Demon's Souls Reviews
- ️@metacritic
Released On: Nov 11, 2020
My Score
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This PlayStation 5 remake is a blessing for those of us who traveled through Boletaria 11 years ago.
Teensy quibbles aside, it’s difficult to imagine how this Demon’s Souls remake could be any better. It looks great, it sounds even better, and it’s extremely respectful of the PS3 original, which has aged surprisingly well after all these years. This is an exceptional remake, and it’s exactly what Demon’s Souls deserves.
Best Remake ever made. The only Remake I’ve ever seen that feels completely justified due to the original’s terrible performance issues. This Remake has the best graphics I’ve ever seen, and to this day it hasn’t been topped by any other game. Seeing this on your TV simply feels like a dream. Best level design in a Souls game too. The only other game better than this is Bloodborne, nothing else.
A great remake! The visuals are stunning and the atmosphere of the original game is perfectly recreated.
Although the gameplay of the original Demon's Souls isn't out of date in 2020, Bluepoint still did a perfect remake job. It's not only because the remake version looks like a next-gen blockbuster, but also because it plays more smoothly than before. If you love souls-like games, you really should buy PS5 as soon as possible to enjoy it.
Revisiting Demon’s Souls in this fancy new package was some of the most fun I’ve had all year. The return to Boletaria was a pleasant reminder of just how good the game is, and the influx of new players makes it the current definitive choice for someone looking to get into the series. There’s a certain boldness to releasing the game relatively functionally the same so that a whole new generation of people can experience just how weird it is. While the facelift can cause some dissonance, most will experience a beautiful action RPG with some of the most tightly-designed levels and a bevy of different ways to approach the game. It may not be a brand new game, but even all these years later there still isn’t anything else quite like it.
Demon's Souls is an amazing game to show off that the PS5 is a graphical powerhouse. The mechanics from the original are intact, just like the grim and mysterious atmosphere. This might be the best launch game on the PlayStation 5.
An unforgiving, unrelenting classic reborn for a new generation, Demon's Souls is no more accessible now than it was back in 2010 (though the frame rate is much better). If you've ever been the slightest bit curious about the Souls series then you can revisit ground zero in all its glory, making for one of the best PlayStation launch titles of all time.
While you’ll get a lot of enjoyment from your time with this title, FromSoftware has definitely refined and improved on the design and mechanics in the more recent released Souls games. Without a doubt Bluepoint Games has delivered a brilliant remaster of a niche game that not a lot of people had the chance to play originally. Demon’s Souls is worth checking out on the PS5. But if you’re looking to see what makes FromSoftware so amazing at what they do, you’re going to find a better overall experience in one of their newer titles like Dark Souls III, Bloodborne, or Sekrio: Shadows Die Twice.
Played original a lot. This game is not just as good as the old one, it is better. I just love it. Easy just like Elden Ring and Sekiro. There is nothing to add. If you like Souls games, this game is for you.
Demon's Souls always has been a great game and the remaster is astounding. The extra additions like fractured world are exceptional. My arguement with this remaster however is threefold; firstly Demon's Souls never needed to look this good - It looks amazing but that actually detracts from the feel of the game in certain environments. Secondly, the updated trophy list actually detracts from the gameplay - you no longer need to trawl through worlds searching for upgrade materials and can basically just stick to whatever weapon you like using best. Thirdly, considering this remaster was one of the first games to launch on ps5, the game has all the bells and whistles of a flagship next-gen work of art, but the problem with that arises with the fact that a lot of the features, for example splitting the audio between the TV and controller is simply unnecessary. As much As I love this game, I strongly feel that it could have been made to run just as well on current machines without being, basically, vacuously inflated with unnecessary additions in a "not because we need to but simply because we can" way, and that reflects more broadly on the actual state of the gaming industry as a whole right now.
So at first Demon's Souls Graphics are absolutely insane. This Game looks SO good you won't believe it. But it just suffers so much from being old asf, like the enemy placement is ridiculous even for a souls game, you WILL fall of the map, morality system **** and isn't explained. And this Game has the Swamp of Sorrows.
First time playing it felt like original demons souls, but with a fanmade mode for graphics. Design is off, although textures and shadows are good. Other than that it is the same like demons souls 2007 - worst game in the series. Would be 5 but minus 1 point for destroyed atmosphere with new horrible design
Boss wise it’s the easiest souls game to start with but the regular enemies are a lot more challenging then they should be and you will probably spend a lot more then the actual bosses
Summary From PlayStation Studios and Bluepoint Games comes a remake of the PlayStation classic, Demon’s Souls. Entirely rebuilt from the ground up and masterfully enhanced, this remake introduces the horrors of a fog-laden, dark fantasy land to a whole new generation of gamers. Those who’ve faced its trials and tribulations before, can once agai...
Rated M for Mature
Initial Release Date: Nov 11, 2020
- Bluepoint Games
- JapanStudio
Publisher: Sony Interactive Entertainment