Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Reviews

  • ️@metacritic

But if you're looking for a game that's filled with breezy fun, excellent graphics, solid characters, and all the worlds of Disney in the palm of your hand with a lot of The Matrix thrown in for good measure, then Kingdom Hearts: ReCoded should absolutely be in your collection.

Re:Coded is an entertaining adventure for the Nintendo DS, which retains the best values from one of the most celebrated sagas of Square-Enix.

Musiche gameplay e trama fantastica !! Vari generi mischiati tra di **** idea geniale ...come sempre

While not as good as the recent Kingdom Hearts releases 358/2 Days and Birth by Sleep, I was more satisfied playing this game then I was when playing Chain of Memories back in 2005.

Over time, fans have slowly begun to run out of patience with Square-Enix and these series side-stories while they wait for a fully fledged sequel, and Re:coded does little to remedy that.

Kingdom Hearts: Re:Coded is one of the low points of the franchise's history. The game has some great ideas buried within, but the execution leaves much to be desired.

Outside the lacklustre story, I can't help but feel that some of its shortcomings are down to the ageing DS hardware that has never really excelled at producing fully functioning 3D environments.

Unsuccessful conversion of the mobile phone game suffers from the fact it is actually not focused to any specific group of gamers. The story is confusing and some gameplay elements are literally annoying. [Issue#201]

Whether you're a fan or not this is easily the weakest of the series, with an unwanted revisit of overfamilar locations and gameplay faults.

This game is amazing! There is a whole new story and everything else is the same. but since it is only for the Nintendo d.s there are some things that had to be changed for the gaming system. otherwise the whole new story, battles are tougher and the heartless and character's stayed the same. also the story does not need work.

Story okay, gameplay pretty fun, worth playing if you're a fan of kingdom hearts

Un buen action rpg. Divertido aunque tampoco pierdes mucho si no lo juegas.

[SPOILER ALERT: This review contains spoilers.]

When I saw this game in action I was not to happy because, guess what? You get to replay the same worlds you have been through twice! Hoo Ray! Said no one ever. As I popped this game into my 3ds I was skeptical but willing to give it a try at first I was pleased with what it started out as but the game just spiralled down in a death dive. There are four main things that annoy me. 1. They tried to take a combat system (deck commands) that was developed for superior hardware (the psp) and put it on the DS. This is only an issue because the DS can't do spectacular attacks like the psp can so you end up with very boring elemental based attacks and just clone attacks but with a different element attached to it so you don't feel the need to collect commands like you did in BBs. However there is one good thing about this system on the DS you get to see what command your going to make even if you do not have the recipe which is really good. 2. The gameplay. The gameplay in this just **** the battles are boring and most of the game is crappy mini games. Which means instead of fighting a boss in the regular kingdom hearts fashion you instead do it in a side scroller or something dumb like that. 3. The story. Yeah the reason this is a problem is because there is none! It does nothing to advance the plot so yeah... Look I can see the approach they were trying to take. With a tag line of "it's a playful world!" You know they are catering to a younger market and have in the process dumbed everything down so the younger people can understand it which is why there is no story because the series plot is convoluted and the gameplay is simplified so again the younger ones can play the game. This is obviously made for kids to attract new fans but as a series that has had a long time following I feel we needed something better (oh yeah if you want to get some one into Kingdom hearts don't buy them this just give them 1.5 or kh1 it's a better idea). By now your probably expecting a one or a two but honestly I had low expectations and don't care about this game. If you need to know the bare bones story of this game just watch the cut scenes on 2.5 or better yet read a 2 sentence plot explanation. If your a newcomer stay well away and play one of the better games. If your a fan approach with caution.

Summary Sora's journey in KINGDOM HEARTS II has drawn to a close, and now a new tale is set to begin.Jiminy Cricket is looking over the journal he used to document his first adventure with Sora when he discovers a mysterious message. He didn't write it - so how on earth did it get there? King Mickey is determined to find out, so he and his frien...

Rated E +10 for Everyone +10

Initial Release Date: Jan 11, 2011


  • Square Enix
  • h.a.n.d. Inc.

Publisher: Square Enix