Halo Infinite Reviews

  • ️@metacritic

In the end, it’s hard not to love Halo Infinite, which is easily the most complete game in a franchise that’s long set the bar for gaming. There’s just nothing like playing through an adventure as the Master Chief.

Like many, I’m sad that Halo Infinite doesn’t offer cooperative multiplayer at launch, if only because it’s been a bulwark of the series’ identity. It’s a disappointing omission, but I have to judge the game before me, not the features I wish might be there. And by that measure, Halo Infinite is a rousing success. Whether you want a big, mysterious sci-fi adventure or a chance to engage with some intense PvP, Halo Infinite nails the shots where it counts and heralds a new era for one of gaming’s most recognizable mainstays.

The campaign is easily one of the best singleplayer games I've ever played. 9,5/10

Less than 9, you're crazy.

Halo Infinite brings the series back to where it started twenty years ago. Back to the lone super soldier, a chatty AI companion and shootings that are bound to lead to a delicious chaos of colorful explosions and screaming aliens. Back to a surprisingly smooth-playing multiplayer, where thanks to the same chaos no two games are the same. Back to a game we want to keep playing indefinitely.

Taking both single and multiplayer as a whole, Halo Infinite marks a return to form for a franchise that is in desperate need of one. Its open-world may feel a tad formulaic, but it also houses plenty of emergent gameplay opportunities while continuing to offer huge set-pieces…Multiplayer battle pass progression aside, playing with friends in Halo Infinite feels closer to the glory days of Halo 3 than ever. If you'd been concerned based on prior showings, you can put those concerns to rest – Halo is back, and it might just be better than ever.

If the open-world concept had been better utilized and if the writers had added more interesting characters to the story, Infinite could have easily been one of the best Halo games ever. The shootouts are highly entertaining and the open world brings new tactical possibilities. The multiplayer is just as good, being slightly faster than before. [Issue#317]

With Halo Infinite, 343 Industries seems to want to break the cycle and start afresh. The irony is that it has done so by drawing closer to the past.

Master Chief has returned, but our adventures on Zeta Halo left us with mixed feelings. The gameplay is truly phenomenal and the grapple hook, in particular, steals the show. But the game is, after an extra year of development, still not finished. The single-player is not memorable, the surroundings are repetitive and the game is on a technical level very unpolished. While we have a tremendous amount of fun with the multiplayer, 343 Industries just doesn’t meet the mark with this Halo installment.

A Return to the Franchise’s Glory Days - Halo Infinite is a stunning revival of the franchise’s finest moments, capturing the essence of what made Halo legendary. It brings back the magic of classic combat, iconic visuals, and a narrative focus on Master Chief while introducing innovations that elevate the experience. Gameplay - The gameplay is masterfully crafted, offering the best of Halo’s signature sandbox combat. The addition of the grappling hook adds a dynamic element to exploration and battles, allowing players to approach challenges creatively. The balance between nostalgia and modern mechanics ensures both longtime fans and newcomers feel right at home. Graphics - Visually, Halo Infinite is a marvel. The world of Zeta Halo is beautifully detailed, with expansive environments, rich textures, and impressive lighting that evoke the grandeur of the franchise’s early days. It’s a visual love letter to the series' legacy while leveraging the power of modern hardware. Open World - The move to an open-world format is a bold and successful evolution. It recaptures the sense of wonder and freedom found in the original Halo while offering new opportunities for exploration, strategic planning, and discovery. From hidden collectibles to enemy bases, every corner of Zeta Halo feels alive and rewarding. Story and Ending - The story brings the spotlight back to Master Chief and introduces "The Weapon," a new AI companion, creating a dynamic relationship that drives the narrative. While the overall plot is engaging, the ending feels somewhat incomplete, leaving threads that could have been more conclusively tied up. However, it sets the stage for future installments. Conclusion - Halo Infinite is a brilliant return to form, combining the best elements of the franchise’s history with modern enhancements. It’s a celebration of what made Halo great, while paving the way for a bright future. Although the ending could be improved, the game stands as a must-play for fans and a shining example of how to honor a legacy. Score: 9.5/10

I think the game was released a bit earlier than it should have been. It needed more time, in my opinion. A missed opportunity.

The campaign was fun but the online was lacking. Having permanent political statements on the front page of the online didn't help. Take politics out and focus on the game.

Map répétitive vide de même que les mission dans lesquelles ils ont réutiliser absolument à chaque fois les mêmes couloirs, une campagne qui peut se finir en moins de 10h ce qui est un avantage vu la qualité du jeu. Les combats de boss consistent à répéter 4 fois la même chose pour ne plus qu il ait de bouclier. Beug d'image et je pourrai continuer pendant longtemps.... Seul le gameplay au grappin est intéressant mais on fini par le spam h24. Je ne sais pas comment c'est possible de voir autant d'avis positif sur ce halo, c' est vraiment choquant de voir qu'on puissent chier sur une licence historique et que tout le monde continue à dire que c'est un jeu réussi. Pas étonnant que la ps5 foudroit la xbox en terme de vente quand les exclu xbox ressemble à ça... Certains y trouveront leur compte bien sur, il reste jouable mais le résultat n est pas à la hauteur des attentes d'un triple A moderne. Il n'est que énième openworld qui reprends toutes les défauts du genre, voyage long avec des zones vide, ils ont donc ajouté des véhicules mais qui font que se retourner car il n y a pas vraiment de route . Par chance on peut avoir des véhicules volant qui se font abattre en 5 min si il y a par malheur un lance roquette au sol(il y en a toujours un). Et ne parlons pas du fait qu il y ait des écrans de chargement affiche en gros des qu on rentre dans un bâtiment ou encore que notre perso vole sur 3 km, qu il fasse des tours sur lui-même et qu'il tremble des que on meurt. Bref j ai pas été séduit par ce halo.

Как подобный высер реально вышел в 2021 году, мне крайне сложно понять. Абсолютно безликий и банальный арт дизайн, неинтересный и скучный сюжет, отвратительная, просто блять уебищная графика для игры 2021 года. И СУКА НЕВЫНОСИМЫЙ ОДНОТИПНЫЙ УЕБАНСКИЙ ТИР. Как блять можно играть в хуйню, где на тебя одного бегут десятки, я не преувеличиваю и не утрирую, десятки ебаных мобов, бегущихна тебя. Я очень надеюсь, что на Xbox эта хуета набрала 7.8 баллов из-за накрутки, но никак не потому что фанаты этого говна такие тупые. Ну либо из-за мультиплеера. Потому что когда до 3 часа игры добрались лишь только 20 процентов игроков, это говорит о том, что не только я в сюжет этой дресни недоиграл. Скинул этот кал на 5 часу

Summary When all hope is lost and humanity’s fate hangs in the balance, the Master Chief is ready to confront the most ruthless foe he’s ever faced. Begin anew and step inside the armor of humanity’s greatest hero to experience an epic adventure and finally explore the scale of the Halo ring itself.

Rated T for Teen


  • Xbox One
  • PC
  • Xbox Series X

Initial Release Date: Nov 15, 2021


  • 343 Industries

Publisher: Xbox Game Studios