Heavy Rain Reviews
- ️@metacritic
Released On: Feb 23, 2010
My Score
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Heavy Rain transcends the current definition of a video game and blazes a beautiful, artistic trail with a psychological thriller that features shades of Hitchcock.
Despite some rough edges, Heavy Rain is an unforgettable experience.
На мой взгляд эта игра являлась эталоном в жанре интерактивного кино! Как же пробирала до мурашек история о сыне и отце! Отличная смесь QTE, исследования локаций и принятия непростых решений!!!Управление местами доставляло неудобства, но это в любом случае 100 из 10.
MY GOD. This game is just beautiful, I've played it just recently without any spoilers. I highly reccomend it for every one
Heavy Rain isn’t just a game. It’s the next step in commitment, a wonderful experience for whoever is open to it. Some moves are a bit heavy and there are some technical errors, but the perfect marriage of story, gameplay, sound and a proper use of quick time events make this a unique, unforgettable adventure that will make lots of games pale in comparison, considering its involvement. Heavy Rain makes you choose between some heart-breaking options, but to the question "should I buy this game?" the answer is simple: Yes.
Sound is a mixed bag. The soundtrack is absolutely stunning. The tempo of the music picks up at just the right time and the score is so well constructed it feels like a blockbuster movie soundtrack. The voice work on the other hand suffers as much as it succeeds.
Heavy Rain is thoroughly unusual. Rarely before, a game has been as emotionally haunting as this one. Furthermore, the replay value is very high, because of the different endings.
Heavy Rain is a flawed gem. The glitches are disappointing – Quantic Dream certainly knows that. But what lies beneath is so exquisite that you should make up your own mind about it.
An interactive movie where the gameplay is as basic and two-dimensional as the story and acting.
Omg I love this game so much it’s so good I love it it’s peak gaming idk it’s just so good
Produkcja, która wywołała u mnie smutek i żal. Oczywiście pozytywnie postrzegam tę grę pod kątem historii oraz tego jak bardzo gracz jest w niej interaktywny. Polecam każdemu, kto lubi życiowe gry i jest empatyczną osobą.
great visual novel, although a certain thing in the story tasted bitter to me, it is very good that you can choose possibilities and have consequences
These types of story led game (or interactive movies) have become increasingly popular over the last few years and in games like The Walking Dead and Life is Strange we've seen some interesting, if slightly flawed titles. Following on from PlayStation 2 title 'Fahrenheit' David Cage and his team at Quantic Dream have released Heavy Rain, a title that is certainly bigger budget and more ambitious than other entries in the genre, but not one that even comes close to matching the best examples so far. The game undoubtedly looks good and the story, taking on different characters points of view during the hunt for a serial killer known as the "origami killer", shows plenty of promise. Unfortunately everything is let down by the mind-numbingly dull gameplay that largely involves pressing buttons on command to perform actions as prompted and competing QTE sections, a concept that should have been consigned to history long ago. You do occasionally get to make a few choices during dialogue scenes but, as with many other titles in the "interactive" movie genre, they have virtually no impact until the final scenes of the game. There is the potential to make a great interactive movie experience, but this isn't it.
Maybe in 2010 this b-grade potboiler was something for the medium to coo about but in 2018 it's flaws, and there are many, have become too apparent. From its ludicrous plot (filled with so much cringe-inducing ridiculousness that it makes the Saw franchise look like high art ), to its amateurish voice acting, to it's weak-as-piss character dialog, all ends up sinking Heavy Rain faster than a lead balloon in one of the killers rain water ditches in which he uses to drown his victims. I will admit to enjoying it when it first released (there was nothing truly like it) but we have moved along in leaps and bounds which has left Heavy Rain as a depressingly clunky curio that has not aged well at all and, honestly, best left in the past.
Summary How Far Will You Go To Save Someone You Love? Experience a gripping psychological thriller filled with innumerable twists and turns, where choices and actions can result in dramatic consequences. Spanning four days of mystery and suspense, the hunt is on for a murderer known only as the Origami Killer - named after his macabre calling ca...
Rated M for Mature
- PlayStation 3
- PlayStation 4
- PC
Initial Release Date: Feb 23, 2010