Burning vegetative matter on your property prior to obtaining a permit from the District is a violation of District Regulations and subject to penalties.
The application must be filled out completely with all statements answered.
All burning must comply with Federal, State, County, and local fire protection agency burn requirements.
Incomplete applications will delay the permit process. The District may request additional information.
You will receive a Burn Permit from the District following payment of a $19 fee.
Payment options include: Online by credit card or Mail in by check.
Required fields are marked with * .
Submit form by clicking on the button at the bottom of this form.
Enter email twice to confirm accuracy
If no Street Address, please provide the following information:
Smoke Management Plans are required in addition to a valid burn permit for burns meeting any of the following conditions:
Broadcast burns cumulatively exceeding ten (10) or more acres per year; OR
Burn piles cumulatively exceeding 50 tons of fuel per year;OR Less than ten (10) acres or fifty (50) tons of material, but the burning will occur in close proximity to sensitive receptors.