load switching module (depending on OOUI etc.) on edit pages (T118088)
- git #1977c170 - Drop any beforeunload handlers when loading from existing wikitext (T117769)
- git #ec764bc8 - Don't allow keeping changes when switching from wikitext *section* editing (T117713)
- git #23a4f949 - Apply same hide/show logic to both education popup dots (T117627)
- git #a251f124 - Unbreak 404 handling code (T117697)
- git #76781e06 - Target init: Add edit mode switch icons to VE and WE toolbars (T49779)
- git #df1c9224 - Source icon: Use double brakcets (T111038)
- git #8d86f36a - Set wgAction when messing with the action URL parameter (T117596)
- git #eb555534 - Fix check for loading from modified action=edit (T117596)
- git #bd9b6181 - Use mw.loader.using instead of weird hacks to load OOjs UI on action=edit
- git #7aec94b2 - VESwitchConfirmDialog: Set pending on the correct button
- git #6a00f936 - VESwitchConfirmDialog: Use modes to hide 'keep' button
- git #41e4885d - Unbreak loading of VE in the read page
- git #17898270 - CommandHelpDialog: Move insertions into a separate group
- git #91152e2c - CommandHelpDialog: Use new method for getting access key prefix
- git #c714eb17 - Update VE core submodule to master (062cb26)
- git #f71a5a5b - Dialog for switching between wikitext and visual editing
- git #926d39d5 - MWSaveDialog: Fix styling of border radii
- git #5eaa211d - MWEducationPopupTool: Changes to the dot
- git #e582fae8 - [PULL THROUGH] Remove resize detection now that TextInputWidget implements it
- git #85b74566 - Allow switching from wikitext to VE (T49779)
- git #0971054f - [BrowserTest] Select English when LANGUAGE_SCREENSHOT_CODE environment variable is not set (T111525, T90577)
- git #8bda88f6 - Add mediawiki-specific sequences to the command help dialog (T116013)
- git #bd22be33 - AceEditorWidget: Preserve selection on setValue
- git #9f386472 - Register the preference to hide education popups (T117083)
- git #77315081 - Make new error element (T114754)
- git #21318c6d - AUTHORS: Update for October 2015
- git #338aaf40 - Make jsonlint ignore more node_modules
- git #2c2f8c8a - MediaSearch: Order search results correctly (T117036)
- git #39574d01 - Update VE core submodule to master (ec09198)
- git #0238c532 - ve.ui.MWMediaDialog: Wait for upload booklet to initialize when setting up
- git #def886b8 - AceEditorWidget: Make setters chainable and support invalid flag
- git #10a08d30 - Don't try to load WikidataQualityExternalValidation in CI. (T118263)
- git #59e8d9c5 - Update Wikibase: Fix #property parser function, client edit summaries
- git #eeac7f7f - Log backend response time on edit requests
- git #665d590d - Bump schema.Search version with null edit
- git #4fa3c946 - Further cleanup of
- git #c72baa51 - Update schema version number to bust varnish cache
- git #47eccace - Trim dblist entries
- git #b0995e64 - Improve LB handling
- git #6dfd511e - Add getPageCounts.php
- git #02829949 - Add "please-translate" message (T93782)
- git #d7b5f70f - Custom privacypage message for labs to point to correct policies (T77858)
- git #007e5989 - Rework Monobook style of Preferences to prevent FOUC (T115692)
- git #ae6a2cff - Rework Vector style of Preferences to prevent FOUC (T115692)
- git #35bfc07b - Viewport dependant sizing of the search field (T117316)